

消耗积分:0 | 格式:rar | 大小:0.55 MB | 2017-07-11



  嵌入式视觉是基于计算机视觉系统的进化和外推,它处理和解释静态图像和视频图像的意义,有望成为下一个重大的技术成功故事。例如,考虑现在在蜂窝电话、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和专用计算机显示器中常见的图像传感器和处理器。最初用于视频会议和摄影,他们现在被用于其他应用程序,如增强现实。[ 1 ]。

  同样,考虑新兴流行的消费监控系统,由摄像机和其子系统的持续改进的驱动,以及越来越人性化相关的监控软件和服务。[ 2 ],谁最近已经知道买汽车,图像传感器在车辆周围许多地方越来越发现,利用泊车辅助、后视安全,即将发生的碰撞预警,车道偏离警告等功能。[ 3 ]



  A gesture-based UI also dispenses with the environmental restrictions that often hamper a touch-based interface; water and other fluids, non-conductive gloves, dirt and germs, etc. However, a first-generation motion implementation such as that utilized by the Nintendo® Wii™ game console system has limitations of its own. An easy-to-lose, breakable, in-hand controller is required to implement the scheme. Additionally, the interface between the controller and the system, usually implemented via Bluetooth®, ZigBee® or some other RF wireless technology, is (like a touchscreen interface) vulnerable to functional degradation due to environmental EMI.

  Instead, consider an image sensor-inclusive design. Vision-based gesture interfaces use the human body as the controller versus a dedicated piece of extra hardware, interpreting hand, arm, and other body movements. They are comparatively EMI-immune; all that you need to ensure is sufficient operator-to-equipment distance along with adequate ambient lighting. In addition to gesture-based control, and as with the earlier mentioned computers and cell phones, you can use facial recognition technology to not only “unlock” the system in response to the presence of a valid operator‘s visage but also custom-configure the system on the fly for any particular operator, logging into a specific user account, for example.[4] They can also offer a more extensive suite of user control options than does a coarser-grained accelerometer- or gyroscope-based motion interface.

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