







Berger Lahr双极步进电机(已安装在机械臂上)

Arduino UNO


Cyber 310机械臂



PlayStation2 RC直升机的振动电机和转子

EasyDriver 4.4步进电机驱动器

5V AC/DC电源










#define step_pin 6 // Pin 6 connected to Steps pin on EasyDriver

#define dir_pin 7 // Pin 7 connected to Direction pin

//#define MS1 5 // Pin 5 connected to MS1 pin

//#define MS2 4 // Pin 4 connected to MS2 pin

#define SLEEP 10 // Pin 10 connected to SLEEP pin

#define X_pin A0 // Pin A0 connected to joystick x axis

int direction; // Variable to set Rotation (CW-CCW) of the motor

int steps = 1025; // Assumes the belt clip is in the Middle

void setup() {

// pinMode(MS1, OUTPUT);

// pinMode(MS2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(dir_pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(step_pin, OUTPUT);


digitalWrite(SLEEP, HIGH); // Wake up EasyDriver

delay(5); // Wait for EasyDriver wake up

/* Configure type of Steps on EasyDriver:

// MS1 MS2


// LOW LOW = Full Step //

// HIGH LOW = Half Step //

// LOW HIGH = A quarter of Step //

// HIGH HIGH = An eighth of Step //


// digitalWrite(MS1, LOW); // Configures to Full Steps

// digitalWrite(MS2, LOW); // Configures to Full Steps


void loop() {

while (analogRead(X_pin) 》= 0 && analogRead(X_pin) 《= 100) {

if (steps 》 0) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH); // (HIGH = anti-clockwise / LOW = clockwise)

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);





while (analogRead(X_pin) 》 100 && analogRead(X_pin) 《= 400) {

if (steps 《 512) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH); // (HIGH = anti-clockwise / LOW = clockwise)

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);




if (steps 》 512) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);





while (analogRead(X_pin) 》 401 && analogRead(X_pin) 《= 600) {

if (steps 《 1025) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH );


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);




if (steps 》 1025) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);





while (analogRead(X_pin) 》 601 && analogRead(X_pin) 《= 900) {

if (steps 《 1535) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);




if (steps 》 1535) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);





while (analogRead(X_pin) 》 900 && analogRead(X_pin) 《= 1024) {

if (steps 《 2050) {

digitalWrite(dir_pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);












HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor:

VCC to arduino 5v

GND to arduino GND

Echo to Arduino pin 8

Trig to Arduino pin 9


#define echoPin 11 // Echo Pin

#define trigPin 12 // Trigger Pin

#define LEDPin 8 // Onboard LED

int maximumRange = 20; // Maximum range needed

int minimumRange = 10; // Minimum range needed

long duration, distance; // Duration used to calculate distance

void setup() {

Serial.begin (9600);

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT); // Use LED indicator (if required)


void loop() {

/* The following trigPin/echoPin cycle is used to determine the

distance of the nearest object by bouncing soundwaves off of it. */

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

//Calculate the distance (in cm) based on the speed of sound.

distance = duration/58.2;

if (distance 》= maximumRange || distance 《= minimumRange){

/* Send a negative number to computer and Turn LED ON

to indicate “out of range” */


digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);


else {

/* Send the distance to the computer using Serial protocol, and

turn LED OFF to indicate successful reading. */


digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);


//Delay 50ms before next reading.

delay(50); }








#ifndef _stepLib_h_

#define _stepLib_h_

#include “Arduino.h”

// define our stepper class

class stepMotor {


stepMotor(byte stepPin, byte dirPin); // our stepper object with variables stepPin and dirPin

void step(unsigned int stepFreq); // our stepping function which takes as an input our stepping frequency


unsigned long _time; // current time

unsigned long _lastStepTime; // time at which we last stepped

unsigned long _stepPeriod; // time between a half period - this is the same as our delay(X) of part 1

byte _stepPin;

byte _dirPin;

boolean _stepCycle; // defines if we are on the HIGH or LOW side of our step cycle



#include “Arduino.h”

#include “stepLib.h”

// used for declaring our motor and initializing it

stepMotor::stepMotor(byte stepPin, byte dirPin) {

_stepPin = stepPin;

_dirPin = dirPin;

// define our digital pins as output

pinMode(_stepPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(_dirPin, OUTPUT);

// initialize our digital pins to LOW

digitalWrite(_stepPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(_dirPin, LOW);

_stepCycle = false; // this keeps track of which end of the step cycle we are on: high or low


// function responsible for driving our digital pins high/low at the proper frequency

// input is the stepping frequency

void stepMotor::step(unsigned int stepFreq) {

_time = micros(); // get the current time

_stepPeriod = 1000000 / stepFreq; // get our step period (in micro-seconds) from the user given step frequency; we lose a bit of accuracy here since we‘ve defined _stepPeriod as an unsigned long instead of a float, but that’s ok.。.

// if the proper amount of time has passed, let‘s go ahead and proceed to the next half of our step cycle

if (_time 》= _lastStepTime + _stepPeriod) {

digitalWrite(_stepPin, _stepCycle == true); // a compact way of writing either HIGH/LOW to our step pin based on where we are on our step cycle

_stepCycle = !_stepCycle; // this simply flips our Boolean

_lastStepTime = _time; // update the time we last stepped



#include “stepLib.h”

// define a constant value named stepPin and assign the value 8 to it - this value will not change during our code

// this assumes digital pin 8 of your Arduino is attached to the step input of your driver

#define stepPin 9

// define a constant value named dirPin and assign the value 8 to it - this value will not change during our code

// this assumes digital pin 9 of your Arduino is attached to the step input of your driver

#define dirPin 8

// instantiate a new object in our stepMotor library named slider

// we are essentially declaring that we want to add a stepper motor named slider that has our defined stepPin and dirPin

stepMotor slider(stepPin, dirPin);

// setup() loop, the Arduino only runs through this once

void setup() {


// loop() loop, the Arduino continuously cycles through this as fast as it can

void loop() {

slider.step(50); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)


#include “stepLib.h”

// define our step pins

# define sliderStep 9

# define panStep 11

# define tiltStep 7

// define our direction pins

# define sliderDir 8

# define panDir 10

# define tiltDir 6

// instantiate a new object in our stepMotor library named slider

// we are essentially declaring that we want to add a stepper motor named slider that has our defined stepPin and dirPin

stepMotor slider(sliderStep, sliderDir);

stepMotor pan(panStep, panDir);

stepMotor tilt(tiltStep, tiltDir);

// setup() loop, the Arduino only runs through this once

void setup() {


// loop() loop, the Arduino continuously cycles through this as fast as it can

void loop() {

slider.step(50); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)

pan.step(10); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)

tilt.step(100); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)


#ifndef _stepLib_h_

#define _stepLib_h_

#include “Arduino.h”

// define our stepper class

class stepMotor {


stepMotor(byte stepPin, byte dirPin); // our stepper object with variables stepPin and dirPin

void step(unsigned int stepFreq); // our stepping function which takes as an input our stepping frequency

void setDir(boolean dir); // function that allows us to set our direction of rotation


unsigned long _time; // current time

unsigned long _lastStepTime; // time at which we last stepped

unsigned long _stepPeriod; // time between a half period - this is the same as our delay(X) of part 1

byte _stepPin;

byte _dirPin;

boolean _stepCycle; // defines if we are on the HIGH or LOW side of our step cycle



#include “Arduino.h”

#include “stepLib.h”

// used for declaring our motor and initializing it

stepMotor::stepMotor(byte stepPin, byte dirPin) {

_stepPin = stepPin;

_dirPin = dirPin;

// define our digital pins as output

pinMode(_stepPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(_dirPin, OUTPUT);

// initialize our digital pins to LOW

digitalWrite(_stepPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(_dirPin, LOW);

_stepCycle = false; // this keeps track of which end of the step cycle we are on: high or low


// function responsible for driving our digital pins high/low at the proper frequency

// input is the stepping frequency

void stepMotor::step(unsigned int stepFreq) {

_time = micros(); // get the current time

_stepPeriod = 1000000 / stepFreq; // get our step period (in micro-seconds) from the user given step frequency; we lose a bit of accuracy here since we’ve defined _stepPeriod as an unsigned long instead of a float, but that‘s ok.。.

// if the proper amount of time has passed, let’s go ahead and proceed to the next half of our step cycle

if (_time 》= _lastStepTime + _stepPeriod) {

digitalWrite(_stepPin, _stepCycle == true); // a compact way of writing either HIGH/LOW to our step pin based on where we are on our step cycle

_stepCycle = !_stepCycle; // this simply flips our Boolean

_lastStepTime = _time; // update the time we last stepped



// given a boolean user input, set our direction of travel to that input

void stepMotor::setDir(boolean dir) {

digitalWrite(_dirPin, dir);


#include “stepLib.h”

// define our step pins

# define sliderStep 9

# define panStep 11

# define tiltStep 7

// define our direction pins

# define sliderDir 8

# define panDir 10

# define tiltDir 6

// define the pins on which we‘ve put our N.O. buttons

#define button1 2

#define button2 3

// our motor step frequencies

int sliderFreq = 300;

int panFreq = 10;

int tiltFreq = 100;

// instantiate a new object in our stepMotor library named slider

// we are essentially declaring that we want to add a stepper motor named slider that has our defined stepPin and dirPin

stepMotor slider(sliderStep, sliderDir);

stepMotor pan(panStep, panDir);

stepMotor tilt(tiltStep, tiltDir);

// setup() loop, the Arduino only runs through this once

void setup() {

// define our button pins as input pullup type - see http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPins#.Uyphr4WN7q4

pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);

pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);


// loop() loop, the Arduino continuously cycles through this as fast as it can

void loop() {

if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW && digitalRead(button2) == HIGH) { // if button1 is pressed and button2 is not pressed




} else if (digitalRead(button1) == HIGH && digitalRead(button2) == LOW) { // if btton1 is not pressed and button2 is pressed





if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW || digitalRead(button2) == LOW) { // if either button is pressed

slider.step(sliderFreq); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)

pan.step(panFreq); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)

tilt.step(tiltFreq); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)


if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW && digitalRead(button2) == LOW) { // if both buttons are pressed together

sliderFreq += 10;

panFreq += 10;

tiltFreq += 10;

delay(10); // delay just a short while otherwise the double button presses causes our frequency to increase too quickly (we need to allow for the user to release the buttons)



#include “stepLib.h”

// define our step pins

# define sliderStep 9

# define panStep 11

# define tiltStep 7

// define our direction pins

# define sliderDir 8

# define panDir 10

# define tiltDir 6

// define the pins on which we’ve put our N.O. buttons

#define button1 2

#define button2 3

// define our joystick pins; NOTE we are using analog pins, not digital

#define LRjoystickPin 27 // left-right joystick

#define UDjoystickPin 28 // up-down joystick

// our motor step frequencies

int sliderFreq = 50;

int panFreq = 300;

int tiltFreq = 100;

// other variables

byte deadband = 50; // size of deadband, from joystick neutral position, in which we assume we are reading 0

unsigned int LRjoyValue = 0;

unsigned int UDjoyValue = 0;

// instantiate a new object in our stepMotor library named slider

// we are essentially declaring that we want to add a stepper motor named slider that has our defined stepPin and dirPin

stepMotor slider(sliderStep, sliderDir);

stepMotor pan(panStep, panDir);

stepMotor tilt(tiltStep, tiltDir);

// setup() loop, the Arduino only runs through this once

void setup() {

// define our button pins as input pullup type - see http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPins#.Uyphr4WN7q4

pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);

pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);

pinMode(LRjoystickPin, INPUT);

pinMode(UDjoystickPin, INPUT);


// loop() loop, the Arduino continuously cycles through this as fast as it can

void loop() {

// read our joystick values and store them

LRjoyValue = analogRead(LRjoystickPin); // acts just like digitalRead, but for analog pins

UDjoyValue = analogRead(UDjoystickPin); // acts just like digitalRead, but for analog pins

// control our pan with the LR joystick

if (LRjoyValue 》 512+ deadband) { // joystick is outside of deadband, move right



} else if (LRjoyValue 《 512- deadband) { // joystick is outside of deadband, move left




// control our tilt with the UD joystick

if (UDjoyValue 》 512 + deadband) { // joystick is outside of deadband, move up



} else if (UDjoyValue 《 512 - deadband) { // joystick is outside of deadband, move down




// control our slider stepper with the two buttons, just like we did previously

if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW && digitalRead(button2) == HIGH) { // if button1 is pressed and button2 is not pressed


} else if (digitalRead(button1) == HIGH && digitalRead(button2) == LOW) { // if btton1 is not pressed and button2 is pressed



if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW || digitalRead(button2) == LOW) { // if either button is pressed

slider.step(sliderFreq); // step our motor at a given frequency (Hz)



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