催化剂被人们称作工业的味精,是化工反应中最重要的材料之一。催化剂通常涂抹在陶瓷载体的表面,我们一般采用这样的蜂窝状陶瓷作为载体。这样的蜂窝陶瓷,大量的运用在汽车尾气吸收,废弃排放吸收和化工反应当中。陶瓷采用蜂窝结构,是为了最大化比表面积,使得同样的空间里,尽量多的催化剂与废气进行反应,传统工艺加工这样的结构已经是极限了,事实上,这种结构仍有很大的改进空间,通过数字化设计,可以形成复杂的空间拓扑结构,梯度可控,孔隙率可控,比表面积更大,借助octavelight陶瓷3D打印技术,我们把想象变成了现实!在电脑上完成三维结构设计,导出STL为打印数据,采用常规陶瓷粉体,与光敏树脂混合形成悬浮液/膏体,体积比高达60%以上,倒入陶瓷浆料,选择打印数据,进行自动打印,打印完毕进行清洗,素胚状体进行脱脂和烧结,只要数天的时间,就可以完成产品的制作,给我们的实验效率带来了根本性的提高。现在拥有的材料分别有 氧化铝 氧化镐 氧化钛 氧化钇等多种成分的陶瓷材料!下沉式DLP给我们带来了意想不到的收获!
The catalyst , known as industrial monosodium glutamate ,is one of the most important materials in chemical reactions. The catalyst is usually applied on the surface of the ceramic carrier,which used as the support of honeycomb ceramics. Such honeycomb ceramics are widely used in automobile exhaust absorption, waste emission absorption and chemical reactions. The ceramic honeycomb structure is used to maximize the specific surface area, so that as much catalyst as possible reacts with the exhaust gas in the same space. The structure of traditional processing is already the limit. In fact, this structure is much room to be improved. The space, through digital design, can form a complex space topology, with controllable gradients, controllable porosity, and a larger specific surface area. With the use of octavelight ceramic 3D printing technology, we have turned imagination
into reality! Complete the three-dimensional structure design on the computer, export the STL as print data, use conventional ceramic powder, and mix with photosensitive resin to form a suspension / paste, with a volume ratio of more than 60%. Pour the ceramic slurry, select the print data, and perform automatic Printing, cleaning after printing, degreasing and sintering of the embryoid body, which just takes a few days to complete production of the product and has brought a fundamental improvement to our experimental efficiency.The materials we have now include alumina, pickaxe, titanium oxide, yttrium oxide, and other ingredients!What a great difference the sinking DLP makes !
高端大氣上檔次,時尚簡約國際範!OctaveLight R1,作爲全球**新型高質量DLP光固化3D列印設備,顏值與質量並重。從2015年我們公司成立,一路走來並不容易。我們雖然很苦,但我們不是江湖術士,更非PPT衆泰皮尺族,我們一步一個腳印,亦一點一滴匠心發展。傻傻的我們只會做高精度3D印表機,OctaveLight R1 ,精度高,列印速度快,表面光滑細膩,韌性好強度高,可以列印多種光敏樹脂材料(可鑄造料 陶瓷粉末樹脂料 透明材質的醫療認證材料),並且與市面上大部分的材料相容,增加了設備廣泛應用性。作爲一款旗艦機型,無論成型幅面還是列印速度以及精度上,都已經成爲了**的生產工具。採用專業級超高解析度的光學引擎,光照均勻度高,保證了成型面每個位置的穩定成型。採用高穩定性LED uv光源,壽命可達30000小時以上,從而保證列印
一. R1的構建尺寸爲204mm高×134.4mm寬×75.6mm長。配有解析度可達3um的高質量鐳射測量感測器,這種裝置不但讓該設備能夠實現**0.025mm的層厚(相當於A4紙的四分之一,足以媲美工業級SLA),而且消除了很多自上而下式同類設備Z軸不精確的問題,此外設備還能自動適應樹脂的表面層。 二。光源方面,R1採用的是強大的紫外線光LED,而非傳統的投影燈泡。所以與其他同類設備相比,壽命和能效都要更高!R系列設備,整體質量非常高,與其所採用的技術一樣,能達到**的國際標準。它擁有6061 T651鋁和不鏽鋼製造的底盤和機身。大型Nema步進電機,可靠性高,同時摩擦力低。
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