RSSO = 0 RSS1 = 0 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port T1 mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = 0 TSS1 = 0 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port T1 mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
T1/E1 = 0 | MSTRREG.1 | Select the T1 operating mode |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
IOCR1.1 IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC is an output RSYNC in an output |
IOCR2.6 IUOCR2.7 |
TCLK no inversion RCLK no inversion |
RB8ZS = 1 RFM = 1 |
T1RCR2.5 T1RCR2.6 |
Receive B8ZS enabled Receive ESF framing mode |
TB8ZS = 1 | T1TCR2.7 | Transmit B8ZS enabled |
TFM = 1 | T1CCR1.2 | Transmit ESF framing mode |
RESE = 0 | ESCR.0 | Receieve elastic store is bypassed |
TPD = 1 | LIC1.0 | Normal transmitter operation |
TUA = 1 ETS = 0 |
LIC2.4 LIC2.7 |
Transmit data normally T1 mode selected |
RSSO = 0 RSS1 = 1 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port E1 mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = 0 TSS1 = 1 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port E1 mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
T1/E1 = 1 | MSTRREG.1 | Select the E1 operating mode |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
IOCR1.1 IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC is an output RSYNC in an output |
IOCR2.6 IUOCR2.7 |
TCLK no inversion RCLK no inversion |
SYNCE = 0 RHDB3 = 1 RSIGM = 1 |
E1RCR1.1 E1RCR1.5 E1RCR1.6 |
Receive auto resync enabled Receive HDB3 enabled Receive CCS signaling mode |
RCRC4 = 1 | E1RCR1.3 | Receive CRC4 enabled |
TCRC4 = 1 THDB3 = 1 |
E1TCR1.0 E1TCR1.2 |
Transmit CRC4 enabled Transmit HDB3 enabled |
RESE = 0 | ESCR.0 | Receieve elastic store is bypassed |
TPD = 1 | LIC1.0 | Normal transmitter operation |
TUA = 1 ETS = 1 |
LIC2.4 LIC2.7 |
Transmit data normally E1 mode selected |
RSSO = 0 RSS1 = 0 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port T1 mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = 0 TSS1 = 0 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port T1 mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
T1/E1 = 0 | MSTRREG.1 | Select the T1 operating mode |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
IOCR1.1 IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC is an output RSYNC in an output |
IOCR2.6 IUOCR2.7 |
TCLK no inversion RCLK no inversion |
RB8ZS = 1 RFM = 1 |
T1RCR2.5 T1RCR2.6 |
Receive B8ZS enabled Receive ESF framing mode |
TB8ZS = 1 | T1TCR2.7 | Transmit B8ZS enabled |
TFM = 1 | T1CCR1.2 | Transmit ESF framing mode |
RESE = 0 | ESCR.0 | Receieve elastic store is bypassed |
TPD = 1 | LIC1.0 | Normal transmitter operation |
TUA = 1 ETS = 0 |
LIC2.4 LIC2.7 |
Transmit data normally T1 mode selected |
RSSO = 1 RSS1 = 1 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port 8.192MHz mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = 1 TSS1 = 1 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port 8.192MHz mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
T1/E1 = 1 | MSTRREG.1 | Select the E1 operating mode |
IOCR2.6 IUOCR2.7 |
TCLK no inversion RCLK no inversion |
SYNCE = 0 RHDB3 = 1 RSIGM = 1 |
E1RCR1.1 E1RCR1.5 E1RCR1.6 |
Receive auto resync enabled Receive HDB3 enabled Receive CCS signaling mode |
RCRC4 = 1 | E1RCR1.3 | Receive CRC4 enabled |
TCRC4 = 1 THDB3 = 1 |
E1TCR1.0 E1TCR1.2 |
Transmit CRC4 enabled Transmit HDB3 enabled |
RESE = 0 | ESCR.0 | Receieve elastic store is bypassed |
TPD = 1 | LIC1.0 | Normal transmitter operation |
TUA = 1 ETS = 1 |
LIC2.4 LIC2.7 |
Transmit data normally E1 mode selected |
IOCR2_S1.0 IOCR2_S1.1 |
IBO enabled IBO enabled |
BPEN = 1 BPCS0 = 1 BPCS1 = 0 |
TC#1, CCR2.0 TC#1, CCR2.1 TC#1, CCR2.2 |
Enable BPCLK1 pin Backplane clock select 8.192MHz |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
TC#1, IOCR1.1 TC#1, IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC is an input RSYNC is an output |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#2, IOCR1.1 TC#2, IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC2 is an input RSYNC2 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#3, IOCR1.1 TC#3, IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC3 is an input RSYNC3 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#4, IOCR1.1 TC#4, IOCR1.4 |
TSYNC4 is an input RSYNC4 is an input |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#1, IBOC.0 TC#1, IBOC.1 TC#1, IBOC.2 TC#1, IBOC.3 TC#1, IBOC.4 TC#1, IBOC.5 TC#1, IBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #1 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#1, IBOC.0 TC#1, IBOC.1 TC#1, IBOC.2 TC#1, IBOC.3 TC#1, IBOC.4 TC#1, IBOC.5 TC#1, IBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #2 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#1, IBOC.0 TC#1, IBOC.1 TC#1, IBOC.2 TC#1, IBOC.3 TC#1, IBOC.4 TC#1, IBOC.5 TC#1, IBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #3 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#1, IBOC.0 TC#1, IBOC.1 TC#1, IBOC.2 TC#1, IBOC.3 TC#1, IBOC.4 TC#1, IBOC.5 TC#1, IBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #4 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
RSSO = 0 RSS1 = 1 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port E1 mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = 0 TSS1 = 1 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port E1 mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
IBOEN = 0 | IBO.3 | Disable IBO operation |
RSIO = 0 | RCR.5 | RSYNC pin is an output |
RSM = 0 | RCR.6 | RSYNC is in frame mode |
TSIO = 0 | TCR.0 | TSYNC in an input |
TSM = 0 | TCR.1 | TSYNC is in frame mode |
RSSO = 1 RSS1 = 1 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port 8.192MHz mode; Set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSSO = ` TSS1 = 1 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port 8.192MHz mode; Set Tx port channelized mode enable |
IBOEN = 1 | IBO.2 | Enable IBO operation |
IBOTCS = 1 | IBO.6 | Transmit clock derived from SYSCLK |
SCS0 = 0 SCS1 = 1 |
IBO.4 IBO.5 |
8.192MHz operation (4 ports on the PCM bus) |
RESE = 1 | RCR.4 | Enable receive elastic store |
RSIO = 1 | RCR.5 | RSYNC pin is an input |
RSM = 0 | RCR.6 | RSYNC is in frame mode |
TSIO = 1 | TCR.0 | TSYNC in an output |
TSM = 0 | TCR.1 | TSYNC is in frame mode |
SCS0 = 1 SCS1 = 0 SCS2 = 0 |
TC#1, SCICR.0 TC#1, SCICR.1 TC#1, SCICR.2 |
Select the recovered clock from transceiver #1 as the source for the system clock synthesizer |
CSS0 = 0 CSS1 = 1 |
TC#1, SCICR.3 TC#1, SCICR.4 |
8.192MHz operation (4 ports on the PCM bus) |
SOE = 1 | TC#1, SCICR.5 | Enable synthesizer clock output |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 |
TC#1, IBO.0 TC#1, IBO.1 TC#1, IBO.2 |
Set transceiver #1 as the first device on the PCM bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 |
TC#2, IBO.0 TC#2, IBO.1 TC#2, IBO.2 |
Set transceiver #2 as the second device on the PCM bus |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 |
TC#3, IBO.0 TC#3, IBO.1 TC#3, IBO.2 |
Set transceiver #1 as the third device on the PCM bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 |
TC#4, IBO.0 TC#4, IBO.1 TC#4, IBO.2 |
Set transceiver #4 as the fourth device on the PCM bus |
TSM = 0 | TCR.1 | TSYNC is in frame mode |
RSS0 = 1 RSS1 = 1 RUEN = 0 |
RP[n]CR | Set Rx port 8.192MHz mode; set Rx port channelized mode enable |
TSS0 = 1 TSS1 = 1 TUEN = 0 |
TP[n]CR | Set Tx port 8.192MHz mode; set Tx port channelized mode enable |
T1/E1 = 1 | TMMR.0 & RMMR.0 | Select the E1 operating mode |
FRM_EN = 1 | TMMR.7 & RMMR.7 | Framer enabled |
TCLK no inversion RCLK no inversion |
SYNCE = 0 | RCR1.2 | Receive auto resync enabled |
RCRC4 = 1 | RCR1.3 | Receive CRC4 enabled |
RSIGM = 1 | RCR1.5 | Receive CCS signaling mode |
RHDB3 = 1 | RCR1.6 | Receive HDB3 enabled |
TCRC4 = 1 | TCR1.0 | Transmit CRC4 enabled |
THDB3 = 1 | TCR1.2 | Transmit HDB3 enabled |
RESE = 0 | RESCR.0 | Receive elastic store is bypassed |
T1J1E1S = 0 | LTRCR.1 | Configures the LIU for E1 operation |
TE = 1 | LMCR.0 | TTIP/TRING outputs enabled |
RSCLKM = 1 | RIOCR.4 | IBO enabled |
TSCLKM = 1 | TIOCR.4 | IBO enabled |
INIT_DONE = 1 | TMMR.6 & RMMR.6 | Set the INIT_DONE for each framer |
BPCLK0 = 0 BPCLK1 = 1 IBOMS0 = 0 IBOMS1 = 1 |
Enable BPCLK1 pin Backplane clock select 8.192MHz |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
TC#1, TIOCR.2 TC#1, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC1 is an input RSYNC1 is an output |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#2,TIOCR.2 TC#2, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC2 is an input RSYNC2 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#3,TIOCR.2 TC#3, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC3 is an input RSYNC3 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#4,TIOCR.2 TC#4, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC4 is an input RSYNC4 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 0 |
TC#5,TIOCR.2 TC#5, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC5 is an input RSYNC5 is an output |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#6,TIOCR.2 TC#6, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC6 is an input RSYNC6 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#7,TIOCR.2 TC#7, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC7 is an input RSYNC7 is an input |
TSIO = 0 RSIO = 1 |
TC#8, TIOCR.2 TC#8, RIOCR.2 |
TSYNC8 is an input RSYNC8 is an input |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#1, RIBOC.0 TC#1, RIBOC.1 TC#1, RIBOC.2 TC#1, RIBOC.3 TC#1, RIBOC.4 TC#1, RIBOC.5 TC#1, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #1 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#2, RIBOC.0 TC#2, RIBOC.1 TC#2, RIBOC.2 TC#2, RIBOC.3 TC#2, RIBOC.4 TC#2, RIBOC.5 TC#2, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #2 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#3, RIBOC.0 TC#3, RIBOC.1 TC#3, RIBOC.2 TC#3, RIBOC.3 TC#3, RIBOC.4 TC#3, RIBOC.5 TC#3, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #3 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#4, RIBOC.0 TC#4, RIBOC.1 TC#4, RIBOC.2 TC#4, RIBOC.3 TC#4, RIBOC.4 TC#4, RIBOC.5 TC#4, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #4 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#5, RIBOC.0 TC#5, RIBOC.1 TC#5, RIBOC.2 TC#5, RIBOC.3 TC#5, RIBOC.4 TC#5, RIBOC.5 TC#5, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #5 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 0 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#6, RIBOC.0 TC#6, RIBOC.1 TC#6, RIBOC.2 TC#6, RIBOC.3 TC#6, RIBOC.4 TC#6, RIBOC.5 TC#6, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #6 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 0 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#7, RIBOC.0 TC#7, RIBOC.1 TC#7, RIBOC.2 TC#7, RIBOC.3 TC#7, RIBOC.4 TC#7, RIBOC.5 TC#7, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #7 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
DA0 = 1 DA1 = 1 DA2 = 0 IBOEN = 1 IBOSEL = 1 IBS0 = 1 IBS1 = 0 |
TC#8, RIBOC.0 TC#8, RIBOC.1 TC#8, RIBOC.2 TC#8, RIBOC.3 TC#8, RIBOC.4 TC#8, RIBOC.5 TC#8, RIBOC.6 |
This is Transceiver #8 on the bus. Interleave Bus Operation enabled Frame Interleave Operation Four transceivers on the bus |
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