A Collection of Extended Math




Abstract: This article gives assembly code examples for reserving internal memory, simple ASCII conversion, 32-bit subtraction, 16x16 multiple and 32-bit divide using 8051-compatible microcontrollers such as the MAX7651 and MAX7652.

The MAX7651 flash-programmable 12-bit integrated data acquisition system uses an 8-bit CPU core for all operations. There are cases where 8-bits are not sufficient resolution for data manipulation. An obvious example is when using the internal ADC, which has 12-bit resolution. Collecting several readings and then finding the maximum value requires math subroutines beyond the 8-bits in the CPU registers.

The solution is to use internal RAM registers in a group, and use the MAX7651's CPU to perform the math in 8-bit 'chunks'. Successive operations are performed until the desired result is obtained.

This application note presents several commonly used math subroutines that operate on data larger than 8-bits and is divided into four sections:

  • A subroutine for reserving internal RAM to hold variables
  • A simple 8-bit ASCII character conversion subroutine which includes leading zero blanking
  • Extended ASCII character conversion, which includes subroutines for 32-bit subtraction, 16x16 bit multiplication and 32-bit division
  • An example illustrating use of the aforementioned subroutines

    Reserving Internal Memory

    The following code tells the assembler to reserve internal memory to hold the variables used by the math subroutines. These memory locations can be anywhere in the memory map.

    ; Reserve internal RAM for use with the math subroutines
    ; A good starting memory location is at 30H, but the starting location
    ; can be anywhere in the memory map.

    DIGIT2: DS 1 ; 100's digit for ASCII routines
    DIGIT1: DS 1 ; 10's digit
    DIGIT0: DS 1 ; 1's digit
    DATAHI: DS 1 ; Upper byte of 16-bit register
    DATAL DS 1 ; Lower byte of 16-bit register
    REMAIN: DS 1 ; Remainder
    OP3: DS 1 ; OP3-OP0 are 4 8-bit registers. For 32-bit math
    OP2: DS 1  
    OP1: DS 1  
    OP0: DS 1 ; Least-significant byte of 32-bit 'operator'
    TEMP3: DS 1 ; TEMP3-TEMP0 comprise the 32-bit temp register
    TEMP2: DS 1  
    TEMP1: DS 1  
    TEMP0: DS 1 ; Least-significant byte of temp register

    Simple ASCII Conversion

    In many MAX7651 applications, there is a requirement to use ASCII data for display purposes. The display type may be a LCD, LED, vacuum fluorescent displays or other technology. The most commonly used displays are one or two-line LCD modules. These accept ASCII characters, so the software program must convert binary data into separate ASCII digits. ASCII (an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a seven digit binary code used to represent letters, numbers and symbols.

    For example, let's assume you have data in a register that is a positive, 8-bit value from 00H to 0FFH. This corresponds to the binary numerical values 0 to 255. If you want to have the LCD show '127' on the screen, you need to send it three ASCII characters; one for each digit: the '100's digit[1], the '10's digit [2] and the '1's digit [7].

    Fortunately, the binary to ASCII conversion is straightforward. An ASCII numerical digit is simply the binary number added to 30H. To generate the three digits, the following subroutine successively divides the original binary data by 100, then subtracts this number from the original number (127/100 = 1 with a remainder of 27). It then takes the remainder and divides by 10 and retains the remainder (27/10 = 2 with a remainder of 7). Each value is then added to 30H to obtain the ASCII values, which are then stored.

    In this subroutine, the 8-bit binary number to be converted is passed in the accumulator (register A). Since the MAX7651 uses the accumulator for all of its math functions, the internal register R0 is used to hold intermediate results. If your application needs to retain the value in R0, you simply use another register.

    The subroutine uses the MAX7651's multiply instruction (MUL AB) to generate the '100's and '10's digits to be subtracted out, and the ADD instruction to form the final ASCII values. The subroutine also performs 'leading zero blanking', so that if the number is 99 or less, the software will suppress any leading zeros and replace them with a blank space.

    ; Subroutine 2_ASCII
    ; Converts the 8-bit ACC into an ASCII digit
    ; ACC and RO are destroyed, previous value in DIGIT2-0 overwritten

    2ASCII: MOV RO,A  
      MOV B,#100 ; Get 100's digit
      MOV A,R0  
      DIV AB ; A has quotient, B has remainder
      MOV DIGIT2,A ; Save 100's digit
      MOV B,#100  
      MUL AB ; Need to subtract out 100's digit
      XCH A,R0  
      CLR C  
      SUBB A,RO  
      MOV R0,A  
      MOV B,#10 ; Get 10's digit
      DIV AB  
      MOV DIGIT1,A  
      MOV DIGIT0,B ; Remainder is the 1's digit
    ; Now convert to ASCII
      MOV A,DIGIT0 ; 1's digit
      ADD A,#'0' ; Offset from 30H
      MOV DIGIT0,A ; Write it back to memory
      MOV A,DIGIT1 ; 10's digit
      ADD A,#'0' ; Offset from 30H
      MOV DIGIT1,A ; Write it back
      MOV A,DIGIT2 ; 100's digit
      CJNE A,#0,NOTZ ; A non-zero value
      MOV DIGIT2,#' ' ; Blank it
    ; Blank again?
      MOV A,DIGIT1  
      CJNE A,#'0',SKIPBL ; Non-zero abort
      MOV DIGIT1,#' '  
    SKIPBL: RET    
    NOTZ: ADD A,#'0' ; Offset from 30H
      MOV DIGIT2,A ; Write it back

    Extended ASCII Conversion

    32-Bit Subtraction

    The previous subroutine is only useful if the number to be converted is 255 or less. What if the application is measuring temperature in a chemical process, and we want to display temperatures up to 999 degrees? This requires the use of a set of extended math subroutines that divide the data into multiple 8-bit registers.

    From the above example, the algorithm is to multiply by the 'digit place' (i.e., 100's, 10's), then subtract out that digit from the original number. Therefore, we need to write an extended subtraction subroutine and an extended multiply subroutine.

    The subtraction subroutine is easy to do with the instruction SUBB, which automatically uses the borrow flag. It may seem strange at first glance, because the subroutine does not subtract in 'digits' as we are taught, but in blocks of 255 at a time (the full range of the accumulator). However, it does provide the correct answer.

    The subroutine as written subtracts a 32-bit number (TEMP3:TEMP2:TEMP1:TEMP0) from another 32-bit number (OP3:OP2:OP1:OP0) and places the result back into OP. The accumulator is used to successively subtract the 8-bit 'chunks' from the original number.

    ; Subroutine SUB_32
    ; OP < OP - TEMP
    ; This routine overwrites the ACC and the carry flag (here used as a borrow flag)
    ; Note that the 2 numbers DO NOT have to be 32-bits

    SUB_32: CLR C  
      MOV A,OP0  
      SUBB A,TEMP0  
      MOV OP0,A  
      MOV A,OP1  
      SUBB A,TEMP1  
      MOV OP1,A  
      MOV A,OP2  
      SUBB A,TEMP2  
      MOV OP2,A  
      MOV A,OP3  
      SUBB A,TEMP3  
      MOV OP3,A  

    16x16 Multiply

    The next two subroutines are much more complicated. The first routine is a 16x16 multiply, with a 32-bit result. The routine assumes both numbers are positive (0000H to 0FFFFH). The result is placed into OP3:0.

    The subroutine first generates the first 8-bit "digit" using the internal MUL AB instruction. But after that, the routine must perform four separate operations for each "digit": two sets of a multiply/add instruction. This is because we are using binary arithmetic, not decimal arithmetic.

    ; Subroutine MUL_16
    ; Multiplies 16-bit number DATAHI:DATALO by 16-bit number OP3:0 and places the result back into OP3:0
    ; Uses the 32-bit TEMP3:0 registers as well

    MUL_16: MOV TEMP3,#0  
      MOV TEMP2,#0 ; Clear upper 16-bits
    ; Generate lower byte of result
      MOV B,OP0  
      MOV A,DATALO  
      MUL AB  
      MOV TEMP0,A  
      MOV TEMP1,B ; 1st result
    ; Byte 2 of result
      MOV B,OP1  
      MOV A,DATALO  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP1 ; Lower nibble result
      MOV TEMP1,A  
      MOV A,B  
      ADCC A,TEMP2  
      MOV TEMP2,A  
      JNC MULOOP1  
      INC TEMP3 ; propogate carry
    MULOOP1: MOV B,OP0  
      MOV A,DATAHI  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP1  
      MOV TEMP1,A  
      MOV A,B  
      ADDC A,TEMP2  
      MOV TEMP2,A  
      JNC MULOOP2  
      INC TEMP3 ; byte 2 is done
    ; Byte 3
    MULOOP2: MOV B,OP2  
      MOV A,DATALO  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP2  
      MOV TEMP2,A  
      MOV A,B  
      ADDC A,TEMP3  
      MOV TEMP3,A  
    ; Next nibble
      MOV B,OP1  
      MOV A,DATAHI  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP2  
      MOV TEMP2,A  
      MOV A,B  
      ADDC A,TEMP3  
      MOV TEMP3,A  
    ; Byte 4
      MOV B,OP3  
      MOV A,DATALO  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP3  
      MOV TEMP3,A  
      MOV B,OP2  
      MOV A,DATAHI  
      MUL AB  
      ADD A,TEMP3  
    ; Save results
      MOV OP3,A  
      MOV OP2,TEMP2  
      MOV OP1,TEMP1  
      MOV OP0,TEMP0  

    32-Bit Divide

    Now that we can multiply two 16-bit numbers, we can also use this algorithm 'backwards' to divide. However, it requires four intermediate registers (R7, R6, R1, R0) to hold partial quotients. Since we are using binary arithmetic, we can divide by 2 with a simple shift right command. This can be extended by clever "shift and subtraction" to divide by 10's digits. This is called "Booth's Algorithm". The loop is run 32 times (once for each bit-position, which in turn is a power of 2).

    ; Subroutine DIV_16
    ; Divides OP3:2:1:0 by DATAHI:DATALO and places results in OP3:0

    DIV_16: MOV R7,#0  
      MOV R6,#0 ; Zero partial remainder
      MOV TEMP0,#0  
      MOV TEMP1,#0  
      MOV TEMP2,#0  
      MOV TEMP3,#0  
      MOV R1,DATAHI ; Load the divisor
      MOV R0,DATALO ; Bit counter
      MOV R5,#32 ; Shift dividend and msb>carry
      MOV A,R6  
      RLC A  
      MOV R6,A  
      MOV A,R7  
      RLC A  
      MOV R7,A  
    ; Now test to see if R7:R6 =>R1:R0
      CLR C  
      MOV A,R7  
      SUBB A,R1 ; see if R7 < R1
      JC CANT_SUB ; yes
    ; At this point R7>R1 or R7=R1
      JNZ CAN_SUB ; R7 is > R1
    ; If R7=R1, test for R6=>R0
      CLR C  
      MOV A,R6  
      SUBB A,R0 ; Carry set if R6 < R0
      JC CANT_SUB  
    CAN_SUB: CLR C  
    ; Subtract divisor from partial remainder
      MOV A,R6  
      SUBB A,R0  
      MOV R6,A  
      MOV A,R7  
      SUBB A,R1 ; A=R7 - R1 - borrow bit
      MOV R7,A  
      SETB C ; Shift 1 into quotient
      SJMP QUOT  
    CANT_SUB: CLR C ; Shift 0 into quotient
    QUOT: CALL SHIFT_Q ; Shift carry into quotient
      DJNZ R5,DIV_LOOP ; Did it 32 times?
    ; All done!
      MOV OP0,TEMP0  
      MOV OP1,TEMP1  
      MOV OP2,TEMP2  
      MOV OP3,TEMP3  
    DIV_DONE: RET    
    ; Shift the dividend one bit to the left and return msb in carry bit
    SHIFT_D: CLR C  
      MOV A,OP0  
      RLC A  
      MOV OP0,A  
      MOV A,OP1  
      RLC A  
      MOV OP1,A  
      MOV A,OP2  
      RLC A  
      MOV OP2,A  
      MOV A,OP3  
      RLC A  
      MOV OP3,A  
    ; Shift the quotient one bit to the left and shift carry bit into lsb
      RLC A  
      MOV TEMP0,A  
      MOV A,TEMP1  
      RLC A  
      MOV TEMP1,A  
      MOV A,TEMP2  
      RLC A  
      MOV TEMP2,A  
      MOV A,TEMP3  
      RLC A  
      MOV TEMP3,A  

    Putting It All Together

    Now we have all the subroutines needed for the extended ASCII conversion. The last routine converts a number in the range 0 to 999 (stored in DATAHI:DATALO) into 3 ASCII digits. The algorithm is the same as for the earlier, simple conversion routine, except now we use the three extended math routines to operate on the 16-bit registers.

    ; Subroutine CONVERT3
    ; Converts a 16-bit value 000-999 in DATAHI:DATALO to ASCII
    ; Data stored into DIGIT2 - DIGIT0

      MOV OP1,DATAHI  
      MOV OP2,#00  
      MOV OP3,#00  
      MOV TEMP9,DATAHI ; Save original for remainder
      MOV DATALO,#100  
      MOV DATAHI,#00  
      CALL DIV_16 ; Divide number by 100
      MOV A,OP0 ; Answer is 2-9 + remainder
      ADD A,#30H ; Convert to ASCII
      MOV DIGIT2,A ; Save it
      MOV DATALO,#100 ; Convert the remainder
      MOV DATAHI,#0  
      CALL MUL_16  
      MOV TEMP0,OP0  
      MOV TEMP1,OP1  
      MOV TEMP2,OP2  
      MOV TEMP3,OP3  
      MOV OP0,TEMP8  
      MOV OP1,TEMP9  
      CALL SUB_32 ; Subtract 100's digit
      MOV A,OP0  
      MOV B,#10 ; 10's digit calculation
      DIV AB  
      ADD A,#30H  
      MOV DIGIT1,A ; Get the 10's digit
      MOV A,B  
      ADD A,#30H  
      MOV DIGIT0,A ; Get the 1's digit
    ; Check for zero blanking
      MOV A,DIGIT2  
      CJNE A,#'0',BK_DONE  
    ; Blank 100's digit
      MOV DIGIT2,#' '  
    ; Now check 10's digit
      MOV A,DIGIT1  
      CJNE A,#'0',BK_DONE  
    ; Blank 10's digit
      MOV DIGIT1,#' '  
    BK_DONE: RET    


    These routines expand the math capabilities of the MAX7651 to 16-bits. You can modify these subroutines to handle 32-bit data as well. The MAX7651's four-clock cycle CPU greatly speeds up these routines of standard 8051 processors.

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