IEEE ECCE2020ECCE在线会议的简要指南


为了给参会者提供最大的便利,2020年IEEE能源变换大会暨展览(ECCE 2020)将于10月11-15日线上举行,将包括专题讲座的视频展示,技术报告的视频展示,以及现场直播的大会报告和专题会议。ECCE的虚拟展览还将展示最先进的技术、产品和解决方案。这种线上的虚拟会议使我们能够聚在一起交流最新的想法,深入了解能源变换领域最新的创新工作,并确保当前的形势不会妨碍任何人的参与。以下是ECCE在线会议的简要指南:

To provide the maximum flexibility for the participants, the ECCE 2020 virtual conference program includes video on demand tutorials, technical presentations, as well as live plenary sessions and special panel sessions. Virtual exhibition at ECCE also showcases state-of-the-art technologies, products, and solutions. This virtual format allows us to come together to learn, idea-share, and gain insight into the latest innovations within the energy conversion field, and ensures that the current landscape does not hinder anyone’s ability to participate. Here is a brief guide for the ECCE virtual conference participants:


ECCE 2020将举行四场探讨能源变换领域重大挑战的大会报告。在ECCE开幕式之后,大会报告(PLenary sessions)将在10月12日星期一上午通过ON24举行。大会报告的录制视频将以视频点播的形式在ECCE虚拟平台上供大家查看,截止时间为2020年11月16日。今年,大会报告对所有人免费。


ECCE 2020 features four plenary talks on the challenges in the energy conversion industry. The plenary sessions will be live through ON24 on Monday morning, October 12, following the ECCE opening ceremony. Recorded videos of the plenary sessions will be available on the ECCE virtual platform as video on demand until November 16, 2020. The plenary sessions are free for everyone this year.


ECCE 2020将举行14场专题讲座(Tutorials)。所有专题讲座都可在2020年10月9日至11月16日之间进行视频点播。为了提供与演讲者互动的机会,ECCE还为每个专题讲座创建了一个25分钟的实时互动环节。遵循ECCE的传统,现场直播的互动环节安排在10月11日星期日。对于那些提前观看讲座视频的人,这一互动环节可以作为问答环节。如果您还没有机会观看视频,那么现场直播将是您在观看视频之前了解更多有关该讲座内容的绝佳机会。观众必须进行注册(Registration)才能访问讲座视频和参与直播互动。


There are 14 tutorials at ECCE 2020. All tutorials are video on demand between October 9 to November 16, 2020). To provide opportunities for interaction with the tutorial instructors, a 25-minute live “meet the instructor” session for each tutorial has also been created. To follow the tradition of ECCE, those live tutorial “meet the instructor” sessions are scheduled on Sunday October 11. For those watching the tutorial videos in advance, those “meet the instructor” session can be a Q&A sessions for you. If you do not have a chance to watch the tutorial videos yet, the live sessions would be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the tutorials before you watch the videos on your own time. Tutorial program registration is required to have access to the tutorial videos and live “meet the instructor” sessions.


ECCE 2020接收了959篇论文。它们将被划分为62场口头报告环节和36场电子海报展示环节。所有这些环节都提供演示视频,可供观众在一个多月内观看(从2020年10月9日到2020年11月16日)。为了提供作者与ECCE参会者之间互动的机会,我们在会议周(10月11日至15日)为每个口头报告和海报展示环节创建一个实时的互动环节。请查看技术程序时间表(Technical program schedule),以了解每个现场互动环节的时间安排。参会者必须注册ECCE技术程序(Registration)才能访问论文会议视频以及在线互动环节。


959 papers accepted by ECCE 2020 are grouped into 62 Oral Sessions and 36 digital poster sessions. All these sessions have on demand videos of the presentations that are available to view for over a month (from October 9 to November 16, 2020). To create opportunities for interaction between the authors and ECCE attendees, we have created an interactive live “meet the authors” component for each oral and poster session during the conference week (October 11-15). Please check the technical program schedule for the schedule of each live “meet the authors” session. Registration to the ECCE technical program is required in order to access the technical paper session video on demand content as well as the live “meet the authors” sessions.


ECCE 2020在2020年10月11日至15日这一周将举办20场现场或模拟现场的专题会议。这些专题会议聚焦于最新的工业热点和技术发展,以及行业与学术界之间的最新合作机会。有两场特别的纪念会议专门纪念Tom Lipo教授,他于2020年去世。



ECCE 2020 features 20 live or simu-live special sessions throughout the week of October 11-15, 2020. Those special sessions are strongly oriented towards the latest industrial interests and technology trends, as well as the latest collaboration opportunities between industry and academia. There are two special memorial sessions dedicated to Prof. Tom Lipo who passed away in 2020.

There are two types of special sessions, 1) panel discussions which are live panel sessions without formal presentations; 2) simu-live videos broadcast in real time followed by a live discussions and Q&A. Videos in the simu-live sessions will become video on demand and are accessible until November 16. Please check the ECCE technical program for the special session schedules. Technical program registration is required to access the special sessions.



ECCE 2020线上会议还将包括展览摊位以及与赞助商和参展商的现场互动环节。请在会议网站查看赞助说明。


ECCE 2020女性工程师(Women in Engineering, WIE)委员会将组织一次专题会议,主题为“应对公共卫生问题的涌现:远程教育中的在线生活和先进技术”。ECCE WIE早餐会这一传统活动将改为两个WIE讨论会,主题为“导师+倡导者:如何成为一个+如何找到一个”。在会议网站可以查看更多WIE最新内容。


ECCE2020将举办许多学生活动。电力电子学会技术委员会6(PELS TC6)将延续学生项目演示的传统。大约20个项目将通过短片在ECCE虚拟平台上展示。评审团将根据项目和视频演示选择获奖者。






ECCE 2020 virtual conference will also include exhibition booth and live sessions with sponsors and exhibitors. Please see the virtual sponsorship prospectus here.


ECCE 2020 WIE committee has organized a special session featuring “Dealing with Public Health Emergence: Online Life and Advanced Technologies in Remote Education”. The tradition of WIE breakfast talk at ECCE has been converted to two WIE discussion sessions with the topic on “Mentors + Advocates: How to be one + How to find one” See more WIE updates here.

Student activities

ECCE2020 feature a number of student activities. PELS TC6 continue the tradition of student project demonstration in ECCE2020. Those around 20 projects will be showcased in ECCE virtual platform through short videos. The panel of judges will select prizes based on the project and video presentations.

The student mentorship round table event will be hosted online this year too. More details will be announced soon.

Award Session

IEEE Power Electronics Society and IEEE Industry Applications Society will also organize the annual Award Ceremony this year at ECCE2020 virtual. This Award Session will be video on demand featuring the major IEEE and society awards as well as newly elevated IEEE Fellows from the societies. The Award Session is free to access for everyone - please join and congratulate the awardees through the ON24 chat function.   


原文标题:会议 | IEEE ECCE2020即将线上开幕,欢迎注册参会!


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