来自丹麦技术大学能源转换与储存系的Felix T. Bölle和物理系的Kristian S. Thygesen等,使用密度泛函理论系统计算了135种不同的无机纳米管。他们发现,每一种纳米管包含三层原子,其中由15种不同的阳离子组成中间层元素,内外原子层由硫素、卤素或它们的混合物作为阴离子占据。
此外,利用二维两面和交替纳米片之间的能量差作为描述符,可以很好地估计出最小应变能。同时,可以使用贝叶斯统计来评估预测半径的不确定性。该研究阐明了二维双面纳米片卷曲的物理机制,并给出了一种合成小半径纳米管的可能途径。 该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 7: 41 (2021),英文标题与摘要如下,
Structural and chemical mechanisms governing stability of inorganic Janus nanotubes
Felix T. Bölle , August E. G. Mikkelsen, Kristian S. Thygesen , Tejs Vegge and Ivano E. Castelli
One-dimensional inorganic nanotubes hold promise for technological applications due to their distinct physical/chemical properties, but so far advancements have been hampered by difficulties in producing single-wall nanotubes with a well-defined radius.
In this work we investigate, based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), the formation mechanism of 135 different inorganic nanotubes formed by the intrinsic self-rolling driving force found in asymmetric 2D Janus sheets.
We show that for isovalent Janus sheets, the lattice mismatch between inner and outer atomic layers is the driving force behind the nanotube formation, while in the non-isovalent case it is governed by the difference in chemical bond strength of the inner and outer layer leading to steric effects.
From our pool of candidate structures we have identified more than 100 tubes with a preferred radius below 35 Å, which we hypothesize can display distinctive properties compared to their parent 2D monolayers.
Simple descriptors have been identified to accelerate the discovery of small-radius tubes and a Bayesian regression approach has been implemented to assess the uncertainty in our predictions on the radius.
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