The MAX13362 is a 24-channel automotive contact monitor designed as an interface between mechanical switches and low-voltage processors or other logic circuits. The IC operates over a voltage range of 5.5V to 28V, and withstands voltages up to 40V. It protects low-voltage circuitry from high voltages and reverse batteries. The MAX13362 low-current operation under all operating conditions makes it suitable for use in electronic control units (ECUs) that are connected directly to the automotive battery. It has an adjustable scan mode that significantly reduces the current drawn in key-off.
The MAX13362 features an SPI interface to monitor the switch status and set the device configuration. Multiple MAX13362s can be cascaded to support any multiple of 24 switches.
The MAX13362 is available in a 6mm x 6mm, 40-pin thin QFN package and operates over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.