Anycubic Vyper 3D打印机串口屏改造开源项目之串口屏项目启动篇(一)
Anycubic Vyper 3D打印机串口屏改造开源项目之QT温度曲线显示(二)
开发者成长激励计划-基于TencentOS Tiny FDM 3D打印机云控制系统方案
def connect(self): self._firmware_name = None # after each connection ensure that the firmware name is removed if self._baud_rate is None: if self._use_auto_detect: auto_detect_job = AutoDetectBaudJob(self._serial_port) auto_detect_job.start() auto_detect_job.finished.connect(self._autoDetectFinished) return if self._serial is None: try: # 设置串口参数 self._serial = Serial(str(self._serial_port), self._baud_rate, timeout=self._timeout, writeTimeout=self._timeout) except SerialException: Logger.warning("An exception occurred while trying to create serial connection.") return except OSError as e: Logger.warning("The serial device is suddenly unavailable while trying to create a serial connection: {err}".format(err = str(e))) return CuraApplication.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onGlobalContainerStackChanged) self._onGlobalContainerStackChanged() self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.Connected) # 启动更新线程 self._update_thread.start()
# 线程_update_thread->更新任务函数的实现 def _update(self): while self._connection_state == ConnectionState.Connected and self._serial is not None: try: line = self._serial.readline() except: continue # 获取固件信息 # 如果是Marlin,则会输出类似如下所示的信息 # FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin 1.1.0 .... if not self._firmware_name_requested: self._firmware_name_requested = True self.sendCommand("M115") # 获取FIRMWARE_NAME并保存起来 if b"FIRMWARE_NAME:" in line: self._setFirmwareName(line) # time()是获取时间戳,以秒作为时间间隔,这里的timeout是3,也就意味着,Cura发送获取温度的条件是: # 1、当前的打印机不处于忙状态 # 2、超时,这里设置的时间是大于3s # 以上两个条件需要同时满足 if self._last_temperature_request is None or time() > self._last_temperature_request + self._timeout: self.sendCommand("M105") self._last_temperature_request = time() # 使用正则表达式获取由打印机端上报的温度事件,其中T:开头的数据代表喷头温度,B:开头的数据代表热床温度 if re.search(b"[B|Td*]: ?d+.?d*", line): # Temperature message. 'T:' for extruder and 'B:' for bed extruder_temperature_matches = re.findall(b"T(d*): ?(d+.?d*)s*/?(d+.?d*)?", line) # Update all temperature values # 获取喷头当前/目标温度值并更新到前端显示 matched_extruder_nrs = [] for match in extruder_temperature_matches: extruder_nr = 0 if match[0] != b"": extruder_nr = int(match[0]) if extruder_nr in matched_extruder_nrs: continue matched_extruder_nrs.append(extruder_nr) if extruder_nr >= len(self._printers[0].extruders): Logger.log("w", "Printer reports more temperatures than the number of configured extruders") continue extruder = self._printers[0].extruders[extruder_nr] if match[1]: extruder.updateHotendTemperature(float(match[1])) if match[2]: extruder.updateTargetHotendTemperature(float(match[2])) # 获取热床当前/目标温度值并更新到前端显示 bed_temperature_matches = re.findall(b"B: ?(d+.?d*)s*/?(d+.?d*)?", line) if bed_temperature_matches: match = bed_temperature_matches[0] if match[0]: self._printers[0].updateBedTemperature(float(match[0])) if match[1]: self._printers[0].updateTargetBedTemperature(float(match[1])) # 空行表示固件空闲 # 多个空行可能意味着固件和 Cura 正在等待 # 因为错过了“ok”,所以我们跟踪空行 # 因为ok可能丢掉了,所以我们需要将空行记录下来 if line == b"": # An empty line means that the firmware is idle # Multiple empty lines probably means that the firmware and Cura are waiting # for each other due to a missed "ok", so we keep track of empty lines self._firmware_idle_count += 1 else: self._firmware_idle_count = 0 # 检查到ok字串或者_firmware_idle_count > 1 if line.startswith(b"ok") or self._firmware_idle_count > 1: # 此时打印机忙状态解除 self._printer_busy = False # 设置接收事件为True self._command_received.set() # 如果当前命令队列不为空,则从队列取出一条命令往打印机串口继续发送 if not self._command_queue.empty(): self._sendCommand(self._command_queue.get()) # 如果处于正在打印中,则继续发送下一条Gcode命令 # 如果此时暂停标志生效,则什么事情都不干 elif self._is_printing: if self._paused: pass # Nothing to do! else: self._sendNextGcodeLine() # 如果匹配到Marlin回复了"echo:busy"子串时,则设置打印机为忙状态 if line.startswith(b"echo"): self._printer_busy = True # 如果在打印中接收到'!!',则表示打印机发出致命错误,这个时候需要直接取消打印 if self._is_printing: if line.startswith(b'!!'): Logger.log('e', "Printer signals fatal error. Cancelling print. {}".format(line)) self.cancelPrint() # 如果在打印中接收到"resend"或者"rs"这样的字符串,则可以通过 Resend、resend 或 rs 请求重新发送。 elif line.lower().startswith(b"resend") or line.startswith(b"rs"): # A resend can be requested either by Resend, resend or rs. try: self._gcode_position = int(line.replace(b"N:", b" ").replace(b"N", b" ").replace(b":", b" ").split()[-1]) except: if line.startswith(b"rs"): # In some cases of the RS command it needs to be handled differently. self._gcode_position = int(line.split()[1])
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