数字硬件建模SystemVerilog-归约运算符(Reduction operators)
归约运算符包括一个NAND和一个NOR运算符,这是按位运算符所没有的。归约AND OR 和 XOR 运算符一次执行一位操作,从最右边的位(最低有效位)向最左边的位(最高有效位)移动。归约NAND、NOR和XNOR运算符首先分别执行归约AND、OR或XOR运算,然后反转1位结果。
// // Book, "RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for ASIC and FPGA Design" // by Stuart Sutherland // // Parity checker using even parity, registered error flag // // Copyright 2016, Stuart Sutherland. All rights reserved. // // Version 1.0 // // // User-defined type definitions // `begin_keywords "1800-2012" // use SystemVerilog-2012 keywords package definitions_pkg; typedef struct { logic [7:0] data; logic parity_bit; } data_t; endpackage: definitions_pkg `end_keywords // // Parity checker using even parity, registered error flag. // The combined data value plus parity bit should always have // an even number of bits set to 1 // `begin_keywords "1800-2012" // use SystemVerilog-2012 keywords module parity_checker import definitions_pkg::*; (input data_t data_in, // 9-bit structure input input clk, // clock input input rstN, // active-low asynchronous reset output logic error // set if parity error detected ); timeunit 1ns/1ns; always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rstN) if (!rstN) error <= 0; else error <= ^{data_in.parity_bit, data_in.data}; // reduction-XOR returns 1 if an odd number of bits are // set in the combined data and parity_bit endmodule: parity_checker `end_keywords
// // Book, "RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for ASIC and FPGA Design" // by Stuart Sutherland // // Testbench // // Copyright 2016, Stuart Sutherland. All rights reserved. // // Version 1.0 // `begin_keywords "1800-2012" module test import definitions_pkg::*; (output logic rstN, output data_t data_in, input logic error, input logic clk ); timeunit 1ns/1ns; // generate stimulus initial begin $timeformat(-9, 0, "ns", 6); // nanoseconds, no precision, 6 columns rstN <= 0; // reset DUT (active low) repeat(2) @(negedge clk) ; // hold reset for 2 clock cycles rstN = 1; // remove reset repeat (10) begin @(negedge clk) ; data_in.data = $urandom(); data_in.parity_bit = $urandom()%2; // randomly wrong parity value @(negedge clk) check_results; end @(negedge clk) $finish; end // verify results task check_results; $write("At %t: data=%b parity_bit=%b: ", $time, data_in.data, data_in.parity_bit); if (^data_in.data === data_in.parity_bit) begin: good_data_in $write("Good data_in. EXPECT: error = 0, ACTUAL: %b ", error); if (error === 1'b0) $display(" OK"); else $display(" ERROR!"); end: good_data_in else begin: bad_data_in $write("Bad data_in. EXPECT: error = 1, ACTUAL: %b ", error); if (error === 1'b1) $display(" OK"); else $display(" ERROR!"); end: bad_data_in endtask endmodule: test `end_keywords `begin_keywords "1800-2012" module top; timeunit 1ns/1ns; import definitions_pkg::*; parameter WIDTH = 8; logic clk, rstN; data_t data_in; logic error; test test (.*); parity_checker dut (.*); initial begin clk <= 0; forever #5 clk = ~clk; end endmodule: top `end_keywords
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