在《安全启动模式下的数据保存问题》中,小编介绍了在HAB boot和XIP encrypted boot下,读写外部Nor Flash数据的特点以及image的数据特征状态,比如使能XIP encrypted boot后,Nor Flash内的bootable image是密文状态,那是否意味着只要在使能XIP encrypted boot后,被加密的bootable image就可以随意下发给OEM进行量产烧录,同时在量产后,客户可随意访问加密的bootable image而无需担心application image泄漏呢?
在MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning工具选择XIP encrypted模式,生成并烧录Blink LED的bootable image;
图3 图4
通过上述测试结果表明,使用后一种方式读取查看密文image居然能得到明文image,直接让XIP encrypted boot破防了,这是怎么回事呢?
小编在《安全启动模式下的数据保存问题》中提到,存储在Serial Nor flash中的加密代码和数据在送到CPU执行之前,需要经过BEE或者OTFAD解密,这是 Encypted XIP boot模式实现的基础,Jlink在连接目标MCU时,会把对应的flash驱动算法加载在内部RAM中运行,如果此时MCU已经正常启动运行application image的话,则表示BEE或者OTFAD模块也已完成好配置了,那么flash驱动在读Nor Flash内的密文时,数据会被自动解密。
图 5
既然我们已经了解泄漏的原因,就要阻断外部工具加载flashloader或者flash驱动算法到内部RAM运行,所以除了禁止Debug port外,我们还需要禁止Serial Download方式,预防不怀好意者利用Serial Downloader方式,使得ROM code加载专门的flashloader到RAM中运行,通过配置BEE或OTFAD模块来读取image明文(如下代码所示)。
status = SLN_AUTH_check_context(SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_1); configPRINTF(("Context check status %d ", status)); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash if (SLN_AUTH_NO_CONTEXT == status) { configPRINTF(("Ensuring context... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Load crypto contexts and make sure they are valid (our own context should be good to get to this point!) status = bl_nor_encrypt_ensure_context(); if (kStatus_Fail == status) { configPRINTF(("Failed to load crypto context... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Double check if encrypted XIP is enabled if (!bl_nor_encrypt_is_enabled()) { configPRINTF(("Not running in encrypted XIP mode, ignore error. ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a // crash // No encrypted XIP enabled, we can ignore the bad status status = kStatus_Success; } } else if (kStatus_ReadOnly == status) // Using this status from standard status to indicate that we need to split PRDB { volatile uint32_t delay = 1000000; // Set up context as needed for this application status = bl_nor_encrypt_split_prdb(); configPRINTF(("Restarting BOOTLOADER... ")); while (delay--) ; // Restart DbgConsole_Deinit(); NVIC_DisableIRQ(LPUART6_IRQn); NVIC_SystemReset(); } } else if (SLN_AUTH_OK == status) { configPRINTF(("Ensuring context... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // We will check to see if we need to update the backup to the reduced scope PRDB0 for bootloader space status = bl_nor_encrypt_ensure_context(); if (kStatus_Fail == status) { configPRINTF(("Failed to load crypto context... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Double check if encrypted XIP is enabled if (!bl_nor_encrypt_is_enabled()) { configPRINTF(("Not running in encrypted XIP mode, ignore error. ")); // No encrypted XIP enabled, we can ignore the bad status status = kStatus_Success; } } else if (kStatus_Success == status) // We have good PRDBs so we can update the backup { bool isMatch = false; bool isOriginal = false; configPRINTF(("Checking backup context... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Check if we have identical KIBs and initial CTR status = bl_nor_crypto_ctx_compare_backup(&isMatch, &isOriginal, SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_0); if (kStatus_Success == status) { if (isMatch && isOriginal) { configPRINTF(("Updating backup context with valid address space... ")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before // a crash // Update backup PRDB0 status = SLN_AUTH_backup_context(SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_0); } } } }
但相较于直接永久禁止Debug port的简单粗暴, 小编更加推荐Secure Debug安全调试,因为产品的售后,维护往往不是一帆风顺的,产品在客户现场有时也是状况频出,所以Secure Debug[1]就像给Debug port加了一把坚固的锁,只有能打开这把锁的人才能使用调试功能。
快来发表一下你的评论吧 !