typedef struct { bit [7:0] intr = 'h AA; logic [23:0] addr = 'h FF_FF_FF; } ext; module SU ( output ext extOut); assign extOut = '{intr: 8'hFF, addr:24'haa_aa_aa}; initial begin #1; $display($stime,,, "extOut = %p", extOut); end endmodule module top; ext extIn; //connect extOut of 'SU' with extIn of 'top' SU SUInst(.extOut(extIn)); initial begin #2; $display($stime,,, "extIn = %p", extIn); end endmodule
1 extOut = '{intr:'hff, addr:'haaaaaa} 2 extIn = '{intr:'hff, addr:'haaaaaa} V C S S i m u l a t i o n R e p o r t
在上面的例子中,我们首先定义了一个名为“ext”的unpacked struct,然后直接作为module的output。
再声明一个moudle top,连接到这个struct。最后打印表明这个结构体确实完成了连接,打印相同的信息。
typedef struct { logic [31:0] addr; logic [63:0] data; logic [3:0] BEnable; } control; function Dbus (input control ct1); …. endfunction
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