



  1. 1.     ChatGPT一次最多发多少字符


  1. 2.     重复问ChatGPT一样的问题会得到完全一样的答案吗?


  1. 3.     ChatGPT能扮演什么角色?

几乎所有。你可以让它 Act as MATLAB, Python, C, Excel, Translator, Lawyer等等。

  1. 4.     ChatGPT给出的知识都对吗?


  1. 5.     ChatGPT具有产生新知识的能力吗?


  1. 6.     目前ChatGPT不具有哪些能力?




Please write a MATLAB program about beam forming of the 1D antenna array line up along the x axis. Consider 10 antenna elements with uniform spacing of 0.5. The wavelength is 1. The radiation angle is from 0 to 180 degrees, where the x axis is related to 0 degree. Please use the following steps to write the program:

  1. 1.     Establish a steering matrix A with the size of 181x10, which gives the array factors of all antenna elements covering all radiation angles. 181 is the number of matrix lines or radiation angles. 10 is the number of matrix columns or antenna elements.

  2. 2.     Establish a radiation vector b with the size of 181x1. The elements are all zeros except for the 31th and 61th elements, which means the array radiates wave along both 30 and 60 degrees.

  3. 3.     Get the complex excitation amplitude of each antenna element y by using y=A with the least square method.

  4. 4.     Calculate the radiation pattern of the array by using the excitation amplitude y and the steering matrix A, i.e. res=A*y.

  5. 5.     Please draw the radiation pattern with polar coordinates.


% Define the number of elements and spacing

N = 10;

d = 0.5;

% Define the number of angles and wavelength

angles = 181;

lambda = 1;

% Compute the steering matrix A

A = zeros(angles, N);

for i = 1:angles

for j = 1:N

A(i,j) = exp(-1j*2*pi*(j-1)*d*sin(pi*(i-1)/180)/lambda);



% Define the radiation vector b

b = zeros(angles, 1);

b(31) = 1;

b(61) = 1;

% Compute the excitation amplitude y

y = A;

% Compute the radiation pattern res

res = A*y;

% Plot the radiation pattern in polar coordinates

polarplot(linspace(0, pi, angles), abs(res));


2个例子,是学者们常常遇到的问题:如何快速、高质量地写一封正式邀请信,让大牛们加入某个国际会议的TPC,成为TPC Member。下面就是我们给出的一个不错的Prompts,看看ChatGPT如何响应呢?大家也可以测试下,贴进去这个Prompts,会得到内容不一样却同样惊艳的邀请信。ChatGPT生成的内容还加入了很多我没有给的要素(我用下划线标出来了),真的太贴心!

我想写一封英文的邀请信,以浙江大学的名义,邀请某位教授或博士加入国际学术会议的TPC Member。请尽量写的礼貌、专业,邀请信的内容需要包含如下信息:

  1. 1.     会议名称:2023 International AI Symposium (AIS 2023)

  2. 2.     召开时间: August 1-3, 2023

  3. 3.     主办单位: Zhejiang University

  4. 4.     会议地点: Deefly Zhejiang Hotel with the Address: No. 147 Santaishan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

  5. 5.     会议影响:AIS是人工智能领域的著名国际会议,每年在中国召开一次

  6. 6.     会议内容:大会报告、邀请报告、短课程、special sessionsworkshops、学生竞赛等。

  7. 7.     TPC Member责任:review conference papers and organize sessions

  8. 8.     请在202331日之前回复是不是愿意接收邀请


Dear [Professor/Dr.],

I hope this email finds you well. On behalf of Zhejiang University, I am writing to extend a formal invitation for you to join the Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member for the 2023 International AI Symposium (AIS 2023).

The AIS 2023 will be held from August 1st to 3rd, 2023, at the Deefly Zhejiang Hotel located at No. 147 Santaishan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. As one of the most well-known international conferences in the field of artificial intelligence, AIS 2023 is held annually in China and provides a platform for researchers and scholars to exchange and share their latest findings and ideas.

As a TPC Member, you will play a vital role in reviewing conference papers and organizing sessions, helping to ensure the highest quality of presentations and discussions. The conference will feature keynote speeches, invited talks, short courses, special sessions, workshops, and student competitions, offering a wide range of opportunities for participants to deepen their knowledge and engage in meaningful discussions.

We would be honored to have you join us as a TPC Member for this exciting event. Please let us know by March 1st, 2023, if you are willing to accept this invitation.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

On behalf of Zhejiang University




审核编辑 :李倩


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