通过TOF-SIMS以及AIMD模拟深入揭示了PMMA人工SEI层的表面修复再生机制。使用再生石墨所装配recycled graphite||NMC622全电池在1C下循环500圈后具有149 mAh g-1比容量,容量保持率高达86.7%。该文章以“Greatly recovered electrochemical performances of regenerated graphite anode enabled by an artificial PMMA solid electrolyte interphase layer”为题发表在国际著名期刊Energy Storage Materials上。中国科学院过程工程研究所博士研究生达昊然为本文第一作者。
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the preparation and functional mechanism of PG@PMMA through emulsion polymerization. The comparison of (b) FTIR spectra, (c) XRD patterns, (d) Raman spectra, (e, f) C 1s and (g, h) O 1s XPS spectra of pristine PG and the coated PG@PMMA.
Fig. 2. SEM (first row) and TEM (second and third row) images of (a, c) PG and (b) PG@PMMA with different thickness PMMA layer of (d) 15 nm, (e) 30 nm and (f) 60 nm. The amplified image in inset of (a, b) shows the surface details of the PG and PG@PMMA.
随后作者进一步探究了PMMA人工SEI层对再生石墨电化学性能影响。结果表明,包覆层厚度为30 nm下为最佳包覆厚度,表现出最优的循环稳定性和倍率性能,首圈库伦效率高达91.9%。GITT结果计算所得再生后DLi+(5.02×10–13至1.45×10–9)相比前DLi+(2.09×10–14至1.24×10–10)高出1-2个数量级,表明界面Li+扩散过程得到了有效增强。EIS结果显示界面传荷行为得到了明显改善。对其结果进行解耦,绘制了弛豫时间分布(DRT)曲线。
Fig. 3. (a) Cycling stability (performed at 0.1C), (b) GCD profiles (range of 0.01–2 V vs. Li/Li+), (c) rate performance (from 0.1C to 5C) of SG, PG, PG@PMMA-15 nm, PG@PMMA-30 nm and PG@PMMA-60 nm. GITT test of the (d) PG and (e) PG@PMMA-30 nm (discharge/charge state, inset figure shows the detail of circled area), and (f, g) their corresponding calculated diffusion coefficient plot. (h) Nyquist plots of the PG and PG@PMMA-30 nm (inner image) at selected cycles. (i) DRT plots of the AC-impedance results of PG and PG@PMMA-30 nm.
Fig. 4. SEI evolution of PG and PG@PMMA-30 nm after 5 cycles and 100 cycles. Top-down and cross-sectional SEM micrographs and corresponding HRTEM images of (a, b, c, g, h) PG and (d, e, f, i, j) PG@PMMA-30 nm after (b, e, g, i) 5 and (a, c, d, f, h, j) 100 cycles.
Fig. 5. (a) Total integrated intensity of selected inorganic and organic fragments. (b) Negative-mode TOF-SIMS depth profiles of LiF–, LiO2–, C2HO–, C2H3O– as well as (c) their corresponding 3D renderings and (d) 2D ion mapping of PG@PMMA-30 nm electrode after 100 cycles. The TOF-SIMS sputtered area is 100 μm × 100 μm × 60 nm. (e) Schematic diagram of natural and artificial SEI formation on the surface of recycled graphite.
随后,通过AIMD模拟深入研究了PMMA人工SEI层对电解质分解的抑制作用机制。整个系统经历6 ps AIMD过程,在包覆PG表面,第一个EC分子在0-1000 fs内迅速断裂,第二个和第三个EC分子分别在大约1000-2000和2000-3000 fs内发生断裂,第四个EC分子在3000-4000 fs时间段发生断裂。在整个AIMD过程中,几乎观察不到EC分子的断裂。
此外,对Bader电荷每500 fs取一次平均值。结果表明,在裸石墨侧,C原子中电荷迅速从石墨表面转移到EC侧加速了EC分子的分解,与此同时,在与PMMA层接触时,从石墨侧到EC侧的电荷转移可以忽略不。因此,由PMMA所构筑的人工SEI层能够显著阻碍来自石墨界面的电荷转移过程,并有效减缓电解质的分解过程。
Fig. 6. Final time step of AIMD trajectory for EC on the surface of (a) bare graphite and (b) G@PMMA. (c) Number of broken EC molecules on the bare graphite and G@PMMA surface. (d) Charge transfer as a function of AIMD simulation time from the bare graphite surface to the exposed EC molecules and from the G@PMMA surface to the protected EC molecules.
在恒流-恒压(CC-CV)充电协议下对石墨||NMC622全电池进行测试,在整个循环过程中,使用无包覆层保护废旧石墨和纯化石墨负极的全电池表现出急剧的容量衰减,循环500圈后容量保持率仅为64.2%(73.5 mAh g–1)和68.7%(116.1 mAh g–1)。同样条件下,使用人工SEI保护最优条件下PG@PMMA-30nm负极全电池循环500圈后容量衰减轻微,容量保持率达到86.7%(149 mAh g–1)。恒流充电条件下,使用PG作为负极容量贡献为93.2%,而使用PG@PMMA-30作为负极容量贡献为95.7%。上述结果说明,预构筑PMMA人工SEI保护层可以有效改善界面性能,抑制电解质分解并显著提升再生石墨电化学性能。
Fig. 7. Cycling performance of recycled graphite||NMC622 full cells cycled over the voltage range 2.5–4.3 V vs. Li/Li+ at 0.1C for the initial 5 cycles and at 1C for the following cycles. (a) Capacity decay, (b) voltage profiles and ICE values of full cells with different treated graphite. (c) Charge/discharge curves at selected cycles. (d) SOC vs. time profiles of full cells with PG and PG@PMMA-30 nm anodes, the inset figure shows the relative contribution of CC charging and CV charging modes to the total charging time after 100 cycles.
Haoran Da, Shanshan Pan, Jin Li, Jiaqi Huang, Xuedi Yuan, Haotian Dong, Jiaxin Liu, Haitao Zhang*, Greatly recovered electrochemical performances of regenerated graphite anode enabled by an artificial PMMA solid electrolyte interphase layer, Energy Storage Materials 2023.
审核编辑 :李倩
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