本文主要介绍在 OpenHarmony 应用开发中 ArkUI 开发框架下相机应用的开发。
开发模式:Stage 开发模式
SDK 版本:
开发环境:DevEco Studio 3.0 Release
在 module.json5 中配置权限:
"reqPermissions": [ { "name": "ohos.permission.LOCATION", }, { "name": "ohos.permission.CAMERA" }, { "name": "ohos.permission.MICROPHONE" }, { "name": "ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION" }, { "name": "ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA" }, { "name": "ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA" }]
在 MainAbility.ts 中调用 requestPermissionsFromUser 方法申请权限:
const PERMISSIONS: Array= [ 'ohos.permission.CAMERA', 'ohos.permission.MICROPHONE', 'ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION', 'ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA', 'ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA', 'ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ', 'ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_PEERS_MAC ', ] globalThis.abilityWant = want; globalThis.context = this.context globalThis.abilityContext = this.context; globalThis.context.requestPermissionsFromUser(PERMISSIONS).then((message)=>{ console.log(JSON.stringify(message)) })
import camera from '@ohos.multimedia.camera'; import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'; import fileio from '@ohos.fileio'; import mediaLibrary from '@ohos.multimedia.mediaLibrary' const CameraSize = { WIDTH: 640, HEIGHT: 480 }定义变量:
private mXComponentController = new XComponentController() private cameraManager: camera.CameraManager = undefined private cameras: Array工具方法:= undefined private cameraId: string = undefined private mReceiver: image.ImageReceiver = undefined private cameraInput: camera.CameraInput = undefined private previewOutput: camera.PreviewOutput = undefined private mSurfaceId: string = undefined private photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput = undefined private captureSession: camera.CaptureSession = undefined private mediaUtil: MediaUtil = undefined @State desStr: string = "" private fileAsset: mediaLibrary.FileAsset private surfaceId: number @State photoUriMedia: string = "" private photoFlag: boolean = true @State imgUrl: string = "" @State isMediaUrl:boolean=true //判断保存路径为是沙箱路径或者媒体路径,默认媒体路径 aboutToAppear(){ this.mediaTest = mediaLibrary.getMediaLibrary(globalThis.context) }
async createAndGetUri(mediaType: number) { let info = this.getInfoFromType(mediaType) let dateTimeUtil = new DateTimeUtil() let name = `${dateTimeUtil.getDate()}_${dateTimeUtil.getTime()}` let displayName = `${info.prefix}${name}${info.suffix}` let publicPath = await this.mediaTest.getPublicDirectory(info.directory) let dataUri = await this.mediaTest.createAsset(mediaType, displayName, publicPath) return dataUri } async getFdPath(fileAsset: any) { let fd = await fileAsset.open('Rw') return fd } getInfoFromType(mediaType: number) { let result = { prefix: '', suffix: '', directory: 0 } switch (mediaType) { case mediaLibrary.MediaType.FILE: result.prefix = 'FILE_' result.suffix = '.txt' result.directory = mediaLibrary.DirectoryType.DIR_DOCUMENTS break case mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE: result.prefix = 'IMG_' result.suffix = '.jpg' result.directory = mediaLibrary.DirectoryType.DIR_IMAGE break case mediaLibrary.MediaType.VIDEO: result.prefix = 'VID_' result.suffix = '.mp4' result.directory = mediaLibrary.DirectoryType.DIR_VIDEO break case mediaLibrary.MediaType.AUDIO: result.prefix = 'AUD_' result.suffix = '.wav' result.directory = mediaLibrary.DirectoryType.DIR_AUDIO break } return result }工具类:
/** * @file 日期工具 */ export default class DateTimeUtil { /** * 时分秒 */ getTime() { const DATETIME = new Date() return this.concatTime(DATETIME.getHours(), DATETIME.getMinutes(), DATETIME.getSeconds()) } /** * 年月日 */ getDate() { const DATETIME = new Date() return this.concatDate(DATETIME.getFullYear(), DATETIME.getMonth() + 1, DATETIME.getDate()) } /** * 日期不足两位补充0 * @param value-数据值 */ fill(value: number) { return (value > 9 ? '' : '0') + value } /** * 年月日格式修饰 * @param year * @param month * @param date */ concatDate(year: number, month: number, date: number) { return `${year}${this.fill(month)}${this.fill(date)}` } /** * 时分秒格式修饰 * @param hours * @param minutes * @param seconds */ concatTime(hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number) { return `${this.fill(hours)}${this.fill(minutes)}${this.fill(seconds)}` } }
③构建 UI 组件
页面主要分为 2 块,左边为相机的 XComponent 组件,右边为图片显示区域。拍完的照片能够显示在右边。 XComponent 组件作用于 EGL/OpenGLES 和媒体数据写入,并显示在 XComponent 组件。
hml 代码如下:
build() { Flex() { Flex() { Stack() { Flex() { //相机显示的组件 XComponent({ id: 'componentId', type: 'surface', controller: this.mXComponentController }).onLoad(() => { this.mXComponentController.setXComponentSurfaceSize({ surfaceWidth: 640, surfaceHeight: 480 }) this.surfaceId = this.mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId() this.initCamera(this.surfaceId) }) }.width(800).height(800) //显示在相机上面的组件:拍照和摄像的图标,摄像的时间 Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.End, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) { if (this.photoFlag) { //拍照 Image($r("app.media.take_photo_normal")).width(50).height(50).onClick(() => { this.desStr = "拍照完成" this.takePicture() }) } Text(this.desStr).fontColor("red").height(30).fontSize(20) }.width(480).height(480) }.border({ width: 1, style: BorderStyle.Solid, color: "#000000" }) //右边的控制button和图片显示区域 Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, }) { Button("选择沙箱路径存储").onClick(()=>{ this.isMediaUrl=false }) .stateStyles({ normal: { // 设置默认情况下的显示样式 .backgroundColor(Color.Blue) }, pressed: { // 设置手指摁下时的显示样式 .backgroundColor(Color.Pink) } }) Image(decodeURI("file://"+this.imgUrl)).width(480).height(350)//显示沙箱图片 Button("选择媒体路径存储").onClick(()=>{ this.isMediaUrl=true }) .stateStyles({ normal: { // 设置默认情况下的显示样式 .backgroundColor(Color.Blue) }, pressed: { // 设置手指摁下时的显示样式 .backgroundColor(Color.Pink) } }) Image(decodeURI(this.imgUrl)).width(480).height(350) //显示媒体图片 }.width(480).height("100%").border({ width: 1, style: BorderStyle.Solid, color: "#000000" }) }.border({ width: 1, style: BorderStyle.Solid, color: "red" }) .width("100%").height("100%") } .height('100%').width("100%") }UI 实现了对存储路径的选择,需要存储到沙箱路径还是媒体路径。
打开 hdc 命令窗口
cd /data/app/el2/100/base/com.chinasoft.photo/haps/entry/files进入
ls 查看全部文件
初始化相机:这一步需要在拍照前就进行,一般是在 XComponent 组件的 onLoad() 中进行的。
//初始化相机和会话管理 async initCamera(surfaceId: number) { this.cameraManager = await camera.getCameraManager(globalThis.context)//需要在Ability中定义globalThis.context=this.context this.cameras = await this.cameraManager.getCameras() this.cameraId = this.cameras[1].cameraId await this.photoReceiver() //创建图片接收器并进行订阅 this.mSurfaceId = await this.mReceiver.getReceivingSurfaceId() this.cameraInput = await this.cameraManager.createCameraInput(this.cameraId) this.previewOutput = await camera.createPreviewOutput(surfaceId.toString()) this.photoOutput = await camera.createPhotoOutput(this.mSurfaceId) this.captureSession = await camera.createCaptureSession(globalThis.context) await this.captureSession.beginConfig() await this.captureSession.addInput(this.cameraInput) await this.captureSession.addOutput(this.previewOutput) await this.captureSession.addOutput(this.photoOutput) await this.captureSession.commitConfig() await this.captureSession.start().then(() => { console.log('zmw1--Promise returned to indicate the session start success.'); }) } //创建图片接收器并进行订阅 async photoReceiver() { this.mReceiver = image.createImageReceiver(CameraSize.WIDTH, CameraSize.HEIGHT, 4, 8) let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4096) this.mReceiver.on('imageArrival', () => { console.log("zmw -service-imageArrival") this.mReceiver.readNextImage((err, image) => { if (err || image === undefined) { return } image.getComponent(4, (errMsg, img) => { if (errMsg || img === undefined) { return } if (img.byteBuffer) { buffer = img.byteBuffer } if(this.isMediaUrl){ this.savePictureMedia(buffer, image) }else{ this.savePictureSand(buffer, image) } }) }) return buffer }) }如下:
根据 camera 的 getCameraManager 方法获取 CameraManager
通过 CameraManager 获取所有的相机数组,找到可用的相机,并获取相机的 cameraid
创建图片接收器并进行订阅,获取 receiver 的 surfaceId
通过 CameraManager 的 createCameraInput(cameraid) 创建相机输入流
通过 camera 的 createPreviewOutput(sufaceId) 创建相机预览输出流,这里 sufaceId 为 XComponent 的 id
通过 camera 的 createPhotoOutput(sufaceId) 创建相机拍照输出流,这里 sufaceId 为图片接收器的 surfaceId
//拍摄照片 async takePicture() { let photoSettings = { rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0, quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_LOW, mirror: false } await this.photoOutput.capture(photoSettings) }
调用相机的输出流的 capture 方法进行拍照操作,会触发图片接收器的监听,进行对字节流的写入操作,保存到沙箱或者媒体。
//保存沙箱路径 async savePictureSand(buffer: ArrayBuffer, img: image.Image) { let info = this.mediaUtil.getInfoFromType(mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE) let dateTimeUtil = new DateTimeUtil() let name = `${dateTimeUtil.getDate()}_${dateTimeUtil.getTime()}` let displayName = `${info.prefix}${name}${info.suffix}` let sandboxDirPath = globalThis.context.filesDir; let path = sandboxDirPath + '/' + displayName this.imgUrl=path let fdSand = await fileio.open(path, 0o2 | 0o100, 0o666); await fileio.write(fdSand, buffer) await fileio.close(fdSand).then(()=>{ this.desStr="" }); await img.release() } //保存媒体路径 async savePictureMedia(buffer: ArrayBuffer, img: image.Image) { this.fileAsset = await this.mediaUtil.createAndGetUri(mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE) this.imgUrl = this.fileAsset.uri let fd = await this.mediaUtil.getFdPath(this.fileAsset) await fileio.write(fd, buffer) await this.fileAsset.close(fd).then(()=>{ this.desStr="" }) await img.release() }释放相机:
//结束释放相机资源 async releaseCamera() { if (this.captureSession) { await this.captureSession.stop().then(() => { }) } if (this.cameraInput) { await this.cameraInput.release().then(() => { }) } if (this.previewOutput) { await this.previewOutput.release().then(() => { }) } if (this.photoOutput) { await this.photoOutput.release().then(() => { }) } // 释放会话 if (this.captureSession) { await this.captureSession.release((err) => { if (err) { console.error('zmw Failed to release the CaptureSession instance ${err.message}'); return; } }); } }
OpenHarmony 对于相机的官方使用文档不太清晰,有许多的坑,需要去趟。
在相机的使用时,由于开发板上的相机获取到了两个,一个是外接 USB 的相机,一个应该是系统的,在获取相机的 id 的时候需要注意。
快来发表一下你的评论吧 !