一般来说,sudo会忽略通过.bashrc文件、.bash_aliases文件或者alias命令设置的别名命令(aliased commands)。
比如,我们经常将ll用作ls -lh命令的别名。然后,我们输入ll,终端将会返回一个关于当前目录的长列表。但是,当我们输入sudo ll时,终端将会返回:
$ sudo ll
=> sudo: ll: command not found
alias sudo='sudo '
sudo后面的那个空格将会告诉bash,去检查跟在空格后面的命令是否也是一个别名。bash手册(通过man bash查看)上面是这么描述的:
If the last character of the alias value is a blank, then the next command word following the alias is also checked for alias expansion. 如果别名值的最后一个字符是空格,将会检查”跟在别名后的下一个命令”是否也是别名扩展。
# Shortcuts
alias ll='ls -lh'
alias la='ls -lhA'
alias l='ls'
alias c='clear'
alias x='exit'
alias q='exit'
# Don't run shutdown if rtorrent is running - as long as there's a screen with "tor" in its name, shutdown won't run (unless you call /sbin/shutdown, or unalias it)
alias shutdown='/home/james/scripts/safe.shutdown.sh'
# When using sudo, use alias expansion (otherwise sudo ignores your aliases)
alias sudo='sudo '
审核编辑 :李倩
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