微控制器通常用于电源瞬变、电磁干扰 (EMI) 和静电放电 (ESD) 丰富的恶劣环境中。总线损坏和电磁放电引起的程序损坏可能导致微处理器执行错误的指令。在这些环境中,看门狗定时器是一种有用的外设,可以帮助捕获和重置已“失控”的微控制器。
许多系统都是使用外部看门狗定时器设计的。安全微控制器系列通过集成内部看门狗定时器,无需外部元件。通过在微控制器内移动看门狗定时器,可以减少系统中的器件数量,从而提高整体系统可靠性。看门狗定时器可以利用微控制器使用的高精度晶体振荡器,而不是大多数独立看门狗定时器使用的不精确的RC振荡器。看门狗定时器的操作与微控制器无关,除非通过定时访问程序专门解决。失控的微控制器意外禁用看门狗定时器的可能性小于 1/7.2 ×1016.本应用笔记介绍了安全微控制器看门狗定时器的特性和用途。
在安全微控制器系列中,看门狗定时器由主系统时钟驱动。超时间隔固定为 122,800 个计算机周期(1,473,600 个外部时钟周期)。当达到超时时,将进行重置。表1显示了与不同晶体频率相关的复位时间间隔。
时钟频率 | 超时间隔 |
16.0000兆赫 | 92 毫秒 |
14.7456兆赫 | 100 毫秒 |
11.0592兆赫 | 133 毫秒 |
7.73280兆赫 | 191 毫秒 |
5.52960兆赫 | 266 毫秒 |
1.84320兆赫 | 800 毫秒 |
主要问题是看门狗定时器复位命令(设置 RWT 位)在软件中的位置。最理想的方法是在系统软件的主回路中有一个位置,定期重新启动看门狗计时器。通过主程序循环所需的时间必须小于超时间隔,否则设备将在正常运行期间自行复位。然而,在某些系统中,程序流不够线性,无法放置单个看门狗定时器复位功能。代码中应放置多个复位功能,对应于最长的软件路径。
通常,系统需要知道是否发生了看门狗定时器复位。WTR 位 (PCON.4) 将在发生这种情况时进行设置,如果发生系统故障,软件可以在复位序列的早期对此进行测试。如果是这样,系统可能会决定进入“安全”模式并提醒用户注意错误情况。
下面显示了一个简短的程序,说明了看门狗定时器的初始化和基本功能。它说明了定时访问功能,该功能可防止意外修改看门狗控制位。定时访问操作是必须按顺序一起执行的一系列步骤;否则,访问将失败。示例程序显示了用于重新启动监视器并启用其重置的定时访问。有关定时访问操作的更多详细信息,请参阅安全微控制器用户指南。受定时访问过程保护的看门狗定时器位是使能看门狗定时器复位 (EWT;PCON.2) 并重新启动看门狗定时器 (RWT;IP.7) 位。
; WD_RST.ASM Program ; ; This program demonstrates the use of the watchdog timer. ; When running, the program counts on port 1 to indicate the device is ; running and periodically resetting the watchdog timer. After counting ; to 16, it stops resetting the watchdog timer, simulating a system fault. ; ; The program begins by checking to see if the WTR bit is set. If so, the ; reset was caused by the watchdog timer, and the program will execute ; the FAULT subroutine. Port 1 is set to F0h to indicate this condition. ; If the WTR bit is not set, the reset was caused by another source and ; execution should continue normally. ;************************************ RWT EQU 0BFh ;Reset Watchdog Timer bit TA EQU 0C7h ;Timed Access Register PCON EQU 87h ;Power Control Register ACC EQU 0E0h ;Accumulator P1 EQU 090h ;Port 1 ORG 00h ;Reset Vector SJMP START ;************************************ ORG 080h ;Program starts at 80h in this example. START: MOV A, PCON ;If reset was caused by watchdog timeout, JB ACC.4, FAULT ; (WTR bit =1) execute fault subroutine. ;********************************** ;A normal power-on reset has occurred. Start initialization sequence. MOV P1, #00h ;Clear P1 to signal start of program. ;Watchdog timer initialization sequence MOV TA, #0AAh ;First restart the Watchdog timer MOV TA, #055h ; using timed SETB RWT ; access. MOV TA, #0AAh ;Next enable the Watchdog timer reset MOV TA, #055h ; function using timed ORL PCON, #04h ; access. ;********************************** ;Main program loop. This simulates a program that is operating ; correctly and then goes awry. After the program has counted to 16 ; on Port 1 it will skip over the watchdog timer reset function. This ; will simulate a fault and allow the watchdog timer reset to be asserted. ;********************************** MAIN: MOV R1, #0FFh ;Create a delay loop. This simulates LOOP1: MOV R2, #0FFh ; a device actually "doing something." LOOP2: JB P1.4, SKIP_WD_RST ;Have we been through loop 16 times? MOV TA, #0AAh ;Watchdog timer reset. In a user application it MOV TA, #055h ; should be placed at strategic locations SETB RWT ; where it will be executed periodically. SKIP_WD_RST: DJNZ R2, LOOP2 JNZ R1, LOOP1 INC P1 ;Increment counter. SJMP MAIN ;Go back to main program loop. ;************************************ ;Watchdog timeout fault. This subroutine would normally have special ; routines to be executed in the event of a system fault. In this example, ; it disables the watchdog reset and sets Port 1 to F0h to indicate a fault. ; In a real application, this routine could either clear the fault and ; restart the software, or signal a fault and halt further operation. ;************************************ FAULT: MOV P1, #0F0h ;Signal a fault MOV TA, #0AAh ;Disable watchdog timer reset MOV TA, #55h ; using timed ANL PCON, #0FBh ; access. SJMP $ ;Halt further operation.
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