Problem 151-review2015_count1k
构建一个从 0 到 999(含)计数的计数器,周期为 1000 个周期。复位输入是同步的,应该将计数器复位为 0。
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, output [9:0] q);
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic reset, output logic[9:0] q); always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin q <= 10'd0 ; end else if (q == 10'd999) begin q <= 10'd0 ; end else begin q <= q + 10'd1 ; end end endmodule
Problem 152-review2015_shiftcount
本题设计一个 4bit 位宽的移位寄存器,并具有计数器功能,可向下计数(即计数值递减)。
当移位使能 shift_ena 信号有效时,数据 data 移入移位寄存器,向高位移动(most-significant-bit),即左移。
当计数使能 count_ena 信号有效时,寄存器中现有的数值递减,向下计数。
module top_module ( input clk, input shift_ena, input count_ena, input data, output [3:0] q);
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic shift_ena, input logic count_ena, input logic data, output logic [3:0] q); always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin case (1'b1) shift_ena: begin q <= {q[2:0] , data} ; end count_ena: begin q <= q - 4'd1 ; end default: begin q <= q ; end endcase end endmodule
Problem 153-review2015_fsmseq
构建一个在输入比特流中搜索序列 1101 的有限状态机。当找到序列时,应该将start_shifting设置为 1,直到复位。卡在最终状态旨在模拟在尚未实现的更大 FSM 中进入其他状态。我们将在接下来的几个练习中扩展这个 FSM。
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output start_shifting);
检查一个序列检测状态机是否完备,一个简单的方法是观察所有状态,是否均包括输入分别为 0/1 的情况下的跳转,比如 state[IDLE ] && ~data 和 state[IDLE ] && data 是否均存在于状态跳转条件中。
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic reset, // Synchronous reset input logic data, output logic start_shifting ); //define state typedef enum logic [2:0] { idle = 3'd1 , S0 = 3'd2 , S1 = 3'd3 , S2 = 3'd4 , S3 = 3'd5 } state_def ; state_def cur_state , next_state ; //describe state transition use combinational logic always_comb begin case (cur_state) idle: begin next_state = data ? S0 : idle ; end S0: begin next_state = data ? S1 : idle ; end S1: begin next_state = data ? S1 : S2 ; end S2: begin next_state = data ? S3 : idle ; end S3: begin next_state = S3 ; end default: begin next_state = idle ; end endcase end //describe state sequencer use sequential logic always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cur_state <= idle ; end else begin cur_state <= next_state ; end end //describe output decoder use combinational logic assign start_shifting = (cur_state == S3) ; endmodule
Problem 154-review2015_fsmshift
作为用于控制移位寄存器的 FSM 的一部分,我们希望能够在检测到正确的位模式时启用移位寄存器正好 4 个时钟周期。我们在Exams/review2015_fsmseq中处理序列检测,因此 FSM 的这一部分仅处理启用移位寄存器 4 个周期。
每当 FSM 复位时,将shift_ena断言4 个周期,然后永远为 0(直到复位)。
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset output shift_ena);
题目要求 reset 信号移除后,立即 输出使能信号,因此需要组合逻辑输出。
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic reset, // Synchronous reset output logic shift_ena); //define state typedef enum logic { S0 = 1'd0 , S1 = 1'd1 } state_def ; state_def cur_state , next_state ; //describe state sequencer use sequential logic always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cur_state <= S0 ; end else begin cur_state <= next_state ; end end //describe state transition use combinational logic always_comb begin case (cur_state) S0: begin next_state = reset ? S0 : S1 ; end S1: begin next_state = reset ? S0 : S1 ; end default: begin next_state = cur_state ; end endcase end //define counter use sequential logic var logic [6:0] counter ; always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin counter <= 7'd0 ; end else if (next_state == S1) begin counter <= counter + 7'd1 ; end else begin counter <= counter ; end end //describe output decoder use sequential logic assign shift_ena = (cur_state == S0) || (cur_state == S1 && counter < 7'd4) ; endmodule
Problem 155-review2015_fsm
在此题之前,我们已经分别实现了 FSM:Enable shift register 以及 FSM:1101 序列检测器。接下来我们继续前进,实现这个复杂计数器的完整 FSM。
在数据流中检测到特定序列后启动计数器,该序列为: 1101将 4bits 数据输入移位寄存器,作为计数器的初值等待计数器结束计数告知上层应用计数完成,并等待用户通过 ack 信号确认在本题练习中,只需要实现控制状态机,不需要实现数据通路,比如计数器本身以及数据比较器等。
数据流从模块的 data 信号输入,当检测到 1101 序列后,状态机需要置高输出信号 shft_ena 并保持 4 个周期(用于将接下来 4bit 数据输入移位寄存器)。
之后,状态机置高 counting 信号,表示其正在等待计数器完成计数,当计数器完成计数输出 done_counting 信号后,counting 信号置低。
再此后,状态机置高 done 信号通知上层应用计数器计数完成,等待 ack 信号置高后,状态机清除 done 信号,返回空闲状态等待捕获下一个 1101 序列。
本题给出了一个期望输入输出的例子。图中的斜线代表当前信号为 'X', 表示状态机不关心该信号当前的值。比如图例中,一旦 FSM 检测到 1101 序列后,在此次计数器事件完成前,对于当前的数据流不再关心。
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output shift_ena, output counting, input done_counting, output done, input ack );
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic reset, // Synchronous reset input logic data, output logic shift_ena, output logic counting, input logic done_counting, output logic done, input logic ack ); //define state typedef enum logic [2:0] { idle = 3'd1 , S0 = 3'd2 ,S1 = 3'd3 , S2 = 3'd4 , shif = 3'd5 , count = 3'd6 , waite = 3'd7 } state_def ; state_def cur_state , next_state ; //describe state transition use combinational logic always_comb begin case (cur_state) idle: begin next_state = data ? S0 : idle ; end S0: begin next_state = data ? S1 : idle ; end S1: begin next_state = data ? S1 : S2 ; end S2: begin next_state = data ? shif : idle ; end shif: begin next_state = counter < 7'd4 ? shif : count ; end count: begin next_state = done_counting ? waite : count ; end waite: begin next_state = ack ? idle : waite ; end default: begin next_state = idle ; end endcase end //define counter use sequential logic var logic [6:0] counter ; always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset || next_state != shif) begin counter <= 7'd0 ; end else if (next_state == shif) begin counter <= counter + 7'd1 ; end else begin counter <= counter ; end end //describe state sequencer use sequential logic always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cur_state <= idle ; end else begin cur_state <= next_state ; end end //describe output decoder use combinational logic assign shift_ena = (cur_state == shif) ; assign counting = (cur_state == count) ; assign done = (cur_state == waite) ; endmodule
Problem 156-review2015_fancytimer
在数据流中检测到序列 1101 后,电路需要将接下来的 4bit 数据移入移位寄存器。4bit 数据决定了计数器的计数周期,称为 delay[3:0]。首先到达的比特作为数据的高位。
之后,状态机置高 counting 信号,表示其正在等待计数器完成计数。在 FSM 中增加计数器状态,计数周期为 (delay[3:0] + 1 )* 1000 个时钟周期。比如 delay = 0 时,计数值为 1000 个周期。delay = 5 代表 6000 个周期。同时输出 count 当前剩余的计数周期,输出当前剩余计数周期的千位(比如,还剩1000个周期输出 1,还剩 999 个周期时输出 0)。当计数停止后,count 的输出可以为任意数。
当计数完成后,电路置高 done 信号通知上层应用计数器计数完成,等待 ack 信号置高后,状态机清除 done 信号,返回空闲状态等待捕获下一个 1101 序列。
本题给出了一个期望输入输出的例子。图中的斜线代表当前信号为 'X', 表示状态机不关心该信号当前的值。比如图例中,一旦 FSM 检测到 1101 序列并读取 delay[3:0] 后,在此次计数器事件完成前,对于当前的数据流不再关心。
在图例中,电路计数周期为 2000 ,因为 delay[3:0] 数值为 4'b0001 。在后续的第二个计数周期中,因为 delay[3:0] = 4‘b1110,所以计数周期为 15000。
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output [3:0] count, output counting, output done, input ack );
module top_module ( input logic clk, input logic reset, // Synchronous reset input logic data, output logic [3:0] count, output logic counting, output logic done, input logic ack ); //define state typedef enum logic [2:0] { idle = 3'd1 , S0 = 3'd2 ,S1 = 3'd3 , S2 = 3'd4 , shif = 3'd5 , count_t = 3'd6 , waite = 3'd7 } state_def ; state_def cur_state , next_state ; //describe state transition use combinational logic always_comb begin case (cur_state) idle: begin next_state = data ? S0 : idle ; end S0: begin next_state = data ? S1 : idle ; end S1: begin next_state = data ? S1 : S2 ; end S2: begin next_state = data ? shif : idle ; end shif: begin next_state = counter_shif < 7'd4 ? shif : count_t ; end count_t: begin next_state = (counter == (delay + 1)*1000 - 1) ? waite : count_t ; end waite: begin next_state = ack ? idle : waite ; end default: begin next_state = idle ; end endcase end //describe state sequencer use sequential logic always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cur_state <= idle ; end else begin cur_state <= next_state ; end end //describe output decoder use combinational logic assign count = (cur_state == count_t) ? (delay - counter_delay) :4'd0 ; assign counting = (cur_state == count_t) ; assign done = (cur_state == waite) ; //define counter for shift use sequential logic var logic [6:0] counter_shif ; always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset || next_state != shif) begin counter_shif <= 7'd0 ; end else if (next_state == shif) begin counter_shif <= counter_shif + 7'd1 ; end else begin counter_shif <= counter_shif ; end end //define counter for count use sequential logic var logic [15:0] counter ; always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (reset || next_state != count_t) begin counter <= 16'd0 ; end else if (cur_state == count_t) begin counter <= counter + 16'd1 ; end else begin counter <= 16'd0 ; end end //shift data into delay use sequential logic var logic [3:0] delay ; always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if(reset) begin delay <= 4'd0 ; end else begin if (cur_state == shif) begin delay <= {delay[2:0] , data} ; end end end //calculate couter_delay use combinational logic var logic [3:0] counter_delay ; always@(*)begin if(counter <= 999)begin counter_delay = 4'd0; end else if(counter >= 1000 && counter <= 1999)begin counter_delay = 4'd1; end else if(counter >= 2000 && counter <= 2999)begin counter_delay = 4'd2; end else if(counter >= 3000 && counter <= 3999)begin counter_delay = 4'd3; end else if(counter >= 4000 && counter <= 4999)begin counter_delay = 4'd4; end else if(counter >= 5000 && counter <= 5999)begin counter_delay = 4'd5; end else if(counter >= 6000 && counter <= 6999)begin counter_delay = 4'd6; end else if(counter >= 7000 && counter <= 7999)begin counter_delay = 4'd7; end else if(counter >= 8000 && counter <= 8999)begin counter_delay = 4'd8; end else if(counter >= 9000 && counter <= 9999)begin counter_delay = 4'd9; end else if(counter >= 10000 && counter <= 10999)begin counter_delay = 4'd10; end else if(counter >= 11000 && counter <= 11999)begin counter_delay = 4'd11; end else if(counter >= 12000 && counter <= 12999)begin counter_delay = 4'd12; end else if(counter >= 13000 && counter <= 13999)begin counter_delay = 4'd13; end else if(counter >= 14000 && counter <= 14999)begin counter_delay = 4'd14; end else begin counter_delay = 4'd15; end end endmodule
Problem 157-review2015_fsmonehot
给定以下具有 3 个输入、3 个输出和 10 个状态的状态机:
假定使用以下one-hot编码, 通过检查推导出下一状态逻辑方程和输出逻辑方程: (S, S1, S11, S110, B0, B1, B2, B3, Count, Wait) = (10'b0000000001, 10 'b0000000010, 10'b0000000100, ..., 10'b1000000000)
B3_next ,B2 状态的次态(原题写的 B1,应该为笔误)
module top_module( input d, input done_counting, input ack, input [9:0] state, // 10-bit one-hot current state output B3_next, output S_next, output S1_next, output Count_next, output Wait_next, output done, output counting, output shift_ena );
module top_module( input logic d, input logic done_counting, input logic ack, input logic [9:0] state, // 10-bit one-hot current state output logic B3_next, output logic S_next, output logic S1_next, output logic Count_next, output logic Wait_next, output logic done, output logic counting, output logic shift_ena ); // // You may use these parameters to access state bits using e.g., state[B2] instead of state[6]. parameter logic [3:0] S = 4'd0, S1 = 4'd1 , S11 = 4'd2 , S110= 4'd3 , B0 = 4'd4 , B1 = 4'd5 , B2 = 4'd6 , B3 = 4'd7 , Count = 4'd8 , Wait = 4'd9 ; assign B3_next = state[B2] ; assign S_next = ~d & state[S] | ~d & state[S1] | ~d & state[S110] | ack & state[Wait] ; assign S1_next = d & state[S] ; assign Count_next = state[B3] | ~done_counting & state[Count] ; assign Wait_next = done_counting & state[Count] | ~ack & state[Wait] ; assign done = state[Wait] ; assign counting = state[Count] ; assign shift_ena = state[B0] | state[B1] | state[B2] |state[B3] ; endmodule
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