





在计算机程序设计中,运算符重载(英语:operator overloading)是多态的一种。这里,运算符(比如+,=或==)被当作多态函数,它们的行为随着其参数类型的不同而不同。运算符并不一定总是符号。


a + b * c


add(a, multiply(b, c))

(假设运算符* 的优先级高于运算符 +)



函数重载(英语:function overloading),是Ada、C++、C#、D和Java等编程语言中具有的一项特性,这项特性允许创建数项名称相同但输入输出类型或个数不同的子程序,它可以简单地称为一个单独功能可以执行多项任务的能力。







  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. class printData {

  19. public:

  20. void print(int number){

  21. cout << number <<"n";

  22. }

  23. void print(double number){

  24. cout << number <<"n";

  25. }

  26. void print(string s){

  27. cout << s <<"n";

  28. }

  29. };

  30. int main(){

  31. printData test;

  32. test.print(1);

  33. test.print(1.1);

  34. test.print("abcde");

  35. return0;

  36. }






  1. Boxoperator+(constBox&);


  1. Boxoperator+(constBox&,constBox&);


  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classBox{

  19. private:

  20. int length, breadth, height;

  21. public:

  22. int get_volume(){

  23. return length * breadth * height;

  24. }

  25. void set_length(int l){

  26. length = l;

  27. }

  28. void set_breadth(int b){

  29. breadth = b;

  30. }

  31. void set_height(int h){

  32. height = h;

  33. }

  34. Boxoperator+(Box& add_box){

  35. Box box;

  36. box.length = add_box.length + length, box.breadth = add_box.breadth + breadth, box.height = add_box.height + height;

  37. return box;

  38. }

  39. };

  40. int main(){

  41. Box box1, box2, box3;

  42. box1.set_length(1), box1.set_breadth(2), box1.set_height(3);

  43. box2.set_length(4), box2.set_breadth(5), box2.set_height(6);

  44. box3 = box1 + box2;

  45. cout <<"The volume of box1 is: "<< box1.get_volume()<<"n";

  46. cout <<"The volume of box2 is: "<< box2.get_volume()<<"n";

  47. cout <<"The volume of box3 is: "<< box3.get_volume()<<"n";

  48. return0;

  49. }




算数运算符+ - * / %
关系运算符== != < > <= >=
单目运算符+ - * &
自增运算符++ --
赋值运算符= += -= *= /= %= &=
空间申请和释放new delete new[] delete[]
其他() -> , []


成员指针访问运算符.* ->*








  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classPoint{

  19. private:

  20. int x, y;

  21. public:

  22. Point(int x_x =0,int y_y =0){

  23. x = x_x, y = y_y;

  24. }

  25. Pointoperator-(){

  26. x =-x, y =-y;

  27. return*this;

  28. }

  29. voidShow_Point(){

  30. cout <<"("<< x <<","<< y <<")n";

  31. }

  32. };

  33. int main(){

  34. int x, y;

  35. cin >> x >> y;

  36. Point p(x, y);

  37. -p;

  38. p.Show_Point();

  39. return0;

  40. }



二元运算符主要需要两个参数,我们通常使用的加(+),减(-),乘(*),除(/)都是二元运算符。接下来我们尝试重载 + 运算符:

  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classBox{

  19. private:

  20. int length, breadth, height;

  21. public:

  22. int get_volume(){

  23. return length * breadth * height;

  24. }

  25. void set_length(int l){

  26. length = l;

  27. }

  28. void set_breadth(int b){

  29. breadth = b;

  30. }

  31. void set_height(int h){

  32. height = h;

  33. }

  34. Boxoperator+(Box& add_box){

  35. Box box;

  36. box.length = add_box.length + length, box.breadth = add_box.breadth + breadth, box.height = add_box.height + height;

  37. return box;

  38. }

  39. };

  40. int main(){

  41. Box box1, box2, box3;

  42. box1.set_length(1), box1.set_breadth(2), box1.set_height(3);

  43. box2.set_length(4), box2.set_breadth(5), box2.set_height(6);

  44. box3 = box1 + box2;

  45. cout <<"The volume of box1 is: "<< box1.get_volume()<<"n";

  46. cout <<"The volume of box2 is: "<< box2.get_volume()<<"n";

  47. cout <<"The volume of box3 is: "<< box3.get_volume()<<"n";

  48. return0;

  49. }


  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classBox{

  19. private:

  20. int length, breadth, height;

  21. public:

  22. int get_volume(){

  23. return length * breadth * height;

  24. }

  25. void set_length(int l){

  26. length = l;

  27. }

  28. void set_breadth(int b){

  29. breadth = b;

  30. }

  31. void set_height(int h){

  32. height = h;

  33. }

  34. friendBoxoperator+(Box& add_box1,Box& add_box2);

  35. };

  36. Boxoperator+(Box& add_box1,Box&add_box2){

  37. Box box;

  38. box.length = add_box1.length + add_box2.length, box.breadth = add_box1.breadth + add_box2.breadth, box.height = add_box1.height + add_box2.height;

  39. return box;

  40. }

  41. int main(){

  42. Box box1, box2, box3;

  43. box1.set_length(1), box1.set_breadth(2), box1.set_height(3);

  44. box2.set_length(4), box2.set_breadth(5), box2.set_height(6);

  45. box3 = box1 + box2;

  46. cout <<"The volume of box1 is: "<< box1.get_volume()<<"n";

  47. cout <<"The volume of box2 is: "<< box2.get_volume()<<"n";

  48. cout <<"The volume of box3 is: "<< box3.get_volume()<<"n";

  49. return0;

  50. }




  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classStudent{

  19. private:

  20. string name, ID;

  21. int score1, score2;

  22. public:

  23. Student(string n, string id,int number1,int number2){

  24. name = n, ID = id, score1 = number1, score2 = number2;

  25. }

  26. Student(){

  27. }

  28. booloperator>(Student& s){

  29. if(score1 + score2 > s.score1 + s.score2){

  30. returntrue;

  31. }

  32. else{

  33. returnfalse;

  34. }

  35. }

  36. booloperator<(Student& s){

  37. if(score1 + score2 < s.score1 + s.score2){

  38. returntrue;

  39. }

  40. else{

  41. returnfalse;

  42. }

  43. }

  44. booloperator==(Student& s){

  45. if(score1 + score2 == s.score1 + s.score2){

  46. returntrue;

  47. }

  48. else{

  49. returnfalse;

  50. }

  51. }

  52. };

  53. int main(){

  54. string name, ID;

  55. int score1, score2;

  56. cin >> name >> ID >> score1 >> score2;

  57. StudentStudent1(name, ID, score1, score2);

  58. cin >> name >> ID >> score1 >> score2;

  59. StudentStudent2(name, ID, score1, score2);

  60. if(Student1>Student2){

  61. cout <<"Student1 is better than Student2";

  62. }

  63. elseif(Student1==Student2){

  64. cout <<"Student1 is equal to Student2";

  65. }

  66. elseif(Student1<Student2){

  67. cout <<"Student1 is worse than Student2";

  68. }

  69. return0;

  70. }





  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classStudent{

  19. private:

  20. string name, ID;

  21. int score1, score2;

  22. public:

  23. Student(string n, string id,int number1,int number2){

  24. name = n, ID = id, score1 = number1, score2 = number2;

  25. }

  26. Student(){

  27. }

  28. booloperator>(Student& s){

  29. if(score1 + score2 > s.score1 + s.score2){

  30. returntrue;

  31. }

  32. else{

  33. returnfalse;

  34. }

  35. }

  36. booloperator<(Student& s){

  37. if(score1 + score2 < s.score1 + s.score2){

  38. returntrue;

  39. }

  40. else{

  41. returnfalse;

  42. }

  43. }

  44. booloperator==(Student& s){

  45. if(score1 + score2 == s.score1 + s.score2){

  46. returntrue;

  47. }

  48. else{

  49. returnfalse;

  50. }

  51. }

  52. friend istream &operator>>(istream& input,Student&student){

  53. input >> student.name >> student.ID >> student.score1 >> student.score2;

  54. return input;

  55. }

  56. friend ostream &operator<<(ostream& output,Student&student){

  57. output <<"Student:"<< student.name <<" ID:"<< student.ID <<" total score:"<< student.score1 + student.score2 <<"n";

  58. return output;

  59. }

  60. };

  61. int main(){

  62. string name, ID;

  63. int score1, score2;

  64. cin >> name >> ID >> score1 >> score2;

  65. StudentStudent1(name, ID, score1, score2);

  66. cin >> name >> ID >> score1 >> score2;

  67. StudentStudent2(name, ID, score1, score2);

  68. if(Student1>Student2){

  69. cout <<"Student1 is better than Student2n";

  70. }

  71. elseif(Student1==Student2){

  72. cout <<"Student1 is equal to Student2n";

  73. }

  74. elseif(Student1<Student2){

  75. cout <<"Student1 is worse than Student2n";

  76. }

  77. cout <<Student1<<Student2;

  78. return0;

  79. }





  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classTime{

  19. private:

  20. int hour, minute, second;

  21. public:

  22. Time(){

  23. hour =0, minute =0, second =0;

  24. }

  25. Time(int h,int m,int s){

  26. hour = h, minute = m, second = s;

  27. }

  28. friend ostream&operator<<(ostream& output,Time T){

  29. output <<"The time is "<< T.hour <<":"<< T.minute <<":"<< T.second <<"n";

  30. return output;

  31. }

  32. Timeoperator++(){

  33. ++second;

  34. if(second >=60){

  35. ++minute;

  36. minute -=60;

  37. }

  38. if(minute >=60){

  39. ++hour;

  40. minute -=60;

  41. }

  42. if(hour >=24){

  43. hour =0;

  44. }

  45. return*this;

  46. }

  47. Timeoperator++(int){

  48. ++second;

  49. if(second >=60){

  50. ++minute;

  51. minute -=60;

  52. }

  53. if(minute >=60){

  54. ++hour;

  55. minute -=60;

  56. }

  57. if(hour >=24){

  58. hour =0;

  59. }

  60. return*this;

  61. }

  62. };

  63. int main(){

  64. int hour, minute, second;

  65. cin >> hour >> minute >> second;

  66. Time T(hour, minute, second);

  67. ++T;

  68. cout << T;

  69. T++;

  70. cout << T;

  71. return0;

  72. }






  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classTime{

  19. private:

  20. int hour, minute, second;

  21. public:

  22. Time(){

  23. hour =0, minute =0, second =0;

  24. }

  25. Time(int h,int m,int s){

  26. hour = h, minute = m, second = s;

  27. }

  28. friend ostream&operator<<(ostream& output,Time T){

  29. output <<"The time is "<< T.hour <<":"<< T.minute <<":"<< T.second <<"n";

  30. return output;

  31. }

  32. Timeoperator=(Time& T){

  33. hour = T.hour, minute = T.minute, second = T.second;

  34. return*this;

  35. }

  36. };

  37. int main(){

  38. int hour, minute, second;

  39. cin >> hour >> minute >> second;

  40. Time T1(hour, minute, second);

  41. Time T2;

  42. T2 = T1;

  43. cout << T1 << T2;

  44. return0;

  45. }





  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classTime{

  19. private:

  20. int hour, minute, second, total_second;

  21. public:

  22. Time(){

  23. hour =0, minute =0, second =0, total_second =0;

  24. }

  25. Time(int h,int m,int s){

  26. hour = h, minute = m, second = s, total_second =3600*24* hour +3600* minute + second;

  27. }

  28. void show_total_second(){

  29. cout << total_second;

  30. }

  31. Timeoperator()(int h,int m,int s){

  32. Time T;

  33. T.total_second =24*60*60* h +60*60* m + s;

  34. return T;

  35. }

  36. Timeoperator=(Time& T){

  37. this->total_second = T.total_second;

  38. return*this;

  39. }

  40. };

  41. int main(){

  42. int hour, minute, second;

  43. cin >> hour >> minute >> second;

  44. Time T1;

  45. Time T2 = T1(hour, minute, second);

  46. T2.show_total_second();

  47. return0;

  48. }



  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. classArray{

  19. private:

  20. int number[10], posion;

  21. public:

  22. int&operator[](int i){

  23. return number[i];

  24. }

  25. Array(){

  26. posion =0;

  27. }

  28. void set_value(int num){

  29. number[posion]= num,++ posion;

  30. }

  31. };

  32. int main(){

  33. Array number;

  34. for(R int i =0; i <10;++i){

  35. int n;

  36. cin >> n;

  37. number.set_value(n);

  38. }

  39. for(R int i =0; i <10;++i){

  40. cout << number[i]<<" ";

  41. }

  42. return0;

  43. }

类成员访问运算符( -> )可以被重载,但它较为麻烦。它被定义用于为一个类赋予"指针"行为。运算符 -> 必须是一个成员函数。如果使用了 -> 运算符,返回类型必须是指针或者是类的对象。

运算符 -> 通常与指针引用运算符 * 结合使用,用于实现"智能指针"的功能。这些指针是行为与正常指针相似的对象,唯一不同的是,当通过指针访问对象时,它们会执行其他的任务。比如,当指针销毁时,或者当指针指向另一个对象时,会自动删除对象。

  1. #include

  2. #include

  3. #include

  4. #include

  5. #include

  6. #include

  7. #include

  8. #include

  9. #include

  10. #include

  11. #include

  12. #include

  13. #define R register

  14. #define LL longlong

  15. #define pi 3.141

  16. #define INF 1400000000

  17. usingnamespace std;

  18. // 假设一个实际的类

  19. classObj{

  20. staticint i, j;

  21. public:

  22. void f()const{ cout << i++<< endl;}

  23. void g()const{ cout << j++<< endl;}

  24. };

  25. // 静态成员定义

  26. intObj::i =10;

  27. intObj::j =12;

  28. // 为上面的类实现一个容器

  29. classObjContainer{

  30. vector<Obj*> a;

  31. public:

  32. void add(Obj* obj)

  33. {

  34. a.push_back(obj);// 调用向量的标准方法

  35. }

  36. friendclassSmartPointer;

  37. };

  38. // 实现智能指针,用于访问类 Obj 的成员

  39. classSmartPointer{

  40. ObjContainer oc;

  41. int index;

  42. public:

  43. SmartPointer(ObjContainer& objc)

  44. {

  45. oc = objc;

  46. index =0;

  47. }

  48. // 返回值表示列表结束

  49. booloperator++()// 前缀版本

  50. {

  51. if(index >= oc.a.size()-1)returnfalse;

  52. if(oc.a[++index]==0)returnfalse;

  53. returntrue;

  54. }

  55. booloperator++(int)// 后缀版本

  56. {

  57. returnoperator++();

  58. }

  59. // 重载运算符 ->

  60. Obj*operator->()const

  61. {

  62. if(!oc.a[index])

  63. {

  64. cout <<"Zero value";

  65. return(Obj*)0;

  66. }

  67. return oc.a[index];

  68. }

  69. };

  70. int main(){

  71. constint sz =10;

  72. Obj o[sz];

  73. ObjContainer oc;

  74. for(int i =0; i < sz; i++)

  75. {

  76. oc.add(&o[i]);

  77. }

  78. SmartPointer sp(oc);// 创建一个迭代器

  79. do{

  80. sp->f();// 智能指针调用

  81. sp->g();

  82. }while(sp++);

  83. return0;

  84. }









重定义也叫做隐藏,子类重新定义父类中有相同名称的非虚函数 ( 参数列表可以不同 ) 。(发生在基类和子类)

this 指针的作用

this 指针是一个隐含于每一个非静态成员函数中的特殊指针。它指向正在被该成员函数操作的那个对象。当对一个对象调用成员函数时,编译器先将对象的地址赋给 this 指针,然后调用成员函数,每次成员函数存取数据成员时由隐含使用 this 指针。

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