using TimerCallback = std::function;
struct TimerMessage {
const int id; // time id.
const long long timeout; // time out value.
const TimerCallback callback; // timeout callback function.
const TimerType type; // 0:once, 1:periodic.
long long when; // time out occure time.
bool valid; // set true when timeout and pop from message queue.
: id(0), timeout(0), callback(nullptr), type(ONCE_TIMER), when(0), valid(false)
TimerMessage(const int &id, const long long &timeout, const TimerCallback &callback,
const TimerType &type = ONCE_TIMER)
: id(id), timeout(timeout), callback(callback), type(type), when(0), valid(false)
std::shared_ptr create(const long long &timeoutMillis, const TimerCallback &callback,
const TimerType &type = TIMERTYPE_ONCE);
bool start(void);
void stop(void);
bool enqueueMessage(const TimerMessageRefPtr &message, const long long &when)
do {
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
LOGD("add message id:%d, when:%lld", message->id, when);
message->when = when;
std::upper_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const long long &when, const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return (when < m->when);
} while (0);
return true;
void removeMessages(const int &id)
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
auto it = mMapIdWhens.find(id);
if (it == mMapIdWhens.end()) {
for (auto const &when : it->second) {
LOGD("del message id:%d, when:%lld", id, when);
std::lower_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m, const long long &when) {
return (m->when < when);
std::upper_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const long long &when, const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return (when < m->when);
[&id](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) { return ((id == m->id)); }),
bool hasMessages(const int &id) const
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
bool ret = (mMapIdWhens.end() != mMapIdWhens.find(id));
LOGV("has message id:%d %s", id, ret ? "yes" : "no");
return ret;
inline void waitForItems(void)
std::unique_lock ul(mMuxLock);
mCond.wait(ul, [this]() { return !mMessages.empty(); });
if (0 == mMessages.front()->when) {
long long waitingTimeMicros = 0;
while (!mMessages.empty()
&& (waitingTimeMicros = mMessages.front()->when - steadyTimeMicros()) > 0) {
// next message is not ready, set a timeout to wake up when it is ready.
mCond.wait_for(ul, std::chrono::microseconds(waitingTimeMicros));
inline TimerMessageRefPtr next(void)
while (true) {
do {
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock); // minimise the lock scope.
if (!mMessages.empty()
&& (steadyTimeMicros() >= mMessages.front()->when)) { // time is up.
TimerMessageRefPtr msg = std::move(mMessages.front());
msg->valid = true;
// remove message by id and when from map.
auto &whens = mMapIdWhens[msg->id];
whens.erase(std::remove_if(whens.begin(), whens.end(),
[&msg](const long long &when) {
return when == msg->when;
if (whens.empty()) {
LOGD("pop message id:%d, when:%lld", msg->id, msg->when);
return msg;
} while (0);
do {
auto message = mTimerTickQueue->next();
if (!message) {
if (!message->callback) {
// No callback is a magic identifier for the quit message.
do {
std::unique_lock ul(mMutexLock);
if (!message->valid) {
if (PERIODIC_TIMER == message->type) {
message->when + message->timeout);
} while (0);
} while (mMainThreadAlive);
TimerMessageRefPtr message = nullptr;
do {
std::unique_lock ul(mMutexLock);
mCond.wait(ul, [this]() { return !mCallbackQueue->empty(); });
message = mCallbackQueue->front();
if (!message) {
if (!message->callback) {
// No callback is a magic identifier for the quit message.
if (!message->valid) {
// handler dispatch message.
LOGV("callback message id:%d, when:%lld", message->id, message->when);
} while (mMainThreadAlive);
1.create timer manager instance
auto timerMgr = mdtimer::TimerManager::getInstance();
2.create timer instance
auto timer1 = timerMgr->create(50, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "once timer1, 50ms"));
auto timer2 = timerMgr->create(100, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer2, 100ms"),
3.start timer
4.stop timer
* Copyright (C) 2023 . All rights reserved.
* File name : MDTimer.hpp
* Author : longbin
* Created date: 2020-05-07 21:54:42
* Description : message driven timer
#ifndef __MDTIMER_HPP__
#define __MDTIMER_HPP__
#ifdef LOG_TAG
# undef LOG_TAG
#endif // LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "MDTimer"
#include "logging.hpp"
// usage:
// 1. create timer manager instance;
// auto timerMgr = mdtimer::TimerManager::getInstance();
// 2. create timer instance;
// auto timer1 = timerMgr -> create(50, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "once timer1, 50ms"));
// auto timer2 = timerMgr -> create(100, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer2, 100ms"),
// mdtimer::PERIODIC_TIMER);
// 3. start timer;
// (void)timer1->start();
// (void)timer2->start();
// 4. stop timer;
// timer1->stop();
// timer2->stop();
namespace mdtimer
using TimerType = enum TimerType { ONCE_TIMER = 0, PERIODIC_TIMER = 1 };
class ITimer
virtual ~ITimer() = default;
virtual bool start(void) = 0;
virtual void stop(void) = 0;
}; // class ITimer
class TimerManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this
using TimerCallback = std::function;
class TimerMessage;
using TimerMessageRefPtr = std::shared_ptr;
using TimerMessageRefPtrList = std::deque;
using TimerManagerRefPtr = std::shared_ptr;
struct TimerMessage {
const int id; // time id.
const long long timeout; // time out value.
const TimerCallback callback; // timeout callback function.
const TimerType type; // 0:once, 1:periodic.
long long when; // time out occure time.
bool valid; // set true when timeout and pop from message queue.
: id(0), timeout(0), callback(nullptr), type(ONCE_TIMER), when(0), valid(false)
TimerMessage(const int &id, const long long &timeout, const TimerCallback &callback,
const TimerType &type = ONCE_TIMER)
: id(id), timeout(timeout), callback(callback), type(type), when(0), valid(false)
class TimerMessageQueue
constexpr static bool mShowMessages = false;
TimerMessageRefPtrList mMessages{};
std::map> mMapIdWhens;
mutable std::mutex mMuxLock;
std::condition_variable mCond;
TimerMessageQueue(const TimerMessageQueue &) = delete;
TimerMessageQueue &operator=(const TimerMessageQueue &) = delete;
inline void showMessages()
std::string queue{};
std::for_each(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(),
[&queue](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
queue += std::to_string(m->id) + ":" + std::to_string(m->when) + " ";
LOGD("show messages (size:%zu) %s", mMessages.size(), queue.c_str());
inline void waitForItems(void)
std::unique_lock ul(mMuxLock);
mCond.wait(ul, [this]() { return !mMessages.empty(); });
if (0 == mMessages.front()->when) {
long long waitingTimeMicros = 0;
while (!mMessages.empty()
&& (waitingTimeMicros = mMessages.front()->when - steadyTimeMicros()) > 0) {
// next message is not ready, set a timeout to wake up when it is ready.
mCond.wait_for(ul, std::chrono::microseconds(waitingTimeMicros));
TimerMessageQueue() = default;
virtual ~TimerMessageQueue() = default;
TimerMessageRefPtr next(void)
while (true) {
do {
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock); // minimise the lock scope.
if (!mMessages.empty()
&& (steadyTimeMicros() >= mMessages.front()->when)) { // time is up.
TimerMessageRefPtr msg = std::move(mMessages.front());
msg->valid = true;
// remove message by id and when from map.
auto &whens = mMapIdWhens[msg->id];
whens.erase(std::remove_if(whens.begin(), whens.end(),
[&msg](const long long &when) {
return when == msg->when;
if (whens.empty()) {
LOGD("pop message id:%d, when:%lld", msg->id, msg->when);
return msg;
} while (0);
bool enqueueMessage(const TimerMessageRefPtr &message, const long long &when)
do {
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
LOGD("add message id:%d, when:%lld", message->id, when);
message->when = when;
std::upper_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const long long &when, const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return (when < m->when);
if (mShowMessages) {
} while (0);
return true;
void removeMessages(const int &id)
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
auto it = mMapIdWhens.find(id);
if (it == mMapIdWhens.end()) {
for (auto const &when : it->second) {
LOGD("del message id:%d, when:%lld", id, when);
std::lower_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m, const long long &when) {
return (m->when < when);
std::upper_bound(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(), when,
[](const long long &when, const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return (when < m->when);
[&id](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) { return ((id == m->id)); }),
if (mShowMessages) {
bool hasMessages(const int &id) const
std::lock_guard lg(mMuxLock);
bool ret = (mMapIdWhens.end() != mMapIdWhens.find(id));
LOGV("has message id:%d %s", id, ret ? "yes" : "no");
return ret;
// return mMessages.end()
// != std::find_if(mMessages.begin(), mMessages.end(),
// [&id](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) { return ((id == m->id));
// });
}; // class TimerMessageQueue
class TimerImpl : public ITimer
friend class TimerManager; // to access its private start/stop
TimerManagerRefPtr mTimerManager = nullptr;
TimerMessageRefPtr mTimerMessage = nullptr;
explicit TimerImpl(const TimerManagerRefPtr &manager, const int &id,
const long long &timeoutMillis, const TimerCallback &callback,
const TimerType &type)
LOGI("create timer id:%d, timeout:%lldms, type:%d", id, timeoutMillis, type);
mTimerManager = manager;
mTimerMessage =
std::make_shared(id, timeoutMillis * 1000, callback, type);
virtual ~TimerImpl()
LOGI("destroy timer id:%d", mTimerMessage->id);
this->stop(); // if destroy timer manager before timer the stop will be blocked.
virtual bool start(void) override
mTimerMessage->when = mTimerMessage->timeout + steadyTimeMicros();
return mTimerManager ? mTimerManager->start(mTimerMessage) : false;
virtual void stop(void) override
if (mTimerManager) {
}; // class TimerImpl
virtual ~TimerManager()
mMainThreadAlive = false;
(void)mTimerTickQueue->enqueueMessage(std::make_shared(), 0);
(void)mTimerTickQueue->enqueueMessage(std::make_shared(), -1);
if (mTimerTickThread.joinable()) {
if (mTimerCallbackThread.joinable()) {
static std::shared_ptr getInstance(void)
static std::shared_ptr instance =
std::shared_ptr(new TimerManager());
return instance;
std::shared_ptr create(const long long &timeoutMillis, const TimerCallback &callback,
const TimerType &type = ONCE_TIMER)
int id = mTimerId.fetch_add(1);
return std::shared_ptr(
new TimerImpl(shared_from_this(), id, timeoutMillis, callback, type));
static long long steadyTimeMicros(void)
auto now = std::chrono::time_point_cast(
std::chrono::microseconds span =
return span.count();
TimerManager(const TimerManager &) = delete;
TimerManager &operator=(const TimerManager &) = delete;
TimerManager() : mMainThreadAlive(true)
mTimerTickThread = std::thread([this]() {
do {
auto message = mTimerTickQueue->next();
if (!message) {
if (!message->callback) {
// No callback is a magic identifier for the quit message.
do {
std::unique_lock ul(mMutexLock);
if (!message->valid) {
if (PERIODIC_TIMER == message->type) {
message->when + message->timeout);
} while (0);
} while (mMainThreadAlive);
LOGI("TimerTickThread exit.");
mTimerCallbackThread = std::thread([this]() {
TimerMessageRefPtr message = nullptr;
do {
std::unique_lock ul(mMutexLock);
mCond.wait(ul, [this]() { return !mCallbackQueue->empty(); });
message = mCallbackQueue->front();
if (!message) {
if (!message->callback) {
// No callback is a magic identifier for the quit message.
if (!message->valid) {
// handler dispatch message.
LOGV("callback message id:%d, when:%lld", message->id, message->when);
} while (mMainThreadAlive);
LOGI("TimerCallbackThread exit.");
inline bool start(const TimerMessageRefPtr &message)
std::lock_guard lg(mMutexLock);
LOGI("start timer id:%d, timeout:%lldms", message->id, message->timeout / 1000);
// stop the exist timer then start.
if (mTimerTickQueue->hasMessages(message->id)) {
mCallbackQueue->erase(std::remove_if(mCallbackQueue->begin(), mCallbackQueue->end(),
[&message](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return ((message->id == m->id));
message->valid = false;
return mTimerTickQueue->enqueueMessage(message, message->when);
inline void stop(const TimerMessageRefPtr &message)
std::lock_guard lg(mMutexLock);
LOGI("stop timer id:%d", message->id);
if (mTimerTickQueue->hasMessages(message->id)) {
mCallbackQueue->erase(std::remove_if(mCallbackQueue->begin(), mCallbackQueue->end(),
[&message](const TimerMessageRefPtr &m) {
return ((message->id == m->id));
message->valid = false;
std::atomic mTimerId{1};
std::shared_ptr mTimerTickQueue = std::make_shared();
std::shared_ptr> mCallbackQueue =
std::atomic mMainThreadAlive{true};
std::thread mTimerTickThread;
std::thread mTimerCallbackThread;
mutable std::mutex mMutexLock;
std::condition_variable mCond;
}; // class TimerManager
}; // namespace mdtimer
#endif //__MDTIMER_HPP__,>()>
* Copyright (C) 2020 * Ltd. All rights reserved.
* File name : mdtimertest.cpp
* Created date: 2020-05-07 00:35:00
// #include "callstack.h"
#include "MDTimer.hpp"
#ifdef LOG_TAG
# undef LOG_TAG
#endif // LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "MDTimerTest"
#include "logging.hpp"
static void timeoutCallback(const std::string &info)
LOGI("timeoutCallback: %s", info.c_str());
void signal_SEGV_handler(int signo)
LOGE("caught signal: %d", signo);
// callstack_dump("CALLSTACK");
/* reset signal handle to default */
(void)signal(signo, SIG_DFL);
/* will receive SIGSEGV again and exit app */
int main()
(void)signal(SIGSEGV, signal_SEGV_handler);
auto timerMgr = mdtimer::TimerManager::getInstance();
if (timerMgr == nullptr) {
LOGE("ERROR: create timer failed.");
return -1;
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(3));
auto timer1 = timerMgr->create(50, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "once timer1, 50ms"));
auto timer2 = timerMgr->create(100, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer2, 100ms"),
auto timer3 = timerMgr->create(1000, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer3, 1000ms"),
#if 1
auto timer4 = timerMgr->create(20, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer4, 20ms"),
#if 0
auto timer5 = timerMgr->create(10, std::bind(timeoutCallback, "periodic timer5, 10ms"),
for (auto i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5));
LOGI("the end.");
return 0;
2023-06-12 14:10:13.374461 13360 13360 I MDTimer:191 create TimerImpl id:1, timeout:50, type:0
2023-06-12 14:10:13.374531 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:1, timeout:50ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.425528 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer1: once, 50ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.475776 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:1
2023-06-12 14:10:13.475813 13360 13360 I MDTimer:191 create TimerImpl id:2, timeout:100, type:1
2023-06-12 14:10:13.475817 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:2, timeout:100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.577174 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.687436 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.778635 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.876929 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:13.976795 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:14.076345 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:14.177249 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:14.276597 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:14.376828 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:14.476367 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:2
2023-06-12 14:10:14.476445 13360 13360 I MDTimer:191 create TimerImpl id:3, timeout:1000, type:1
2023-06-12 14:10:14.476460 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:3, timeout:1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:15.477362 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:16.477212 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:17.477276 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:18.477688 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.476631 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.476740 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:1, timeout:50ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.476775 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:2, timeout:100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.476784 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:3, timeout:1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.527071 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer1: once, 50ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.576829 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.676966 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.777616 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.877071 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:19.978404 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.076912 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.177797 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.277207 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.377493 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.477006 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.477045 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.577124 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.677249 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.777554 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.878031 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:20.977304 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.076999 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.177763 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.277001 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.377242 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.477678 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer2: periodic, 100ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.477737 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer3: periodic, 1000ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.479624 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:1
2023-06-12 14:10:21.479692 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:2
2023-06-12 14:10:21.479707 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:3
2023-06-12 14:10:21.479718 13360 13360 I MDTimer:191 create TimerImpl id:4, timeout:20, type:1
2023-06-12 14:10:21.479730 13360 13360 I MDTimer:329 start id:4, timeout:20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.499973 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.520535 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.540938 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.560465 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.584846 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.600391 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.619945 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.640485 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.661126 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.680551 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.700040 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.720451 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.741117 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.761350 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.780723 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.803386 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.820695 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.840791 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.860119 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.880511 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.900001 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.920576 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.941140 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.960555 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:21.980128 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.000512 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.019996 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.040414 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.060041 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.080564 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.099851 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.122287 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.140901 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.160394 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.179968 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.200225 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.220663 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.239965 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.260511 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.280020 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.305578 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.320103 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.340671 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.360015 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.380570 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.401000 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.420479 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.439866 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.460528 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.479953 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.500648 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.520394 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.540747 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.561312 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.580095 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.600382 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.620899 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.640418 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.659902 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.680163 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.703046 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.720542 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.740724 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.760168 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.780537 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.800054 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.820631 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.840785 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.860125 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.881097 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.900537 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.920620 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.941611 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.960467 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.979897 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:22.999982 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.020105 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.040916 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.060492 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.079993 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.100434 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.120644 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.140971 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.160481 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.181060 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.201456 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.222556 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.239880 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.260501 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.280484 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.299980 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.321099 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.340601 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.360090 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.380639 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.400425 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.422625 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.440473 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.460980 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.480272 13360 13362 I MDTimerTest:25 timeoutCallback: timer4: periodic, 20ms
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481266 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:4
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481313 13360 13360 I MDTimerTest:88 the end.
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481323 13360 13360 I MDTimer:203 destroy TimerImpl id:4
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481329 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:4
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481336 13360 13360 I MDTimer:203 destroy TimerImpl id:3
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481341 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:3
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481348 13360 13360 I MDTimer:203 destroy TimerImpl id:2
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481353 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:2
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481360 13360 13360 I MDTimer:203 destroy TimerImpl id:1
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481365 13360 13360 I MDTimer:344 stop id:1
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481371 13360 13360 I MDTimer:291 ~TimerManager.
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481467 13360 13361 I MDTimer:256 TimerTickThread exit.
2023-06-12 14:10:23.481629 13360 13362 I MDTimer:285 TimerCallbackThread exit.
- 本定时器设计简洁高效,应用方便,满足绝大多数场景的使用;
- 当需要创建或管理大量定时器时,由于定时器start时插入消息时间复杂度为O(log2N),但stop时直接删除消息时间复杂度为O(N),因此引入了辅助的map用于解决该问题,使时间复杂度变为log2N;也可以使用时间轮定时器来优化,但处理逻辑会比较复杂。
快来发表一下你的评论吧 !