









  • 坐标
  • GNSS定位
  • 基站定位
  • WLAN、蓝牙定位

图 1子系统架构图 []()





  • 使用设备的位置能力,需要用户进行确认并主动开启位置开关。如果位置开关没有开启,系统不会向任何应用提供位置服务。
  • 设备位置信息属于用户敏感数据,所以即使用户已经开启位置开关,应用在获取设备位置前仍需向用户申请位置访问权限。在用户确认允许后,系统才会向应用提供位置服务。




 * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

 * You may obtain a copy of the License at


 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

 * limitations under the License.



 * @file

 * @kit LocationKit


import { AsyncCallback, Callback } from './@ohos.base';

import { WantAgent } from './@ohos.wantAgent';


 * Provides interfaces for initiating location requests, ending the location service,

 * and obtaining the location result cached by the system.


 * @namespace geolocation

 * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

 * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

 * @since 7

 * @deprecated since 9


declare namespace geolocation {


   * Subscribe location changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'locationChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { LocationRequest } request - Indicates the location request parameters.

   * @param { Callback< Location > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:locationChange


  function on(type: 'locationChange', request: LocationRequest, callback: Callback< Location >): void;


   * Unsubscribe location changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'locationChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< Location > } [callback] - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:locationChange


  function off(type: 'locationChange', callback?: Callback< Location >): void;


   * Subscribe location switch changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'locationServiceState' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:locationEnabledChange


  function on(type: 'locationServiceState', callback: Callback< boolean >): void;


   * Unsubscribe location switch changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'locationServiceState' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback [callback] - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:locationEnabledChange


  function off(type: 'locationServiceState', callback?: Callback< boolean >): void;


   * Subscribe to cache GNSS locations update messages


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { CachedGnssLocationsRequest } request - Indicates the cached GNSS locations request parameters.

   * @param { Callback< Array< Location > > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the cached GNSS locations.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:cachedGnssLocationsChange


  function on(type: 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting', request: CachedGnssLocationsRequest, callback: Callback< Array< Location > >): void;


   * Unsubscribe to cache GNSS locations update messages


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< Array< Location > > } [callback] - Indicates the callback for reporting the cached gnss locations.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:cachedGnssLocationsChange


  function off(type: 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting', callback?: Callback< Array< Location > >): void;


   * Subscribe gnss status changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'gnssStatusChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< SatelliteStatusInfo > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the gnss status change.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:satelliteStatusChange


  function on(type: 'gnssStatusChange', callback: Callback< SatelliteStatusInfo >): void;


   * Unsubscribe gnss status changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'gnssStatusChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< SatelliteStatusInfo > } [callback] - Indicates the callback for reporting the gnss status change.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:satelliteStatusChange


  function off(type: 'gnssStatusChange', callback?: Callback< SatelliteStatusInfo >): void;


   * Subscribe nmea message changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'nmeaMessageChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< string > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the nmea message.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:nmeaMessage


  function on(type: 'nmeaMessageChange', callback: Callback< string >): void;


   * Unsubscribe nmea message changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'nmeaMessageChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { Callback< string > } [callback] - Indicates the callback for reporting the nmea message.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:nmeaMessage


  function off(type: 'nmeaMessageChange', callback?: Callback< string >): void;


   * Add a geofence and subscribe geo fence status changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'fenceStatusChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { GeofenceRequest } request - Indicates the Geo-fence configuration parameters.

   * @param { WantAgent } want - Indicates which ability to start when the geofence event is triggered.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:gnssFenceStatusChange


  function on(type: 'fenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent): void;


   * Remove a geofence and unsubscribe geo fence status changed


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { 'fenceStatusChange' } type - Indicates the location service event to be subscribed to.

   * @param { GeofenceRequest } request - Indicates the Geo-fence configuration parameters.

   * @param { WantAgent } want - Indicates which ability to start when the geofence event is triggered.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:gnssFenceStatusChange


  function off(type: 'fenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent): void;


   * Obtain current location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { CurrentLocationRequest } request - Indicates the location request parameters.

   * @param { AsyncCallback< Location > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCurrentLocation


  function getCurrentLocation(request: CurrentLocationRequest, callback: AsyncCallback< Location >): void;


   * Obtain current location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback< Location > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCurrentLocation


  function getCurrentLocation(callback: AsyncCallback< Location >): void;


   * Obtain current location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { CurrentLocationRequest } [request] - Indicates the location request parameters.

   * @returns { Promise< Location > } The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCurrentLocation


  function getCurrentLocation(request?: CurrentLocationRequest): Promise< Location >;


   * Obtain last known location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback< Location > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getLastLocation


  function getLastLocation(callback: AsyncCallback< Location >): void;


   * Obtain last known location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise< Location > } The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getLastLocation


  function getLastLocation(): Promise< Location >;


   * Obtain current location switch status


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location switch result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.isLocationEnabled


  function isLocationEnabled(callback: AsyncCallback< boolean >): void;


   * Obtain current location switch status


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.isLocationEnabled


  function isLocationEnabled(): Promise< boolean >;


   * Request enable location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the location switch status.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9


  function requestEnableLocation(callback: AsyncCallback< boolean >): void;


   * Request enable location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9


  function requestEnableLocation(): Promise< boolean >;


   * Obtain address info from location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { ReverseGeoCodeRequest } request - Indicates the reverse geocode query parameters.

   * @param { AsyncCallback< Array< GeoAddress > > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the address info.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getAddressesFromLocation


  function getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback< Array< GeoAddress > >): void;


   * Obtain address info from location


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { ReverseGeoCodeRequest } request - Indicates the reverse geocode query parameters.

   * @returns { Promise< Array< GeoAddress > > } The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getAddressesFromLocation


  function getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest): Promise< Array< GeoAddress > >;


   * Obtain latitude and longitude info from location address


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { GeoCodeRequest } request - Indicates the geocode query parameters.

   * @param { AsyncCallback< Array< GeoAddress > > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the latitude and longitude result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getAddressesFromLocationName


  function getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback< Array< GeoAddress > >): void;


   * Obtain latitude and longitude info from location address


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { GeoCodeRequest } request - Indicates the geocode query parameters.

   * @returns { Promise< Array< GeoAddress > > } The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getAddressesFromLocationName


  function getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest): Promise< Array< GeoAddress > >;


   * Obtain geocode service status


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the geocode service status.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.isGeocoderAvailable


  function isGeoServiceAvailable(callback: AsyncCallback< boolean >): void;


   * Obtain geocode service status


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.isGeocoderAvailable


  function isGeoServiceAvailable(): Promise< boolean >;


   * Obtain the number of cached GNSS locations reported at a time


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback< number > } callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the cached GNSS locations size.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCachedGnssLocationsSize


  function getCachedGnssLocationsSize(callback: AsyncCallback< number >): void;


   * Obtain the number of cached GNSS locations reported at a time


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise< number > } The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCachedGnssLocationsSize


  function getCachedGnssLocationsSize(): Promise< number >;


   * All prepared GNSS locations are returned to the application through the callback function,

   * and the bottom-layer buffer is cleared.


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { AsyncCallback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.flushCachedGnssLocations


  function flushCachedGnssLocations(callback: AsyncCallback< boolean >): void;


   * All prepared GNSS locations are returned to the application through the callback function,

   * and the bottom-layer buffer is cleared.


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @returns { Promise The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.flushCachedGnssLocations


  function flushCachedGnssLocations(): Promise< boolean >;


   * Send extended commands to location subsystem.


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { LocationCommand } command - Indicates the extended Command Message Body.

   * @param { AsyncCallback callback - Indicates the callback for reporting the send command result.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.sendCommand


  function sendCommand(command: LocationCommand, callback: AsyncCallback< boolean >): void;


   * Send extended commands to location subsystem.


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @param { LocationCommand } command - Indicates the extended Command Message Body.

   * @returns { Promise The promise returned by the function.

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.sendCommand


  function sendCommand(command: LocationCommand): Promise< boolean >;


   * Satellite status information


   * @interface SatelliteStatusInfo

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.SatelliteStatusInfo


  export interface SatelliteStatusInfo {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    satellitesNumber: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    satelliteIds: Array< number >;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    carrierToNoiseDensitys: Array< number >;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    altitudes: Array< number >;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    azimuths: Array< number >;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    carrierFrequencies: Array< number >;



   * Parameters for requesting to report cache location information


   * @interface CachedGnssLocationsRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.CachedGnssLocationsRequest


  export interface CachedGnssLocationsRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    reportingPeriodSec: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Gnss

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    wakeUpCacheQueueFull: boolean;



   * Configuring parameters in geo fence requests


   * @interface GeofenceRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.GeofenceRequest


  export interface GeofenceRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    priority: LocationRequestPriority;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    scenario: LocationRequestScenario;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    geofence: Geofence;



   * Configuring parameters in geo fence requests


   * @interface Geofence

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.Geofence


  export interface Geofence {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    latitude: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    longitude: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    radius: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geofence

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    expiration: number;



   * Configuring parameters in reverse geocode requests


   * @interface ReverseGeoCodeRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.ReverseGeoCodeRequest


  export interface ReverseGeoCodeRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    locale?: string;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    latitude: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    longitude: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxItems?: number;



   * Configuring parameters in geocode requests


   * @interface GeoCodeRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.GeoCodeRequest


  export interface GeoCodeRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    locale?: string;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    description: string;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxItems?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    minLatitude?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    minLongitude?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxLatitude?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxLongitude?: number;



   * Data struct describes geographic locations.


   * @interface GeoAddress

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.GeoAddress


  export interface GeoAddress {


     * Indicates latitude information.

     * A positive value indicates north latitude,

     * and a negative value indicates south latitude.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    latitude?: number;


     * Indicates longitude information.

     * A positive value indicates east longitude ,

     * and a negative value indicates west longitude .


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    longitude?: number;


     * Indicates language used for the location description.

     * zh indicates Chinese, and en indicates English.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    locale?: string;


     * Indicates landmark of the location.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    placeName?: string;


     * Indicates country code.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    countryCode?: string;


     * Indicates country name.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    countryName?: string;


     * Indicates administrative region name.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    administrativeArea?: string;


     * Indicates sub-administrative region name.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    subAdministrativeArea?: string;


     * Indicates locality information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    locality?: string;


     * Indicates sub-locality information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    subLocality?: string;


     * Indicates road name.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    roadName?: string;


     * Indicates auxiliary road information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    subRoadName?: string;


     * Indicates house information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    premises?: string;


     * Indicates postal code.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    postalCode?: string;


     * Indicates phone number.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    phoneNumber?: string;


     * Indicates website URL.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    addressUrl?: string;


     * Indicates additional information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    descriptions?: Array< string >;


     * Indicates the amount of additional descriptive information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Geocoder

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    descriptionsSize?: number;



   * Configuring parameters in location requests


   * @interface LocationRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationRequest


  export interface LocationRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    priority?: LocationRequestPriority;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    scenario?: LocationRequestScenario;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    timeInterval?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    distanceInterval?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxAccuracy?: number;



   * Configuring parameters in current location requests


   * @interface CurrentLocationRequest

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.CurrentLocationRequest


  export interface CurrentLocationRequest {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    priority?: LocationRequestPriority;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    scenario?: LocationRequestScenario;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    maxAccuracy?: number;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    timeoutMs?: number;



   * Provides information about geographic locations


   * @interface Location

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.Location


  export interface Location {


     * Indicates latitude information.

     * A positive value indicates north latitude,

     * and a negative value indicates south latitude.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    latitude: number;


     * Indicates Longitude information.

     * A positive value indicates east longitude ,

     * and a negative value indicates west longitude .


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    longitude: number;


     * Indicates location altitude, in meters.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    altitude: number;


     * Indicates location accuracy, in meters.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    accuracy: number;


     * Indicates speed, in m/s.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    speed: number;


     * Indicates location timestamp in the UTC format.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    timeStamp: number;


     * Indicates direction information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    direction: number;


     * Indicates location timestamp since boot.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    timeSinceBoot: number;


     * Indicates additional information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    additions?: Array< string >;


     * Indicates the amount of additional descriptive information.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    additionSize?: number;



   * Enum for location priority


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @enum { number }

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationRequestPriority


  export enum LocationRequestPriority {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    UNSET = 0x200,


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9





   * Enum for location scenario


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @enum { number }

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationRequestScenario


  export enum LocationRequestScenario {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9


    UNSET = 0x300,


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9





   * Enum for error code


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @enum { number }

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 7

   * @deprecated since 9


  export enum GeoLocationErrorCode {


     * Indicates input parameter error.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates reverse geocode query failed.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates geocode query failed.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates positioning failed.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

       * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates operation failure caused by abnormal location switch.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates failed to get the last known location.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9




     * Indicates location request timeout.


     * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 7

     * @deprecated since 9





   * Enum for location privacy type


   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @enum { number }

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationPrivacyType


  export enum LocationPrivacyType {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    OTHERS = 0,


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9




     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9





   * Location subsystem command structure


   * @interface LocationCommand

   * @permission ohos.permission.LOCATION

   * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

   * @since 8

   * @deprecated since 9

   * @useinstead ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationCommand


  export interface LocationCommand {


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    scenario: LocationRequestScenario;


     * @syscap SystemCapability.Location.Location.Core

     * @since 8

     * @deprecated since 9


    command: string;



export default geolocation;

审核编辑 黄宇

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