将异步事件驱动并发模型运用于嵌入式Linux,可使程序占用系统资源少、运行效率高。本文介绍了以libcssl函数库中提供的串行接口函数,在嵌入式 Linux的串行通信中实现异步事件驱动模型的方法,并以西门子MC35模块作为数据源,以GSM短信发送模块的实例说明串口通信程序的设计思路及其实现。 关键词:异步事件驱动;嵌入式Linux; 串口; 短信 The Application of Asynchronous Event Driven Model In Embedded System Sha Quan (Shanghai Institute of Technology) Abstract:The application of asynchronous event driven software model in embedded Linux platform can use less system overhead and improve the efficiency of the program. This paper presents a method to realize the asynchronous event driven software model in embedded Linux system ,which using the functions of serial interface in the library libcssl. The application in GSM short message sending system which using the siemens MC35 as the data source, shows the design method and its realization. Keywords: asynchronous event driven; embedded Linux;serial interface; short message