随着信息技术和信息产业的不断发展,软件广泛而深入地应用于各个领域。本文首先 分析目前软件设计中三层体系结构的不足, 结合软件开发工程实践中对软件体系结构的需 求,提出了一种基于UML 描述的软件体系结构解决方案,将应用程序划分为页面表示层、业务外观层、业务规则层、数据实体层、存储过程层等五层,并定义了层间调用标准接口。 关键字: UML 描述;软件体系;应用程序 Abstract: As the development of information technology and information industry, the software is used in different areas in our life. It analyzes the shortage of the recent three layer structure first. Considering the demand of software design and development, the thesis has brought forward a kind software architecture solution based on UML description which divides application into page expression layer, business facade layer, business rule layer, data layer and stored procedure layer, cross-layer call standard interface dataset. This solution builds a special standard dataset on data exchanging among layers. Keywords: UML Description; Software Architecture; Application Program