实时无线数据的传输技术已经开始应用在彩票销售、远程数据采集等场合,本文介绍 了一种采用ARM7 MPU 与KC19 CDMA 模块组成的桥接装置,给出了其设计原理与实现过程,并对系统的硬件结构、软件框架、功能模块、关键技术等进行了阐述,通过实验该装置可以可靠完成实时无线数据传输的任务。 关键词:CDMA 模块;无线数据传输;ARM MPU;嵌入式系统 Abstract: This paper describes a bridge device based on ARM MPU and KC19 CDMA module. Presents the principle of design and process implemented, and discuss the hardware and software structure of the system. Through experiments that the device could be a reliable real-time wireless data transmission to complete the task. Key words: CDMA module;Wireless data transmission;Embedded system;ARM MPU