业务流程集成是协同管理平台的核心技术之一。本文提出采用基于BPEL 的集成方式实 现协同管理平台与应用系统之间的业务流程集成,并设计了协同管理平台的业务流程集成方案。重点对BPEL 流程文档的三个基本结构,即合作伙伴链接声明、变量定义和流程主体,进行了详细描述。 关键词:面向服务体系构架;协同管理;BPEL Abstract: Business process integration is one of the key technologies of the collaborative platform.The business process integration of the collaborative platform based on BPEL is suggested in this paper, and the scheme of business process integration is designed. The tree parts of the base structure of the BPEL process, namely the announce of partner link, the definition of the variables and the main body, are described in detail in this paper. Key words: Service-Oriented Architecture Collaborative Management BPEL