本文所研究的网络电话系统包括电话终端和服务器两部分,其中的电话终端是基于现 在比较热门的嵌入式技术进行设计的,论文首先介绍了网络电话的发展现状、工作原理及关键技术相关理论知识, 然后从硬件电路的设计和服务系统软件设计两方面论述了基于 S3C4510B 微处理器和VxWorks 操作系统的网络电话终端的具体实现方法和过程。 关键字:嵌入式,Vxworks,S3c4510B,网络电话 Abstract: The Speech Communication system includes telephone terminal and server, the telephone is designed 一based on the present quite popular Embedded Technology , The paper first introduces, the present situation of the network telephone development, the principle of work and the key technologies, and from the hardware circuit design and system software design ,elaborates a telephone terminal concrete realization method and the realization process based on the S3C4510B microprocessor. Keyword:Embeded,Vxworks,S3c4510B, Network Telephone