针对计算机网络系统中普遍存在着漏洞和脆弱点的现状,从主动防御的角度出发,分析了利用攻击工具对网络系统进行安全性测试的必要性,研究了攻击工具库与攻击工具 箱,提出了多属性攻击工具分类法,设计了面向安全测试的攻击工具库。 关键词:漏洞;脆弱点;安全测试;攻击工具库;攻击工具箱 Abstract: The computer network system has a lot of holes and vulnerabilities, from the point of initiative recovery, we analyze the necessity of using the attack tools to test the security of the network system, research the attack database and attack toolkit, propose multi-attribute attack tool classification, and then design the attack database oriented to security test. Key words: hole; vulnerability; security test; attack database; attack toolkit