本项目设计初衷是为了提醒自己出门不要忘记带东西——“身”、“手”、“钥”、“钱” (身份证,手机,钥匙,钱包)等。不过现在好像都在线支付了,钱包都不带了。笔者觉得后期可以改造成播报天气等,提醒带伞等等。
项目最初设计是使用安信可24G雷达传感器模块人体微动感应检测模组“Rd-03” 来做。由于手上刚好有一个"HC-SR501 红外感应电子模块传感器" 模块,所以这次先用这个试试。
GPIO 全称 General Purpose Input Output(通用输入 / 输出),博流系列芯片的 GPIO 外设主要有以下功能。
bl mcu sdk 的引脚配置方式分为两种。
GPIO 复用功能通过专门的 pinmux table ,用户只需要修改 table 中的相关引脚的功能,程序会自动配置这些引脚。pinmux table 位于 bsp/board/xxx_board 目录下 pinmux_config.h 文件。
通过标准的 GPIO 设备接口配置引脚,缺点是只能配置普通的输入输出和中断功能,复用功能建议还是使用 table 进行配置。
PIR 传感器如何工作?
**绝对零 (0 开尔文/-273.5 *C) 以上的每个物体都会以红外辐射的形式发出热能。物体越热,它发出的辐射就越多。辐射对人眼是不可见的,PIR传感器专门设计用于检测这种辐射水平。
PIR 传感器由两个主要部分组成,可以看到的热释电传感器是圆形的,中间有一个矩形晶体。
实际上,为了增加 PIR 传感器的范围和视野,透镜被分成几个面部分,每个部分都是一个单独的菲涅尔透镜。
HC-SR501 PIR 运动传感器模块引出线
HC-SR501 模块具有三个引脚。模块丝印被菲涅耳透镜遮挡,请参考下面给出的引脚排列。施加 5V – 12V 电源和接地,传感器输出在检测到运动时变为高电平,在空闲时变为低电平(未检测到运动)。
L - 在此设置中,传感器将处于单触发模式,在此模式下,当检测到运动时输出变高。并在延时电位器设定的一定时间内保持高电平。任何其他类型的检测都会被阻止,直到输出变低。
H - 选择这些设置将设置多重触发模式。在这种模式下,当检测到运动时输出变高,高电平周期由设置的电位器决定。但与单触发模式不同的是,进一步检测不会被阻止并且可以连续触发,当未检测到移动时,引脚变为低电平。
PIR 传感器背面有一个电位器,用于调节灵敏度。在电位器的帮助下,可以调整设备的灵敏度。顺时针旋转电位器会增加灵敏度,逆时针旋转电位器会降低灵敏度。
3.3V 稳压器
该模块带有一个 3.3V 稳压器,因此它可以由 4.5V 至 12V 电源供电。虽然 5V 是常用的。
HC-SR501 PIR 传感器模块故障排除
PIR 传感器无法正常工作可能有多种原因。需要通过一些测试来找出问题的根本原因。
传感器的工作电压为 4.8V 至 20V,因此无法使用 3.3V 为传感器供电。
在某些情况下会看到镜头顶部积聚了灰尘,因此 PIR 传感器可能会停止工作。
#include "bflb\_mtimer.h" #include "board.h" #include "bflb\_gpio.h" #include "locale.h" #define DBG\_TAG "MAIN" #include "log.h" struct bflb\_device\_s *gpio; int main(void) { board\_init(); gpio = bflb\_device\_get\_by\_name("gpio"); bflb\_gpio\_init(gpio, GPIO\_PIN\_13, GPIO\_INPUT | GPIO\_PULLDOWN | GPIO\_SMT\_EN | GPIO\_DRV\_0); bflb\_gpio\_init(gpio, GPIO\_PIN\_12, GPIO\_OUTPUT | GPIO\_PULLUP | GPIO\_SMT\_EN | GPIO\_DRV\_0); while (1) { bool isH = bflb\_gpio\_read(gpio, GPIO\_PIN\_13); if(isH){ bflb\_gpio\_set(gpio, GPIO\_PIN\_12); }else{ bflb\_gpio\_reset(gpio, GPIO\_PIN\_12); } LOG\_F("是否有人=%d\r\n", isH); bflb\_mtimer\_delay\_ms(500); } }
Step1: 构建项目并实现 Ai-M61-32S 与 人体红外感应模块 HC-SR501 连接,并获取状态值。
TTS 语音模块:XFS5152CE 语音合成模块
TTS 是 Text To Speech 的缩写,即“从文本到语音”,是人机对话的一部分,让机器能够说话。
语音播报功能的实现方式* TTS 语音模块,比如 XFS5152、SYN6288 等
ISD4000 系列语音录放芯片分段输出
可以按键、UART 控制的 mp3 解码芯片模块
OTP(One Time Programable)语音芯片[定制]
其中 TTS 语音模块使用起来最方便灵活,OTP 语音芯片最简单。
由于项目使用的是 XFS5152CE,所以简单介绍一下科大讯飞的 XFS5152CE 语音合成模块。
1 采用 XFS5152CE 语音合成芯片,支持任意中文文本、英文文本合成及中英混读。
2 支持文本控制标记设置,使用便捷,同时提升了文本处理的正确率。
6.支持 10 级语速调节。
7.支持 10 级音调调节。
8.支持 10 级音量调节。
9.支持 GB2312、GBK、BIG5 和 UNICODE 四种编码方式。
10.每次合成的文本量多达 4K 字节。
11.集成 80 种常用提示音效,适用于不同场合的信息提示、铃声、警报
14.支持三种连接方式:杜邦线接口、鳄鱼夹接口、PH2.0 防呆接口。
15.通信方式:IIC 通信。
16.12C 地址:0x50[新版本 0x30]。
由于协议使用的是 I2C,为了方便使用封装 I2C 功能。
#pragma once // #include "bouffalo\_sdk.h" #include "bflb\_gpio.h" #include "bl616\_gpio.h" #include "bl616\_glb.h" #include "bl616\_glb\_gpio.h" #include "../../drivers/lhal/include/hardware/i2c\_reg.h" #include "bflb\_i2c.h" #define lowByte(w) ((uint8\_t) ((w) & 0xff)) #define highByte(w) ((uint8\_t) ((w) >> 8)) bool getWireTimeoutFlag(); bool clearWireTimeoutFlag(); void setWireTimeout(int timeout, bool reset\_on\_timeout); void onRequest(void (*callback)()); void onReceive(void (*callback)(int)); void setClock(int clockFrequency); int readI2c(); int available(); int write\_len(uint8_t *str, int len); int write\_str(uint8_t *str); int write\_char(unsigned char value); void endTransmission\_stop(bool stop); void endTransmission(); void beginTransmission(unsigned char addr); int requestFrom\_stop(unsigned char addr, int quantity, bool stop); int requestFrom(unsigned char addr, int quantity); void end(); void begin\_addr(unsigned char addr); void begin();
#define lowByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) & 0xff))
#define highByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) >> 8))
这是 Arduino 中的方法,主要是获取高位和低位数据
#include "Wire.h" #define PUT_UINT32_LE(field, value) do { (field)[0] = (uint8_t)((value) >> 0); (field)[1] = (uint8_t)((value) >> 8); (field)[2] = (uint8_t)((value) >> 16); (field)[3] = (uint8_t)((value) >> 24); } while (0) struct bflb_device_s *i2c0; uint8_t rbuf[128]; int available_count; int indexi2c; int wire_timeout; bool wire_timeout_flag; void board_i2c_pinmux_init(void) { GLB_GPIO_Type pinlist[] = { GLB_GPIO_PIN_30, GLB_GPIO_PIN_31 }; GLB_GPIO_Func_Init(GPIO_FUN_I2C0, pinlist, 2); } bool bflb_i2c_isend(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_INT_STS_OFFSET); if (regval & I2C_END_INT) { return true; } return false; } bool bflb_i2c_isnak(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_INT_STS_OFFSET); if (regval & I2C_NAK_INT) { return true; } return false; } bool bflb_i2c_isbusy(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_BUS_BUSY_OFFSET); if (regval & I2C_STS_I2C_BUS_BUSY) { return true; } return false; } void bflb_i2c_enable(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_M_EN; putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); } bool bflb_i2c_isenable(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); if (regval & I2C_CR_I2C_M_EN) { return true; } return false; } void bflb_i2c_disable(struct bflb_device_s *dev) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_M_EN; putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); /* Clear I2C fifo */ regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_0_OFFSET); regval |= I2C_TX_FIFO_CLR; regval |= I2C_RX_FIFO_CLR; putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_0_OFFSET); /* Clear I2C interrupt status */ regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_INT_STS_OFFSET); regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_END_CLR; regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_NAK_CLR; regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_ARB_CLR; putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_INT_STS_OFFSET); } void bflb_i2c_addr_config(struct bflb_device_s *dev, uint16_t slaveaddr, uint16_t subaddr, uint8_t subaddr_size, bool is_addr_10bit) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); if (subaddr_size > 0) { regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_SUB_ADDR_EN; regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_SUB_ADDR_BC_MASK; regval |= ((subaddr_size - 1) << I2C_CR_I2C_SUB_ADDR_BC_SHIFT); } else { regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_SUB_ADDR_EN; } regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_SLV_ADDR_MASK; regval |= (slaveaddr << I2C_CR_I2C_SLV_ADDR_SHIFT); #if !defined(BL602) && !defined(BL702) if (is_addr_10bit) { regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_10B_ADDR_EN; } else { regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_10B_ADDR_EN; } #endif putreg32(subaddr, reg_base + I2C_SUB_ADDR_OFFSET); putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); } void bflb_i2c_set_datalen(struct bflb_device_s *dev, uint16_t data_len) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_PKT_LEN_MASK; regval |= ((data_len - 1) << I2C_CR_I2C_PKT_LEN_SHIFT) & I2C_CR_I2C_PKT_LEN_MASK; putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); } void bflb_i2c_set_dir(struct bflb_device_s *dev, bool is_in) { uint32_t regval; uint32_t reg_base; reg_base = dev->reg_base; regval = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); if (is_in) { regval |= I2C_CR_I2C_PKT_DIR; } else { regval &= ~I2C_CR_I2C_PKT_DIR; } putreg32(regval, reg_base + I2C_CONFIG_OFFSET); } int bflb_i2c_write_bytes(struct bflb_device_s *dev, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout) { uint32_t reg_base; uint32_t temp = 0; uint8_t *tmp_buf; uint64_t start_time; reg_base = dev->reg_base; tmp_buf = data; while (len >= 4) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp += (tmp_buf[i] << ((i % 4) * 8)); } tmp_buf += 4; len -= 4; start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while ((getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_1_OFFSET) & I2C_TX_FIFO_CNT_MASK) == 0) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } putreg32(temp, reg_base + I2C_FIFO_WDATA_OFFSET); if (!bflb_i2c_isenable(dev)) { bflb_i2c_enable(dev); } temp = 0; } if (len > 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { temp += (tmp_buf[i] << ((i % 4) * 8)); } start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while ((getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_1_OFFSET) & I2C_TX_FIFO_CNT_MASK) == 0) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } putreg32(temp, reg_base + I2C_FIFO_WDATA_OFFSET); if (!bflb_i2c_isenable(dev)) { bflb_i2c_enable(dev); } } start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while (bflb_i2c_isbusy(dev) || !bflb_i2c_isend(dev) || bflb_i2c_isnak(dev)) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } bflb_i2c_disable(dev); return 0; } int bflb_i2c_read_bytes(struct bflb_device_s *dev, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout) { uint32_t reg_base; uint32_t temp = 0; uint8_t *tmp_buf; uint64_t start_time; reg_base = dev->reg_base; tmp_buf = data; bflb_i2c_enable(dev); while (len >= 4) { start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while ((getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_1_OFFSET) & I2C_RX_FIFO_CNT_MASK) == 0) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } temp = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_RDATA_OFFSET); PUT_UINT32_LE(tmp_buf, temp); tmp_buf += 4; len -= 4; } if (len > 0) { start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while ((getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_CONFIG_1_OFFSET) & I2C_RX_FIFO_CNT_MASK) == 0) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } temp = getreg32(reg_base + I2C_FIFO_RDATA_OFFSET); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { tmp_buf[i] = (temp >> (i * 8)) & 0xff; } } start_time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); while (bflb_i2c_isbusy(dev) || !bflb_i2c_isend(dev)) { if ((bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms() - start_time) > timeout) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } } bflb_i2c_disable(dev); return 0; } /* * address: the 7-bit slave address (optional); if not specified, join the bus as a controller device. */ void begin_addr(unsigned char addr) { wire_timeout = 100; wire_timeout_flag = false; board_i2c_pinmux_init(); i2c0 = bflb_device_get_by_name("i2c0"); bflb_i2c_init(i2c0, 50000); } void begin() { wire_timeout = 100; wire_timeout_flag = false; board_i2c_pinmux_init(); i2c0 = bflb_device_get_by_name("i2c0"); bflb_i2c_init(i2c0, 50000); } void end() { bflb_i2c_deinit(i2c0); } /* * address: the 7-bit slave address of the device to request bytes from. * * quantity: the number of bytes to request. * * stop: true or false. true will send a stop message after the request, releasing the bus. * False will continually send a restart after the request, keeping the connection active. */ int requestFrom_stop(unsigned char addr, int quantity, bool stop) { indexi2c = 0; bflb_i2c_disable(i2c0); bflb_i2c_enable(i2c0); bflb_i2c_addr_config(i2c0, addr, 0, 0, false); bflb_i2c_set_datalen(i2c0,quantity); bflb_i2c_set_dir(i2c0, 1); bflb_i2c_read_bytes(i2c0, rbuf,quantity,wire_timeout); available_count = quantity; if(true == stop){ bflb_i2c_disable(i2c0); } return 0; } int requestFrom(unsigned char addr, int quantity) { indexi2c = 0; bflb_i2c_disable(i2c0); bflb_i2c_enable(i2c0); bflb_i2c_addr_config(i2c0, addr, 0, 0, false); bflb_i2c_set_datalen(i2c0,quantity); bflb_i2c_set_dir(i2c0, 1); bflb_i2c_read_bytes(i2c0, rbuf,quantity,wire_timeout); available_count = quantity; return 0; } /* * address: the 7-bit address of the device to transmit to. */ void beginTransmission(unsigned char addr) { //bflb_i2c_enable(i2c0); bflb_i2c_addr_config(i2c0, addr, 0, 0, false); bflb_i2c_set_dir(i2c0, 0); } /* * stop: true or false. True will send a stop message, releasing the bus after transmission. * False will send a restart, keeping the connection active. * * Returns * 0: success. * 1: data too long to fit in transmit buffer. * 2: received NACK on transmit of address. * 3: received NACK on transmit of data. * 4: other error. * 5: timeout */ void endTransmission_stop(bool stop) { bflb_i2c_disable(i2c0); } void endTransmission() { bflb_i2c_disable(i2c0); } /* * Description * This function writes data from a peripheral device in response to a request from * a controller device, or queues bytes for transmission from a controller to * peripheral device (in-between calls to beginTransmission() and endTransmission()). * Syntax * Wire.write(value) Wire.write(string) Wire.write(data, length) * Parameters * value: a value to send as a single byte. * string: a string to send as a series of bytes. * data: an array of data to send as bytes. * length: the number of bytes to transmit. * Returns * The number of bytes written (reading this number is optional). */ int write_char(unsigned char value) { bflb_i2c_set_datalen(i2c0, 1); bflb_i2c_write_bytes(i2c0, &value, 1,wire_timeout); return 0; } int write_str(uint8_t *str) { bflb_i2c_set_datalen(i2c0, strlen((const char*)str)); bflb_i2c_write_bytes(i2c0, str, strlen((const char*)str),wire_timeout); return 0; } int write_len(uint8_t *str, int len) { bflb_i2c_set_datalen(i2c0, len); int ret = bflb_i2c_write_bytes(i2c0, str, len,wire_timeout); return ret; } /* * Description * This function returns the number of bytes available for retrieval with read(). * This function should be called on a controller device after a call to * requestFrom() or on a peripheral inside the onReceive() handler. * available() inherits from the Stream utility class. */ int available() { return available_count; } /* * Description * This function reads a byte that was transmitted from a peripheral device to * a controller device after a call to requestFrom() or was transmitted from a * controller device to a peripheral device. read() inherits from the Stream utility class. * Syntax * Wire.read() * Parameters * None. * Returns * The next byte received. */ int readI2c() { unsigned char ret; if(available_count){ available_count--; ret = rbuf[indexi2c]; indexi2c++; return ret; } return 0; } /* * Description * This function modifies the clock frequency for I2C communication. * I2C peripheral devices have no minimum working clock frequency, * however 100KHz is usually the baseline. * Syntax * Wire.setClock(clockFrequency) * Parameters * clockFrequency: the value (in Hertz) of the desired communication clock. * Accepted values are 100000 (standard mode) and 400000 (fast mode). * Some processors also support 10000 (low speed mode), 1000000 (fast mode plus) * and 3400000 (high speed mode). Please refer to the specific processor documentation * to make sure the desired mode is supported. * Returns * None. */ void setClock(int clockFrequency) { bflb_i2c_deinit(i2c0); bflb_i2c_init(i2c0, clockFrequency); } /* * Description * This function registers a function to be called when a peripheral device receives * a transmission from a controller device. * Syntax * Wire.onReceive(handler) * Parameters * handler: the function to be called when the peripheral device receives data; * this should take a single int parameter (the number of bytes read from the controller * device) and return nothing. * Returns * None. */ void onReceive(void (*callback)(int)) { //we not support slave mode yet } /* * Description * This function registers a function to be called when a controller device requests data from a peripheral device. * Syntax * Wire.onRequest(handler) * Parameters * handler: the function to be called, takes no parameters and returns nothing. * Returns * None. */ void onRequest(void (*callback)()) { //we not support slave mode yet } /* * Description * Sets the timeout for Wire transmissions in master mode. * Syntax * Wire.setWireTimeout(timeout, reset_on_timeout) * Wire.setWireTimeout() * Parameters * timeout a timeout: timeout in microseconds, if zero then timeout checking is disabled * reset_on_timeout: if true then Wire hardware will be automatically reset on timeout * When this function is called without parameters, a default timeout is configured that * should be sufficient to prevent lockups in a typical single-master configuration. * Returns * None. */ void setWireTimeout(int timeout, bool reset_on_timeout) { wire_timeout = timeout; wire_timeout_flag = true; } /* Description * Clears the timeout flag. * Timeouts might not be enabled by default. See the documentation for Wire.setWireTimeout() * for more information on how to configure timeouts and how they work. * Syntax * Wire.clearTimeout() * Parameters * None. * Returns * bool: The current value of the flag */ bool clearWireTimeoutFlag() { wire_timeout_flag = false; return true; } /* * Description * Checks whether a timeout has occured since the last time the flag was cleared. * This flag is set is set whenever a timeout occurs and cleared when Wire.clearWireTimeoutFlag() * is called, or when the timeout is changed using Wire.setWireTimeout(). * Syntax * Wire.getWireTimeoutFlag() * Parameters * None. * Returns * bool: The current value of the flag */ bool getWireTimeoutFlag() { return wire_timeout_flag; }
这里修改了 I2C 引脚
GLB_GPIO_Type pinlist[] = {
默认是 GLB_GPIO_PIN_14、GLB_GPIO_PIN_15.然后封装.
XFS5152CE 模块功能代码
#ifndef __XFS_H #define __XFS_H #include#include #include #include #include #include #include //Added for uint_t #include #include "bflb_mtimer.h" struct XFS_Protocol_TypeDef { uint8_t DataHead; uint8_t Length_HH; uint8_t Length_LL; uint8_t Commond; uint8_t EncodingFormat; const char* Text; }; /* *| 帧头(1Byte)| 数据区长度(2Byte)| 数据区(<4KByte) | *| | 高字节 | 低字节 | 命令字 | 文本编码格式 | 待合成文本 | *| 0xFD | 0xHH | 0xLL | 0x01 | 0x00~0x03 | ... ... | */ typedef enum { CMD_StartSynthesis = 0x01,//语音合成命令 CMD_StopSynthesis = 0x02,//停止合成命令,没有参数 CMD_PauseSynthesis = 0x03,//暂停合成命令,没有参数 CMD_RecoverySynthesis = 0x04,//恢复合成命令,没有参数 CMD_CheckChipStatus = 0x21,//芯片状态查询命令 CMD_PowerSavingMode = 0x88,//芯片进入省电模式 CMD_NormalMode = 0xFF//芯片从省电模式返回正常工作模式 } CMD_Type;//命令字 void StartSynthesis(const char* str);//开始合成 // void StartSynthesis(String str);//开始合成 bool IIC_WriteByte(uint8_t data); void IIC_WriteByteSize(uint8_t* buff, uint32_t size); void SendCommond(CMD_Type cmd); void StopSynthesis();//停止合成 void PauseSynthesis();//暂停合成 void RecoverySynthesis();//恢复合成 typedef enum { GB2312 = 0x00, GBK = 0x01, BIG5 = 0x02, UNICODE = 0x03 } EncodingFormat_Type;//文本的编码格式 void SetEncodingFormat(EncodingFormat_Type encodingFormat); typedef enum { ChipStatus_InitSuccessful = 0x4A,//初始化成功回传 ChipStatus_CorrectCommand = 0x41,//收到正确的命令帧回传 ChipStatus_ErrorCommand = 0x45,//收到不能识别命令帧回传 ChipStatus_Busy = 0x4E,//芯片忙碌状态回传 ChipStatus_Idle = 0x4F//芯片空闲状态回传 } ChipStatus_Type;//芯片回传 typedef enum { Style_Single,//?为 0,一字一顿的风格 Style_Continue//?为 1,正常合成 } Style_Type; //合成风格设置 [f?] void SetStyle(Style_Type style); typedef enum { Language_Auto,//? 为 0,自动判断语种 Language_Chinese,//? 为 1,阿拉伯数字、度量单位、特殊符号等合成为中文 Language_English//? 为 2,阿拉伯数字、度量单位、特殊符号等合成为英文 } Language_Type; //合成语种设置 [g?] void SetLanguage(Language_Type language); typedef enum { Articulation_Auto,//? 为 0,自动判断单词发音方式 Articulation_Letter,//? 为 1,字母发音方式 Articulation_Word//? 为 2,单词发音方式 } Articulation_Type; //设置单词的发音方式 [h?] void SetArticulation(Articulation_Type articulation); typedef enum { Spell_Disable,//? 为 0,不识别汉语拼音 Spell_Enable//? 为 1,将“拼音+1 位数字(声调)”识别为汉语拼音,例如:hao3 } Spell_Type; //设置对汉语拼音的识别 [i?] void SetSpell(Spell_Type spell); typedef enum { Reader_XiaoYan = 3,//? 为 3,设置发音人为小燕(女声, 推荐发音人) Reader_XuJiu = 51,//? 为 51,设置发音人为许久(男声, 推荐发音人) Reader_XuDuo = 52,//? 为 52,设置发音人为许多(男声) Reader_XiaoPing = 53,//? 为 53,设置发音人为小萍(女声) Reader_DonaldDuck = 54,//? 为 54,设置发音人为唐老鸭(效果器) Reader_XuXiaoBao = 55//? 为 55,设置发音人为许小宝(女童声) } Reader_Type;//选择发音人 [m?] void SetReader(Reader_Type reader); typedef enum { NumberHandle_Auto,//? 为 0,自动判断 NumberHandle_Number,//? 为 1,数字作号码处理 NumberHandle_Value//? 为 2,数字作数值处理 } NumberHandle_Type; //设置数字处理策略 [n?] void SetNumberHandle(NumberHandle_Type numberHandle); typedef enum { ZeroPronunciation_Zero,//? 为 0,读成“zero ZeroPronunciation_O//? 为 1,读成“欧”音 } ZeroPronunciation_Type; //数字“0”在读 作英文、号码时 的读法 [o?] void SetZeroPronunciation(ZeroPronunciation_Type zeroPronunciation); typedef enum { NamePronunciation_Auto,//? 为 0,自动判断姓氏读音 NamePronunciation_Constraint//? 为 1,强制使用姓氏读音规则 } NamePronunciation_Type; //设置姓名读音 策略 [r?] void SetNamePronunciation(NamePronunciation_Type namePronunciation); void SetSpeed(int speed);//设置语速 [s?] ? 为语速值,取值:0~10 void SetIntonation(int intonation);//设置语调 [t?] ? 为语调值,取值:0~10 void SetVolume(int volume);//设置音量 [v?] ? 为音量值,取值:0~10 typedef enum { PromptTone_Disable,//? 为 0,不使用提示音 PromptTone_Enable//? 为 1,使用提示音 } PromptTone_Type; //设置提示音处理策略 [x?] void SetPromptTone(PromptTone_Type promptTone); typedef enum { OnePronunciation_Yao,//? 为 0,合成号码“1”时读成“幺 OnePronunciation_Yi//? 为 1,合成号码“1”时读成“一” } OnePronunciation_Type; //设置号码中“1”的读法 [y?] void SetOnePronunciation(OnePronunciation_Type onePronunciation); typedef enum { Rhythm_Diasble,//? 为 0,“ *”和“#”读出符号 Rhythm_Enable//? 为 1,处理成韵律,“*”用于断词,“#”用于停顿 } Rhythm_Type; //是否使用韵律 标记“*”和“#” [z?] void SetRhythm(Rhythm_Type rhythm); void SetRestoreDefault();//恢复默认的合成参数 [d] 所有设置(除发音人设置、语种设置外)恢复为默认值 void XFS5152CE(uint8_t encodingFormat); void Begin(uint8_t addr); uint8_t GetChipStatus(); void TextCtrl(char c, int d); #endif
#include "XFS.h" #include#define DBG_TAG "MAIN" #include "log.h" #define XFS_DataHead (uint8_t)0xFD uint8_t I2C_Addr; uint8_t ChipStatus; struct XFS_Protocol_TypeDef DataPack; size_t foo( const char* restrict src, uint8_t* restrict dst, size_t dst_maxlen ) { size_t idx = 0; for( ; src[idx] && dst_maxlen; ++idx ) { if( idx%8 == 0 ) *dst = 0; if( src[idx] != '0' ) *dst |= 1<<(7-idx%8); if( idx%8 == 7 ) ++dst, --dst_maxlen; } return (idx+7)/8; } void XFS5152CE(uint8_t encodingFormat) { DataPack.DataHead = XFS_DataHead; DataPack.Length_HH = 0x00; DataPack.Length_LL = 0x00; DataPack.Commond = 0x00; DataPack.EncodingFormat = encodingFormat; ChipStatus = 0x00; } void Begin(uint8_t addr) { I2C_Addr = addr; XFS5152CE(GB2312); begin(); } uint8_t GetChipStatus() { uint8_t AskState[4] = {0xFD,0x00,0x01,0x21}; beginTransmission(I2C_Addr); write_len(AskState,4); endTransmission(); bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(100); requestFrom(I2C_Addr, 1); while (available()) { ChipStatus = readI2c(); } LOG_F("ChipStatus=%x ", ChipStatus); return ChipStatus; } bool IIC_WriteByte(uint8_t data) { beginTransmission(I2C_Addr); write_char(data); endTransmission(); // if(endTransmission()!=0) //发送结束信号 // { // bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(10); // return false; // } bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(10); return true; } void IIC_WriteBytes(uint8_t* buff, uint32_t size) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { IIC_WriteByte(buff[i]); } } void StartSynthesis(const char* str) { uint16_t size = strlen(str) + 2; DataPack.Length_HH = highByte(size); DataPack.Length_LL = lowByte(size); DataPack.Commond = CMD_StartSynthesis; DataPack.Text = str; uint8_t dst[(strlen(DataPack.Text)-1+7)/8]; size_t len = foo(DataPack.Text, dst, sizeof(dst)/sizeof(*dst) ); IIC_WriteBytes((uint8_t*)&DataPack,5); IIC_WriteBytes(DataPack.Text, strlen(str)); } // void StartSynthesis(String str) // { // StartSynthesis((const char*)str.c_str()); // } void SendCommond(CMD_Type cmd) { DataPack.Length_HH = 0x00; DataPack.Length_LL = 0x01; DataPack.Commond = cmd; beginTransmission(I2C_Addr); write_len((uint8_t*)&DataPack, 4); endTransmission(); } void StopSynthesis() { SendCommond(CMD_StopSynthesis); } void PauseSynthesis() { SendCommond(CMD_PauseSynthesis); } void RecoverySynthesis() { SendCommond(CMD_RecoverySynthesis); } void TextCtrl(char c, int d) { char str[10]; if (d != -1) sprintf(str, "[%c%d]", c, d); else sprintf(str, "[%c]", c); StartSynthesis(str); } void SetEncodingFormat(EncodingFormat_Type encodingFormat) { DataPack.EncodingFormat = encodingFormat; } void SetStyle(Style_Type style) { TextCtrl('f', style); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetLanguage(Language_Type language) { TextCtrl('g', language); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetArticulation(Articulation_Type articulation) { TextCtrl('h', articulation); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetSpell(Spell_Type spell) { TextCtrl('i', spell); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetReader(Reader_Type reader) { TextCtrl('m', reader); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetNumberHandle(NumberHandle_Type numberHandle) { TextCtrl('n', numberHandle); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetZeroPronunciation(ZeroPronunciation_Type zeroPronunciation) { TextCtrl('o', zeroPronunciation); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetNamePronunciation(NamePronunciation_Type namePronunciation) { TextCtrl('r', namePronunciation); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetSpeed(int speed) { // speed = constrain(speed, 0, 10); TextCtrl('s', speed); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetIntonation(int intonation) { // intonation = constrain(intonation, 0, 10); TextCtrl('t', intonation); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetVolume(int volume) { // volume = constrain(volume, 0, 10); TextCtrl('v', volume); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetPromptTone(PromptTone_Type promptTone) { TextCtrl('x', promptTone); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetOnePronunciation(OnePronunciation_Type onePronunciation) { TextCtrl('y', onePronunciation); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetRhythm(Rhythm_Type rhythm) { TextCtrl('z', rhythm); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } } void SetRestoreDefault() { TextCtrl('d', -1); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } }
语音播报内容 文件头 speak.h,该文件是为了方式播报内容乱码错乱。文件需要保存为 ANSI
char* hello[] = {"主人", "出门记得带手机和钥匙"};
主程序代码 :main.c
#include "bflb_mtimer.h" #include "board.h" #include "bflb_gpio.h" #include "Wire.h" #include "XFS.h" #include "speak.h" #define DBG_TAG "MAIN" #include "log.h" /*超时设置,示例为30S*/ static uint32_t LastSpeakTime = 0; #define SpeakTimeOut 10000 /** @brief 初始化语音合成 @param 无 @retval 无 */ uint8_t n = 1; static void XFS_Init() { Begin(0x30);//设备i2c地址,地址为0x50 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetReader(Reader_XuXiaoBao); //设置发音人 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetEncodingFormat(GB2312); //文本的编码格式 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetLanguage(Language_Auto); //语种判断 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetStyle(Style_Continue); //合成风格设置 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetArticulation(Articulation_Letter); //设置单词的发音方式 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetSpeed(6); //设置语速1~10 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetIntonation(5); //设置语调1~10 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); SetVolume(10); //设置音量1~10 bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(n); } unsigned char result = 0xFF; struct bflb_device_s *gpio; void gpio_isr() { bool isH = bflb_gpio_read(gpio, GPIO_PIN_13); if(isH){ bflb_gpio_set(gpio, GPIO_PIN_12); if(GetChipStatus() == ChipStatus_Idle){ StartSynthesis(hello[1]); } bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(3000); }else{ bflb_gpio_reset(gpio, GPIO_PIN_12); } } int main(void) { board_init(); gpio = bflb_device_get_by_name("gpio"); bflb_gpio_init(gpio, GPIO_PIN_12, GPIO_OUTPUT | GPIO_PULLUP | GPIO_SMT_EN | GPIO_DRV_0); bflb_gpio_int_init(gpio, GPIO_PIN_13, GPIO_INT_TRIG_MODE_SYNC_LOW_LEVEL); bflb_gpio_int_mask(gpio, GPIO_PIN_0, false); bflb_irq_attach(gpio->irq_num, gpio_isr, gpio); bflb_irq_enable(gpio->irq_num); XFS_Init(); StartSynthesis(hello[0]); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } // SetReader(Reader_XuJiu); //设置发音人; StartSynthesis(hello[1]); while(GetChipStatus() != ChipStatus_Idle) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(30); } while (1) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(500); } }
修改 CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) include(proj.conf) find_package(bouffalo_sdk REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{BL_SDK_BASE}) # User sdk_add_compile_definitions(-DCONFIG_CLI_CMD_ENABLE) #sdk_add_compile_definitions(-DBL616_DHCP_DEBUG) target_sources(app PRIVATE Wire.c XFS.c) sdk_add_include_directories(.) sdk_set_main_file(main.c) project(helloworld)
Ai-M61-32S GPIO 接口定义。
Ai-M61-32S | XFS5152CE |
3.3v | VCC |
完整 组件结构:
到这里基于 Ai-M61-32S “出门提醒设备 ”软硬件已完成。下一步就是外壳了。
刷 B 站的时候曾经看过一个防水盒做音箱的视频,就跟着做了一个感觉很有趣。就买了一些防水盒。
某宝签到红包1.5-3块钱,直接抵下来几毛钱一个比 3D 打印什么的性价比高很多。唯一缺点就是外观比较固定。
这个是 DIY 的小音箱。用的是“蓝牙驱动板 m38 蓝牙模块” 4 快多买的。可以蓝牙连接,也可以当 USB 声卡使用还是不错的。侧面改装成了 Type-C 接口,内置了 18650 电池。插着电源开关关掉就可以了。开着开关也没关系。用 mos 管做了隔离。插着线的情况下电池不给设备供电。
拔掉 USB 线,电池供电。基本可以无缝衔接。
下面言归正传,选用的是 835833mm 尺寸的防水盒,用了给的红包抵扣后价格 0.17 元。还可以。
最终效果。下面“ XFS5152CE” 语音合成模块的那个孔开始想用其他方法开孔结果给弄坏了。
快来发表一下你的评论吧 !