Intersil公司的ISL76534是集成了EEPROM的超低功耗14路可编伽玛(Gamma)缓冲器,用于汽车娱乐和ADAS显示器.器件包括I2C可编程的10位14路Gamma基准电压发生器,10位可编程VCOM校准器,高输出电流VCOM放大器和存储所有基准电压数据的EEPROM.模拟工作电压6.3V-19V,数字工作电压2.25V-3.6V,主要用在汽车娱乐系统显示器,汽车中心娱乐系统显示器(CID),汽车智能镜,汽车仪表盘显示器和汽车TFT-LCD显示器.本文介绍了ISL76534主要特性,框图和TFT-LCD GAMMA基准电压发生器电路图,以及评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z指标和主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCBV设计图.
14-Channel Programmable Gamma Buffer for Infotainment and ADAS Displays Ultra-Low Power 14-Channel Programmable Gamma Buffer with Integrated EEPROM The ISL76534 is a programmable gamma buffer for TFT-LCDsfeaturing ultra-low power operation. The ISL76534 contains anI2C programmable,10-bit, 14-channel gamma referencevoltage generator with buffered outputs,a 10-bitprogrammable VCOM calibrator, a high output current VCOMamplifier,and internal EEPROM to store all reference voltagedata.The EEPROM features an endurance of 10,000 writecycles and a data retention of 20 years at 105℃.
Combining gamma and VCOM reference voltage generatorswith low power operation and EEPROM, the ISL76534 providesa complete reference voltage solution ideal for TFT-LCDdisplays.
The ISL76534 is available in a super thin (height = 0.4mmmaximum) 28 Ld 4mmx5mm X2QFN thermally enhancedpackage. The device is specified for operation across theambient temperature -40℃ to +105℃.
• 14-channel gamma references, 10-bit resolution withbuffered outputs
• 1-channel VCOM calibrator with 10-bit resolution
• High output current VCOM amplifier
• Ultra-low power operation, ideal for automotive displays:Typical quiescent power, 12mW at 8V AVDD
• EEPROM data retention: 20 years at 105℃
• EEPROM endurance: 10,000 write cycles
- Read/write capable over 2.25V to 3.6V DVDD range
• 6.3V to 19V analog supply operating range
• 2.25V to 3.6V digital supply operating range
• Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR): 75dB typical
• 28 Ld 4mmx5mm super thin X2QFN package
• Pb-free (RoHS compliant)
• AEC-Q100 qualified
• Automotive infotainment display
• Automotive Center Information Display (CID)
• Automotive smart mirrors
• Automotive instrument cluster display
• Automotive TFT-LCD display
图2.ISL76534典型应用:TFT-LCD GAMMA基准电压发生器
图3.ISL76534典型应用:TFT-LCD GAMMA和VCOM基准发生器
图4.ISL76534典型应用:TFT-LCD GAMMA基准发生器:VCOM放大器不能
The ISL76534EVAL1Z is a complete platform for theevaluation on all datasheet specifications and functionalitiesof the programmable gamma buffer. The ISL76534 contains anI2C programmable, 10-bit, 14-channel gamma referencevoltage generator with buffered outputs, a 10-bit programmableVCOM calibrator, a high output current VCOM amplifier and aninternal EEPROM to store all reference voltage data. TheEEPROM features an endurance of 10,000 write cycles and adata retention of 20yrs at 105℃。
The ISL76534EVAL1Z board is intended to provide anevaluation platform for the 4mmx5mm X2QFN ISL76534package, programmable gamma buffer.
• Ambient temperature range, -40℃ to +105℃
• Analog supply voltage, AVDD = 6.3V to 19V
• Digital supply voltage, DVDD = 2.25 to 3.6V
• Output channels x14, OUTx = 0V to AVDD-Headroom
• Output channel x1, VCOM = 0V to AVDD-Headroom
• 15-Channel reference voltage outputs, I2C programmable:
- 14-channel gamma references, 10-bit resolution withbuffered outputs
- 1-channel VCOM calibrator with 10-bit resolution
• High output current VCOM amplifier
• Ultra-low power operation, ideal for tablet and mobileapplications: typical quiescent power, 12mW at 8V AVDD
• EEPROM data retention: 20yrs at 105℃
• EEPROM endurance: 10,000 write cycles
- Read/write capable over 2.25V to 3.6V DVDD range
• 6.3V to 19V analog supply operating range
• 2.25V to 3.6V digital supply operating range
• 28 Ld 4x5mm super thin X2QFN package
• Pb-free (RoHS compliant)
• AEC-Q100 qualified
图9.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(1):顶层丝印
图10.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(2):顶层元件
图11.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(3):内层2
图12.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(4):内层3
图13.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(5):底层焊接
图14.评估板ISL76534EVAL1Z PCB设计图(6):底层丝印
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