



Tannith Cattermole The Martin Jetpack

The Martin Aircraft jetpack is the first commercially-available jetpack

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It‘s been a long time coming. While Arthur C. Clarke’s satellites have taken to space, and James Bond‘s futuristic mobile technology has become common place, still the dream of sustained personal flight has eluded us. But the future is here! Finally we can all take flight as Martin Aircraft in New Zealand releases the first commercially-available jet pack!

A bit of history.。.Like many science fiction concepts, the jetpack design has become firmly entrenched in the collective psyche: ask anyone to draw you a jetpack and they will give you a man with two fiery pods strapped to his back gravitating him skyward. We owe much of this to James Bond’s Thunderball, which served to advertise the most successful of all the jetpack inventions; the Bell Rocket Belt.

Developed by the U.S. military in 1961 with the aim of producing an all-terrain vehicle to move military commanders around a battlefield, the Bell Rocket Belt could only maintain flight for 26 seconds on a full tank of fuel. After the film was released the subsequent clamoring for sales only served to prove what a marketable product a jetpack might be if one could be properly developed. Sadly with such limited application the Bell Rocket Belt was consigned merely to film work and TV appearances.

More recently, aside from the exploits of a brave few like Yves Rossy, attempts to realize a one-person flying machine ranging from flying exoskeletons to ion-propelled and water-drive technology have failed to gain momentum.

In 1998 and Martin Aircraft of Christchurch New Zealand was formed with the specific aim to build a jetpack that improved on the Bell Rocket Belt‘s record fly time by 100 times. The concept, developed by Glenn Martin, manager of Martin Aircraft in 1981, was verified by the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Since then nine prototypes have been developed and it is lucky number nine that in 2005 broke the mold and achieve sustained flight times.

The technology

The Jetpack is constructed from carbon fiber composite, has a dry weight of 250 lbs (excluding safety equipment) and measures 5 ft high x 5.5 ft wide x 5 ft long. It’s driven by a 2.0 L V4 2 stroke engine rated at 200 hp (150 kw), can reach 8000 ft (estimated) and each of the two 1.7 ft wide rotors is made from carbon / Kevlar composite.

There is always risk associated with flying so Martin Aircraft has been careful to equip the pack with redundant systems that will take over in the event that the main system goes down. If a crash-landing is required, a pilot-operated toggle will rapidly fire a small amount of propellant deploying a ballistic parachute (similar to a car airbag) which will allow the pilot and jetpack to descend together. It also has an impact-absorbing carriage, patented fan jet technology and 1000 hours engine TBO (Time Between Overhaul)。 Small vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL) are not subject to the same limitations as other helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts but Martin Aircraft have built it to comply with ultralight regulations and therefore suggest it as at least as safe to operate, and claim it is the safest of all jetpacks yet built.

The Jetpack achieves with 30 minutes of flight time and is fueled by regular premium gasoline, though you will undoubtedly earn some disbelieving stares at the petrol station. Since it has been built according to ultralight regulations no FAA recognized pilot‘s license is required to fly one in the U.S., though this will depend on a country’s specific requirements. However, despite being significantly less complex than a helicopter to fly as pitch and roll are controlled by one hand, thrust and yaw by the other, Martin Aircraft won‘t let anyone take receipt of their jetpack before completing their specially-developed Martin Aircraft Company approved training program. The pilot must also weigh between 140-240 lbs.

Tell what I really want to know: how can I get my hands on one?

After nine prototypes Martin Aircraft have an accurate expectation for how much a jetpack will cost, and suggest that at $86,000 it is pitched at the level of a high-end car. As sales and production volume increase they expect this to drop to the price of a mid-range car. A 10% deposit buys you a production slot for 12 months hence; progress payments are made during manufacture with final payment due on delivery. Details and a deposit contract are available from their Martin Aircraft’s website.

And when will I be able drive it to work? Again it‘s a waiting game as currently air traffic control technology is not yet advanced enough to cope with jetpacks, but the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing “highways in the sky” technology - 3D highways based on GPS tracks. Initial tests have been positive but the technology is unlikely to be implemented for another 10 years yet so for the meantime initial use will remain recreational as with jet-skis, snowmobiles and ultralights. Until then we’ll keep waiting and watching the sky.。。


马丁喷气背包 7年cattermolemarch坦弥斯,马丁jetpack



已经过了很长时间了。虽然Arthur C. Clarke的卫星已经进入太空,詹姆斯·邦德的未来的移动技术已经成为一个共同的地方,但持续的个人飞行的梦想却躲避了我们。但未来就在这里!最后,我们都可以起飞,因为马丁飞机在新西兰发布第一个商业可用的喷气背包!


最近,除了勇敢一些像Yves Rossy的功勋,试图实现一一人飞机从飞行外骨骼离子推进和水驱技术未能获得动力。《 / P 》 《 P 》 1998和马丁飞机新西兰基督城与特定目的形成建立一个喷气背包,提高100倍的贝尔火箭带的飞行时间纪录。的概念,由格伦马丁,马丁飞机1981经理,是由坎特伯雷大学的机械工程部核实,新西兰。此后九样机的研制,它是幸运数字九,2005打破了模具和实现持续飞行时间。


Jetpack是由碳纤维复合材料,其干重250磅(不包括安全设备)和措施5英尺×5.5英尺宽x高5英尺长。它是由一个2升V4 2冲程发动机额定200马力(150千瓦)驱动,可以达到8000英尺(估计)和一个1.7英尺宽的转子是由碳/芳纶复合材料。


《 P 》的Jetpack的达到30分钟的飞行时间,由常规优质汽油,虽然你无疑会赢得一些怀疑的盯着加油站。既然已经根据超法规没有FAA认可执照的飞行员必须飞一个建在美国,但这将取决于一个国家的具体要求。然而,尽管比直升机飞行俯仰和滚转控制的一方面明显不太复杂,由其他推力和偏航,马丁飞机不会让任何人完成他们专门开发的马丁飞机公司批准的培训计划之前,把他们的Jetpack的收据。飞行员也必须权衡为140-240磅。




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