This user ’ s guide provides a reference document for the DIX4192EVM-PDK product development kit. The kit includes a DIX4192EVM daughterboard as well as a DAIMB motherboard. Together, the daughter and mother boards form a modular platform for evaluating the function and performance of the Texas Instruments ’ DIX4192 integrated circuit. Applications software is provided with the PDK for writing and reading registers and data buffers integral to the DIX4192 device. The software communicates with the device under test using the USB slave interface on the DAIMB board. The software requires a host PC running the Microsoft Windows ™ 2000 or XP operating system. Throughout this document, the acronym EVM and the phrase evaluation module are synonymous with the DIX4192EVM. The acronym PDK refers to the daughterboard EVM and DAIMB motherboard combination. This document includes information regarding absolute operating conditions, hardware configuration, and software installation and operation. Complete electrical schematics and a bill of materials for both the EVM and the DAIMB boards are also included.