MAX32631用于可穿戴设备的具有FPU的ARM MCU




  Maxim公司的MAX32631是用于可穿戴设备的超低功耗高性能具有FPU的ARM MCU,提供容易使用的超低功耗高效信号处理功能,其灵活的功率模式,智能外设管理单元(PMU),动态时钟门和固件控制的功率门优化功率,并提供多个SPI,UART,I2C,1-Wire®主和USB接口,器件四输入可选基准的10位ADC能监测外接传感器.MCU工作频率96MHz,集成了2MB闪存,512KB SRAM,8KB指令缓存,1.2V CPU核电压,1.8-3.3V I/O,主要用在运动手表,健身监视器,可穿戴医疗贴片,手持医疗设备和传感器集线器。本文介绍了MAX32631主要优势和特性,功能框图和时钟方案,以及评估板MAX32630 EVK主要优势和特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。

  DARWIN is a new breed of low-power microcontrollers built to thrive in the rapidly evolving Internet of Things (IoT)。 They are smart, with the biggest memories in their class and a massively scalable memory architecture. They run forever, thanks to wearable-grade power technology. They are also tough enough to withstand the most advanced cyberattacks. DARWIN microcontrollers are designed to run any application imaginable—in places where you wouldn’t dream of sending other microcontrollers.

  Generation U microcontrollers are perfect for wearables and IoT applications that cannot afford to compromise power or performance. The MAX32630–MAX32632 fea­ture an Arm® Cortex®-M4 with FPU CPU that delivers ultra-low power, high-efficiency signal processing func­tionality with significantly reduced power consumption and ease of use.

  Flexible power modes, an intelligent peripheral management unit (PMU), dynamic clock gating and firmware-controlled power gating optimizes power for the specific application.Multiple SPI, UART, I2C, 1-Wire® master, and USB inter­faces are provided. The four-input, 10-bit ADC with select­able references can monitor external sensors.

  The MAX32631/MAX32632 are secure versions of the MAX32630. They provide a trust protection unit (TPU) with encryption and advanced security features. These include a modular arithmetic accelerator (MAA) for fast ECDSA, a true random number generator, and a hardware AES engine. The MAX32632 also provides a secure bootloader for additional security and life-cycle management.


  High-Efficiency Microcontroller for Wearable DevicesInternal Oscillator Operates Up to 96MHz

  Low Power 4MHz Oscillator System Clock Optionfor Always-On Monitoring Applications

  2MB Flash Memory

  512KB SRAM

  8KB Instruction Cache

  1.2V CPU Core Supply Voltage

  1.8V to 3.3V I/O

  Optional 3.3V ±5% USB Supply Voltage

  Power Management Maximizes Uptime for BatteryApplications106μA/MHz Active Current Executing from Cache

  Wakeup to 96MHz Clock or 4MHz Clock

  600nA Low Power Mode (LP0) Current with RTCEnabled

  3.5μW/MHz Ultra-Low Power Data Retention SleepMode (LP1) with Fast 5μs Wakeup to 96MHz

  Optimal Peripheral Mix Provides Platform ScalabilitySPIX Execute in Place (XIP) Engine for MemoryExpansion with Minimal Footprint

  Up to Three SPI Masters, One SPI Slave

  Four UARTs

  Up to Three I2C Masters, One I2C Slave

  1-Wire Master

  Full-Speed USB 2.0 Engine with InternalTransceiver

  Sixteen Pulse Train (PWM) Engines

  Six 32-Bit Timers and 3 Watchdog Timers

  Up to 66 General-Purpose I/O Pins

  One 10-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC Operating at 7.8ksps

  CMOS-Level 32kHz RTC Output

  Secure Valuable IP and Data with Robust InternalHardware Security (MAX32631 and MAX32632 Only)Trust Protection Unit (TPU) Including MAASupports ECDSA and Modular Arithmetic

  True Random Number Generator

  AES-128, -192, -256

  Secure Bootloader (MAX32632 Only)


  Sports Watches

  Fitness Monitors

  Wearable Medical Patches

  Portable Medical Devices

  Sensor Hubs








  Fitness Monitors

  Portable Medical Devices

  Sensor Hubs

  Sports Watches

  Wearable Medical Patches

  评估板MAX32630 EVK

  The MAX32630 and MAX32631 evaluation kits (EV kits) provide a convenient platform for evaluating the capa­bilities of the MAX32630–MAX32632 microcontrollers, respectively. While the MAX32630 EV kit includes a MAX32630 soldered directly to the board, the MAX32631 EV kit features a socketed MAX32631. This version can be used to evaluate the MAX32632, but contact the fac­tory for samples. Each EV kit also provides a complete, functional system ideal for development and debugging applications. Except where stated otherwise, the follow­ing sections apply to both EV kits.

  评估板MAX32630 EVK主要优势和特性:

  Easily Load and Debug Code Using the Supplied Olimex Arm-USB-TINY-H JTAG Debugger Connected Through a Standard 20-Pin ARM JTAG Header

  Headers for Accessing the IC’s I/O Pins and Analog Front End (AFE) Input Signals

  USB Micro-B Connection to the IC’s USB Device Controller

  USB Micro-B Connection to USB-UART Bridge Selectable Between the IC’s Internal UART 0 and UART 1

  On-Board Bluetooth® 4.0 BLE Transceiver with Chip Antenna

  评估板MAX32630 EVK包括:

  EV kit board with a soldered MAX32630 (MAX32630-EVKIT#)

  EV kit board with a socketed MAX32631 (MAX32631-EVKIT#)

  Olimex® Arm®-USB-TINY-H JTAG debugger with JTAG ribbon cable (for connecting from debugger to EV kit header J1) and USB standard A-to-B cable (for connecting from PC to debugger)

  Two standard-A to Micro-B USB cables (for connecting from a PC or stand-alone USB power supply to EV kit connectors CN1 and CN2)

  MAX32630/MAX32631 EV Kit Quick Start

  Hex Keys for the Socket (MAX32631 EV Kit Only)


  图3.评估板MAX32630 EVK外形图



  图4.评估板MAX32630 EVK套件图



  图5.评估板MAX32630 EVK框图



  图6.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(1)



  图7.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(2)



  图8.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(3)



  图9.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(4)



  图10.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(5)



  图11.评估板MAX32630 EVK电路图(6)

  评估板MAX32630 EVK材料清单:







  图12.评估板MAX32630 EVK默认开关设置图





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