NXP公司的LPC5410X系列是基于ARM Cortex-M4F的32位MCU,工作频率高达100MHz.器件集成了104KB SRAM,512KB闪存,3个I2C接口,2个SPI接口,4个USART接口和32位计数器/定时器,以及SCTimer/PWM和12位 4.8MSPS ADC,主要用于嵌入式应用,支持运动,手势控制等.本文介绍了LPC5410x主要特性和优势,框图,以及LPCXpresso54102评估板主要特性,电路图和主要元件布局图.
The LPC5410x are ARM Cortex-M4F based microcontrollers for embedded applications. These devices include an optional ARM Cortex-M0+ coprocessor, 104 KB of on-chip SRAM, 512 KB on-chip flash, five general-purpose timers, one State-Configurable Timer with PWM capabilities (SCTimer/PWM), one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), four USARTs, two SPIs, three Fast-mode plus I2C-bus interfaces with high-speed slave mode, and one 12-bit 4.8 Msamples/sec ADC.
The ARM Cortex-M4 is a 32-bit core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration. The ARM Cortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, and includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching. The ARM Cortex-M4 supports single-cycle digital signal processing and SIMD instructions. The Cortex-M4F is the Cortex-M4 with the inclusion of the 32-bit Floating Point Unit.
The ARM Cortex-M0+ coprocessor is an energy-efficient and easy-to-use 32-bit core which is code- and tool-compatible with the Cortex-M4F core. The Cortex-M0+coprocessor offers up to 100 MHz performance with a simple instruction set and reduced code size
Dual processor cores: ARM Cortex-M4 and ARM Cortex-M0+.The M0+ core runs at the same frequency as the M4 core. Both cores operate up to a maximum frequency of 100 MHz.
ARM Cortex-M4F core (version r0p1):
ARM Cortex-M4 processor, running at a frequency of up to 100 MHz.
Floating Point Unit (FPU) and Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
ARM Cortex-M4 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input with a selection of sources.
Serial Wire Debug with eight breakpoints and four watch points.
Includes Serial Wire Output for enhanced debug capabilities.
System tick timer.
ARM Cortex-M0+ core (version r0p1):
ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, running at a frequency of up to 100 MHz.
ARM Cortex-M0+ built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input with a selection of sources.
Serial Wire Debug with four breakpoints and two watch points.
System tick timer.
On-chip memory:
Up to 512 KB on-chip flash program memory with flash accelerator and 256 byte page erase and write.
104 KB SRAM for code and data use.
ROM API support:
Flash In-Application Programming (IAP) and In-System Programming (ISP).
Power control API.
Serial interfaces:
Four USART interfaces with synchronous mode and 32 kHz mode for wake-up from Deep-sleep and Power-down modes. The USARTs include a FIFO buffer and share a fractional baud-rate generator.
Two SPI interfaces, each with four slave selects and flexible data configuration.The SPIs include a FIFO buffer. The slave function is able to wake up the device from Deep-sleep and Power-down modes.
Three I2C-bus interfaces supporting fast mode and Fast-mode Plus with data rates of up to 1Mbit/s and with multiple address recognition and monitor mode. Each I2C-bus interface also supports High Speed Mode (3.4 Mbit/s) as a slave. The slave function is able to wake up the device from Deep-sleep and Power-down modes.
Digital peripherals:
DMA controller with 22 channels and 20 programmable triggers, able to access all memories and DMA-capable peripherals.
Up to 50 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins. Most GPIOs have configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors, programmable open-drain mode, and input/output inverter.
GPIO registers are located on the AHB for fast access. The DMA supports GPIO ports.
Up to eight GPIOs can be selected as pin interrupts (PINT), triggered by rising,falling or both input edges.
Two GPIO grouped interrupts (GINT) enable an interrupt based on a logical
(AND/OR) combination of input states.
CRC engine.
Five 32-bit general purpose timers/counters, with up to 4 capture inputs and 4 compare outputs, PWM mode, and external count input. Specific timer events can be selected to generate DMA requests.
One State Configurable Timer/PWM (SCT) with 6 input and 8 output functions(including capture and match). Inputs and outputs can be routed to/from external pins and internally to/from selected peripherals. Internally, the SCT supports 13 captures/matches, 13 events and 13 states.
32-bit Real-time clock (RTC) with 1 s resolution running in the always-on power domain. A timer in the RTC can be used for wake-up from all low power modes including Deep power-down, with 1 ms resolution. The RTC is clocked by the 32 kHz oscillator.
Multiple-channel multi-rate 24-bit timer (MRT) for repetitive interrupt generation at up to four programmable, fixed rates.
Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT).
Ultra-low power Micro-tick Timer, running from the Watchdog oscillator, that can be used to wake up the device from low power modes.
Repetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) for debug time-stamping and general-purpose use.
Analog peripheral: 12-bit, 12-channel, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) supporting 4.8 Msamples/s. The ADC supports two independent conversion sequences.
Clock generation:
12 MHz internal RC oscillator.
External clock input for clock frequencies of up to 24 MHz.
Internal low-power, watchdog oscillator with a nominal frequency of 500 kHz (WDOSC).
32 kHz low-power RTC oscillator.
System PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate. May be run from the internal RC oscillator, the external clock input CLKIN, or the RTC oscillator.
Clock output function for monitoring internal clocks.
Frequency measurement unit for measuring the frequency of any on-chip or
off-chip clock signal.
Power-saving modes and wake-up:
Integrated PMU (Power Management Unit) to minimize power consumption.
Reduced power modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep, Power-down, and Deep power-down.
Wake-up from Deep-sleep and Power-down modes via activity on the USART, SPI,and I2C peripherals.
Wake-up from Sleep, Deep-sleep, Power-down, and Deep power-down modes
using the RTC alarm.
The Micro-tick Timer can wake-up the device from the Deep power-down mode by using the watchdog oscillator when no other on-chip resources are running.
Single power supply 1.62 V to 3.6 V.
Power-On Reset (POR).
Brown-Out Detect (BOD) with separate thresholds for interrupt and forced reset.
JTAG boundary scan supported.
Unique device serial number for identification.
Operating temperature range 40 ℃ to 105 ℃.
Available in a 3.288 x 3.288 mm WLCSP49 package and LQFP64 package.
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