

1.8w內容 |  99w+浏览量  |  190粉丝


--- 产品详情 ---

具有集成式 1185MHz 至 1296MHz VCO 的抖动消除器:5 路输出用于 2VPEC/LVPEC
Function Cascaded PLLs
Number of outputs 5
RMS jitter (fs) 150
Output frequency (Min) (MHz) 0.29
Output frequency (Max) (MHz) 1296
Output type LVDS, LVPECL
Supply voltage (Min) (V) 3.15
Supply voltage (Max) (V) 3.45
Features Loss of signal detection
Operating temperature range (C) -40 to 85
  • Cascaded PLLatinum PLL Architecture
    • PLL1Redundant Reference Inputs Loss of Signal
      DetectionAutomatic and Manual Selection of
      Reference Clock Input
    • PLL2Phase Detector Rate up to 100 MHzInput
      Frequency-DoublerIntegrated VCO
  • Outputs
    • LVPECL/2VPECL, LVDS, and
      LVCMOS Formats
    • Support Clock Rates up to 1080 MHz
    • Five Dedicated Channel Divider Blocks
    • Common Output Frequencies Supported:
      30.72 MHz, 61.44 MHz, 62.5 MHz,
      74.25 MHz, 75 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 100 MHz,
      106.25 MHz, 125 MHz, 122.88 MHz,
      150 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 159.375 MHz,
      187.5 MHz, 200 MHz,
      212.5 MHz, 245.76 MHz, 250 MHz, 311.04 MHz,
      312.5 MHz, 368.64 MHz,
      491.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz, 625 MHz, 983.04 MHz
  • MICROWIRE (SPI) Programming Interface
  • Industrial Temperature Range: –40 to 85 °C
  • 3.15 V to 3.45 V Operation
  • Package: 48 Pin WQFN (7.0 × 7.0 × 0.8 mm)

The LMK04100 family of precision clock conditioners provides jitter cleaning, clock multiplication and distribution without the need for high-performance VCXO modules.

When connected to a recovered system reference clock and a VCXO, the device generates 5 low jitter clocks in LVCMOS, LVDS, or LVPECL formats.