Integrated VCO | Yes |
Output frequency (Min) (MHz) | 553 |
Output frequency (Max) (MHz) | 3132 |
Normalized PLL phase noise (dBc/Hz) | -212 |
Current consumption (mA) | 34 |
1/f noise (10-kHz offset at 1-GHz carrier) (dBc/Hz) | -104 |
- Multiple Frequency Options Available
- See Device Information Table
- Frequencies From: 553 MHz to 3132 MHz
- PLL Features
- Fractional-N Delta-Sigma Modulator Order
Programmable up to Fourth Order - FastLock/Cycle Slip Reduction with Timeout
Counter - Partially Integrated, Adjustable Loop Filter
- Very Low Phase Noise and Spurs
- Fractional-N Delta-Sigma Modulator Order
- VCO Features
- Integrated Tank Inductor
- Low Phase Noise
- Other Features
- 2.8-V to 3.2-V Operation
- Low Operating Current
- Low Power-Down Current
- 1.8-V MICROWIRE Support
- 36-Pin 6-mm × 6-mm × 0.8-mm WQFN Package
The LMX2531 is a low-power, high-performance frequency synthesizer system which includes a fully integrated delta-sigma PLL and VCO with fully integrated tank circuit. The third and fourth poles are also integrated and adjustable. Ultra-low noise and high-precision LDOs are integrated for the PLL and VCO, which yield higher supply-noise immunity and more consistent performance. When combined with a high-quality reference oscillator, the LMX2531 device generates very stable, low-noise local-oscillator signals for up and down conversion in wireless communication devices. The LMX2531 device is a monolithic integrated circuit, fabricated in an advanced BiCMOS process. Several different versions of this product accommodate different frequency bands.