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--- 产品详情 ---

适用于高速接口且具有 VCC 引脚的四路 0.8pF、5.5V、±8kV ESD 保护二极管
Number of channels (#) 4
IO capacitance (Typ) (pF) 0.8
Vrwm (V) 5.5
IEC 61000-4-2 contact (+/- kV) 8
IEC 61000-4-5 (A) 2.5
Bi-/uni-directional Uni-Directional
Dynamic resistance (Typ) (?) 1.1
Clamping voltage (V) 20
IO leakage current (Max) (nA) 100
Rating Catalog
Operating temperature range (C) -40 to 85
  • IEC 61000-4-2 Level 4 ESD Protection
    • ±8-kV Contact Discharge
  • IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Protection
    • 2.5A (8/20μs)
  • I/O Capacitance: 0.8 pF (Typical)
  • Low Leakage Current: 10 nA (Typical)
  • Supports High-Speed Differential Data Rates
    (3-dB Bandwidth > 4 GHz)
  • Ultra-low Matching Capacitance Between
    Differential Signal Pairs
  • Ioff Feature for the TPD4S009
  • Industrial Temperature Range:
    –40°C to 85°C
  • Easy Straight through Routing, Space-Saving
    Package Options

The TPD4S009 and TPD4S010 are four-channel TVS diode arrays for electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. TPD4S009 and TPD4S010 are rated to dissipate contact ESD strikes at the maximum level specified in the IEC 61000-4-2 international standard (Level 4), with ±8-kV contact discharge ESD protection. The low capacitance (0.8-pF) of these devices, coupled with the excellent matching between differential signal pairs (0.05-pF line-line capacitance for the TPD4S009DRY) enables this device to provide transient voltage suppression circuit protection for high-speed differential data rates (3-dB bandwidth > 4 GHz).

The TPD4S009 is offered in DBV, DCK, DGS, and DRY packages. The TPD4S009DRYR is the most space saving package option available for dual pair high-speed differential lines. The TPD4S010 is offered in the industry standard DQA package. The TPD4S009DGSR and TPD4S010DQAR offer flow-through board layout options to reduce signal glitches normally caused by routing mismatches between the D+ and D? signal pair. See also TPD4E05U06DQAR which is P2P compatible with TPD4S010DQAR. This device offers higher IEC ESD protection, lower capacitance, lower RDYN, lower DC breakdown voltage, and lower clamping voltage.