

1.8w內容 |  99w+浏览量  |  192粉丝


--- 产品详情 ---

双路 4 线路到 1 线路数据选择器/多路复用器
Technology Family LS
Function Digital Multiplexer
Configuration 4:1
Number of channels (#) 2
Operating temperature range (C) -55 to 125
Rating Military
  • Permits Multiplexing from N lines to 1 line
  • Performs Parallel-to-Serial Conversion
  • Strobe (Enable) Line Provided for Cascading (N lines to n lines)
  • High-Fan-Out, Low-Impedance, Totem-Pole Outputs
  • Fully Compatible with most TTL Circuits

Each of these monolithic, data selectors/multiplexers contains inverters and drivers to supply fully complementary, on-chip, binary decoding data selection to the AND-OR gates. Separator strobe inputs are provided for each of the two four-time sections.