

1.8w內容 |  99w+浏览量  |  190粉丝


--- 产品详情 ---

4A 半桥双极开关
Power switch MOSFET, IGBT
Input VCC (Min) (V) 8
Input VCC (Max) (V) 35
Peak output current (A) 4
Rise time (ns) 500
Operating temperature range (C) -20 to 100
Rating Catalog
Number of channels (#) 1
Fall time (ns) 500
Prop delay (ns) 100
Iq (uA) 500
Input threshold CMOS, TTL
Channel input logic TTL, CMOS
Negative voltage handling at HS pin (V) -3
Driver configuration Sink/Source TTL
  • Source or Sink 4.0A
  • Supply Voltage to 35V
  • High-Current Output Diodes
  • Tri-State Operation
  • TTL and CMOS Input Compatibility
  • Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • 300kHz Operation
  • Low-Cost TO-220 Package

This device is a monolithic integrated circuit designed to provide high-current switching with low saturation voltages when activated by low-level logic signals. Source and sink switches may be independently activated without regard to timing as a built-in interlock will keep the sink off if the source is on.

This driver has the high current capability to drive large capacitive loads with fast rise and fall times; but with high-speed internal flyback diodes, it is also ideal for inductive loads. Two UC2950s can be used together to form a full bridge, bipolar motor driver compatible with high frequency chopper current control.