Abstract Ina ccordancew ithth efe atuersof w aterw orks,i. e. ,manyp umpsin o perationa ndth ep umps, farfor mt hec ontrolst ation,th em ethodo fdesigninga na utomati(〕monitoringa ndc ontorlsy stemb asedo nM PIis p resented.Th eo perationalpr incipleo fth esy stemi san alyzed,th ed atac olection,data processing; communication between master station and slave station as wel as design and system software are discussed. Because MPI network communication is used among master station, slave stations and PLC, the system is reliable and high cost-efective. It is, suitable for smal and medium sized water works for distrbuted monitoring and control. Keywords MPI Masterst ation Slaves tation Monitoringa ndc ontorlsy stem