Posty 是一款基于 Web 的 Postfix & Dovecot 管理工具,功能模块包括:API、CLI 和 WebUI。
API 方法:
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains - get all domains
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - get {name} domain
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains - create domain (params: name)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - change domain {name} (params: name)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{name} - delete domain {name}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users - get all users for {domain}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - get the user {name}@{domain}
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users - create user (params: name, password, quota)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - change user {name}@{domain} (params: name, password, quota)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{name} - delete user {name}@{domain}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases - get all aliases for {user}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - get the alias {name}@{domain}
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases - create alias (params: name)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - change alias {name}@{domain} (params: name)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/users/{user}/aliases/{name} - delete alias {name}@{domain}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases - get all aliases for {domain}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - get the alias @{name}
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases - create alias (params: name)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - change alias @{name} (params: name)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/domains/{domain}/aliases/{name} - delete alias @{name}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/summary - get the number of existing domains, users, domain aliases and user aliases
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports - get all transports
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{name} - get the transport for {name}
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports - create alias (params: name, destination)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{name} - change transport {name} (params: name, destination)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/transports/{name} - delete transport {name}
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/api_keys - get all api keys
GET - http://API-URL/api/v1/apikeys/{token} - get the apikey for {token}
POST - http://API-URL/api/v1/apikeys - create accesstoken (params: expires_at)
PUT - http://API-URL/api/v1/apikeys/{token} - change apikey {token} (params: active, expires_at)
DELETE - http://API-URL/api/v1/apikeys/{token} - delete accesstoken {token}