The PTN Demo Board utilizes the following products: PTN1111– a 1:10 PECL Clock distributing device, PTN3311– a PECL to LVDS translator, a PTN2111– a 1:10 LVDS Clock Distributing device, PTN3310– a LVDS to PECL translator, and PTN3322– a universal translator. For more information on the PTN products themselves, please, refer to their corresponding data sheets. The purpose of the Demo Board is to show the simultaneous operation of all of the above devices, and it is the main mode of operation for the board. However, the board also allows for independent operation for some of the products. In the main mode of operation, the PTN1111 gets its input signal from a pattern generator via the SMA J6 & SMA J8. One of the PTN1111 outputs goes into the receiver of PTN3311. The output of PTN3311 feds into one of the clock inputs of PTN2111 if and only if resistors R23 and R24 are assembled. Then, one of the outputs of PTN2111 is fed into the input of the PTN3310, and its outputs are connected to SMA J45 & J7, which could be fed into an oscilloscope. The original signal of this loop is PECL, and the final output signal is also PECL after it has been translated to and then again from LVDS. The PTN3322 could provide an input to either the PTN1111 or the PTN2111, as selected by the L/P pin of Switch 1. If the PTN3322 is to drive the PTN1111, resistors R13 and R14 must be soldered to the board, and then the PTN3322 becomes the default source of the main loop. The PTN1111’s clock select pin, Clk_Sel, on Switch 2 must be in open position. Alternatively, if the PTN3322 is to be a signaling source for the PTN2111, the Si pin of Switch 1 must be in an open position.