论述了一种以Berkeley DB 为数据库内核的嵌入式流媒体存储系统的设计方案,该系统以 改进的dosFs 文件系统为底层物理存储引擎,通过数据库为应用程序提供数据存取接口,确保了数据的安全性和完整性,提高了数据检索的精度和速度。 关键词:数据库;流媒体;dosFs;Berkeley DB
An Embedded Streaming Media Storage System Based on Berkeley DB (Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou Henan 450002, China) LI Li-Qun, ZHOU Shan, QI Wen-Ya, ZHAO Xin Abstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of a streaming media storage system based on Berkeley DB. The performance and reliability of dosFs filesystem were improved in application space so that to make it a robust storage solution of video surveillance system. Efficient indexes were also created to support complex content management and data retrieval. The usage of database guarantees the security and integrity of streaming media. Keywords: database;streaming media;dosFs;Berkeley DB