本文介绍了在PowerPC405 上利用嵌入式Linux 来构建数字视频播放系统软件平台的 过程,探讨了嵌入式Linux 系统里交叉编译器、bootloader、Linux 内核、根文件系统等几个 主要部分的构建过程。 关键词:PowerPC405;嵌入式Linux;数字视频播放机;U-BOOT The software platform construction of embedded digital video player QIAN yanxin YANG yuhang (shanghai jiao tong university electronic engineering department, shanghai 200030) Abstract:The process is introduced to construct software platform of digital video player by using embedded Linux on PowerPC405. The construction of major steps are also discussed, which are the cross compiler, the bootloader, Linux kernel and root file system. Keyword:PowerPC405; Embedded Linux; Digital Video Player; U-BOOT