针对目前心血管疾病频发的现实,提出了一种采用蓝牙无线传输技术的远程监护方案。 基于嵌入式系统设计,通过宽带互联网和第三代移动通信网络,随时随地都可以提供医院专家的监护,及时发现病情及时救治。该方案具有可行性,应用市场的前景广阔。 关键词:人体微微网;远程医疗;蓝牙;心电图 Body Piconet for the Telemedicine System Based on Home Networks Wang Xianyong1 Wang Dengwei2 (1 School of Computer Science, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, 252059,China 2 School of the Telecommunication Networks and Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, 100876, China) Abstract-In this paper, a body piconet based sensor network for telemedicine is presented. The system is including several smart sensors nodes organized in a bluetooth piconet controlled by a master device which data observed by the nodes is stored in and is then transferred periodically to network hospital. Prelimission results show that it is a feasible solution for transmission of ECG, EEG breath frequency etc. The future work is pointed out at last. Key words body piconet; telemedicine system; bluetooth;ElectroCardigram