本文介绍了 AD677 的基本性能、内部电路结构、自校原理、采样时序及使用方法, 并给出了AD677 在电能计量应用中与单片机的接口电路,特别是数据串/并转换电 路。实际应用结果表明,该芯片采样精度高,工作稳定可靠,接口电路简单。 关键词 A/D 转换;自校原理;采样时序 Research on AD677 in the Precision of Measuring Instruments Zhang Hui Henan Economy and Trade Vocational College, Henan ZhengZhou, 450053 Zhengzhou University, Henan Zhengzhou, 450052 Abstract: This article introduces the basic properties of AD677, the internal structure of the circuit, since the school principle, timing and the use of sampling methods, and gives AD677 in the energy metering applications and MCU interface circuit, especially,data Series/ and conversion circuit. The results show that, the chip sampling of high precision, stable and reliable work, a simple interface circuit. Key Words: A/D conversion; autocalibration; conversion timing