本文给出一种分布式测控系统的设计。该系统以PC机为上位机,完成数据处理显示、报警、打印等功能,以MCS—80C31单片机为下位机实现对分散在各处的监测点进行控制和数据采集。文中给出了系统的详细设计及应用实例。 主题词单片机 测试测控 SCADA Abstract In this paper, a distributed telecontrol and telemetry system is presented. In this system, PC is the master station, used as display, telecontrol and alarming unit; the slaver station, based on MCS-80C31, is used as remote unit for acquiring data and control. Its Overall design and some detailed design are discussed in this paper. Keyword: Telecontrol Telemetry SCADA