本文在RFID 系统的相关理论和技术研究的基础上,提出采用 TIS6700 阅读器芯片集成化设计新型阅读器的方案,实现数据采集、存储、显示和有效远距离传输,并通过在信号发射端口增加功率放大模块的方法提高阅读器的有效阅读距离。 关键字:RFID、阅读器、S6700 Abstract:The author bring forward the devise scheme to design the new type reader based on theTI S6700 reader IC while getting full understanding of the relevant theories andfundamentals about the RFID system, thus to realize the data collection, storage, displayand transmission across a long way and enhance the reading distance through addingpower amplifier and improving the antenna design. Keywords:RFID、Reader、S6700