本文分析了嵌入式Internet 的一个主要问题,介绍了嵌入式网关的两种典型设计方案,设计了一个整合了内、外网通信的新型嵌入式网关,在介绍网关硬件结构的基础上,围绕网关的软件构架,讨论了嵌入式网关的各软件模块实现方法。 关键词:嵌入式网关;多路通信接口;嵌入式Internet;μCLinux Abstract:In this paper, a main problem of the Embedded Internet is analyzed; two typical design projects of embedded gateway are remarked. It is put forward a new embedded gateway which integrates interior network and exterior network communication function. Based on introducing hardware structure of the embedded gateway, the realization ways of software model of embedded gateway are discussed surrounding the software structure of embedded gateway. Key words:Embedded Gateway; Multi-channel Communication Port; Embedded Internet;μCLinux