本文设计了一种基于RFID 的预付费电能表管理系统。该系统以Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 为开发平台,结合MS SQL Server 数据库,实现对基于RFID 的预付费电能 表的信息管理,由售电操作界面模块、电能表监测模块、系统通信模块以及数据库端组 成。系统在设计过程中采用了模块化的设计思想,同时遵循便于扩展和便于维护的原则。 关键词:RFID 预付费电能表;操作界面模块;监测模块 Abstract:This paper recommended a software design for the RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) card prepayment electrical meter management system, which based on Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and Microsoft SQL server. The programs of the system are modularized which include meter motoring module, system communication module and data module. The software design for the management system adopts module design thoughts, and it confirm to the principle of convenience to enlarge and maintain. Key Words: RFID Prepayment Electric Energy Meter; Operating Interface Module; System Communication Module