对Flash 编程是许多嵌入式系统开发中必要的一环,传统的开发工具通常支持的是并 口或串口,而随着计算机接口的单一化,即插即用的USB 接口得到了广泛的应用。本文介绍了JTAG 接口标准用于Flash 编程的方法,并实现USB 接口到JTAG 接口的转换模块的硬件设计和协议转换,从而以PC 机USB 接口模拟JTAG 接口的编程时序,利用嵌入式处理器的JTAG 接口对Flash 进行在线编程。 关键词:嵌入式系统;Flash 编程;JTAG;USB Abstract: This paper introduce a method for Flash programming using the standard of JTAG interface is introduced and design the USB interface to JTAG interface conversion module. With JTAG interface on the target board connected to USB interface of PC, the programming timing is simulated and embedded Flash on-board programming is implemented. Key words: embedded system; Flash programming; JTAG; USB